
Star Lords:My Star Fleet Is Billion Points Strong

300,000 earthlings traveled to the Milky Way galaxy.   Each person gets an initial life planet, becomes a planet lord, and develops their own civilization.   Fang Ze is a planet lord of scientific and technological civilization. From the beginning, he has a super god-level technological talent - construction/production has no time to cool down.   Other lords have not yet entered the interstellar age, and his interstellar fleet has already set sail, occupying one life planet after another.   Other lords have just led their troops into the starry sky, and his fleet has already conquered countless alien civilizations.   When the planet lords are preparing to open up interstellar battlefields and make great plans.   Fang Ze's imperial fleet has already spanned tens of millions of light-years and has reached the outer space of their planet! ----------------------------------------- Not my Novel. Mtl translated. (No proof reading) Author:Entertainment Fox Fox Update ( 娱乐狐狐狐 ) Original Title: 星际领主:我的星际舰队亿点强

jjjakio · Sci-fi
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130 Chs

The Lizardman Fleet Arrives! War is on!

Under the starry sky millions of kilometers away from the planet Capone.

A vast star fleet was slowly moving forward.

This massive interstellar fleet had ended its sublight sailing mode, but still traveled at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second.

It appeared to be slow, but it was still fast.

This fleet was the fully-formed Star Fleet from the Star of Solid, the headquarters of the Black Lizard Star Pirates.

The fleet was led by a heavy starship (the main ship) that was 10,000 meters long.

Followed by seven 5,000 meter class medium battleships.

There are also scout ships, escort ships, assault ships, transport ships, industrial ships, and more.

The total number of starships in the fleet, reached seventy!

"Captain Bamu, we have approached the star field of Capone Star!"

In the pilot command module of the 10,000 meter class heavy starship, the lizardman in charge of operating the starship's lightwave detection device was reporting the situation to Captain Bamu of this fleet.

"The fleet is still three million two hundred and twenty-eight million kilometers away from Capone's Star, and will arrive at the target position in five minutes!"

Captain Bamu, the lizardman, looked at the large screen in the command module and said, "Dispatch five scout ships to reconnoiter the situation of the star field around Capone Star."

"As ordered, scout ships are being dispatched ..."

As Captain Bamu's order was conveyed down.

In the middle of Starfleet's array, five scout ships were instantly sent towards Capone's Star at super speed.

These scout ships, were small starships of the kilometer class.

They didn't possess powerful attack cannon fire, and even their defenses weren't high.

But it also had the outstanding advantages of being fast, flexible in steering, and possessing extremely high concealment and reconnaissance capabilities.

Its detection device performance was almost comparable to that of the fleet's main ships.


While a few scout ships went to scout the situation.

The Lizardmen's starfleet also gradually stopped and did not continue deeper into Capone's starfield.

Captain Bamu did not have a small Morda civilization in his sights, but as the captain of the fleet, his actions would determine the survival of the entire fleet.

It was time to be careful, or to be careful.


About half an hour had passed.

Each of the five scout ships sent back information from their reconnaissance.

"Found the Plunder III transport ship captured by the Morda civilization ... Forty small two kilometer class frigates docked near ... No more enemy starships in quantity found for now!"

"Capone's Star is not defensible, secure!"

And so on.

Captain Bamu sneered, "The Morda civilization actually has forty small frigates, no wonder they were able to defeat the Plunder III transport fleet!"

The Plunder III transport fleet, in total, only had four starships.

It made sense to be defeated by a fleet with ten times the number.

"The headquarters' analysis is indeed correct, the Morda civilization relies on more than just those hundreds of thousands of air and sky fighters!"

"This civilization also hides its bottom card!"

"It's just ..."

"A mere forty small frigates, and they dare to blackmail my Black Lizard Star Pirates, I really don't know who gave them the courage!"

Captain Bamu immediately ordered the scout ships in the distant star field.

"Continue reconnaissance and ensure the starfield around Capone Star is safe!"

"Aye, Captain!"

At the same time, Captain Bamu ordered the fleet to continue to Capone's Star.

He had absolute confidence in destroying the forty small frigates.

Even if there were still an equal number of frigates hiding in the surrounding star fields, trying to ambush his fleet, his fleet would still be able to win the war.

Not to mention~

He didn't think that the Morda civilization had more starships.

The reason was simple, the Morda had been enslaved to them for over a decade.

The resources of the Morda had also been violently mined by them until they were almost depleted.

Those Mordae simply didn't have enough time, enough resources, to build any more starships.

The forty small frigates that had appeared from nowhere had surprised Captain Bamu enough, and he would never believe that the Morda civilization was hiding other starships.

So, after a moment of reflection, he ordered the fleet to move on.

Shortly after.

Captain Bamu's star fleet sailed into a star field less than 400,000 kilometers away from Capone's Star.

The journey was safe and uneventful.

Captain Bamu also completely put his mind at ease.

Looking at the dozens of red dots on the big screen in the command module, he even blamed himself a little for being overly cautious.

How could he defeat their pirate group's nemesis, the Pelo Empire civilization, in the future when he was cowering in the face of the weak Morda civilization?

Compared to the powerful Pelo Empire civilization, the Morda civilization was unbeatable.

Captain Bamu said, "Contact that fleet, I want to speak to their captain, and tell them that I have brought the ransom their lord requested!"

He didn't lie, the ransom was indeed brought.

In total, it was three billion tons of alloy resources, as well as fifty million standard units of energy blocks, all loaded on the two heavy transports at the back of the fleet.

As long as they could get back the Plunder III heavy transport ship.

He could even consider giving the 'ransom' to the Morda civilization first.

As for the later, it would be war!

Destroying the Morda Civilization's fleet and recapturing the delivered ransom.

That was his plan.

Just then, a lizardman in charge of communications said, "Captain Bamu, the communication signal has been transmitted to the other fleet, but the other side refuses to communicate!"

"Refusing to communicate?"

Captain Bamu's expression was stunned.

This ransom deal had been proposed by the Movenda civilization.

Yet the other side did not want to communicate with him.

What kind of reasoning is that?

For some reason, Captain Bamu suddenly had a bad feeling.

However, without waiting for him to think more, an urgent sound suddenly came from the telecomm unit.

"Warning! An unknown number of enemy ships have been detected, hidden on asteroids in the star field around Capone's Star ... Repeat, an unknown number of enemy ships have been detected ..."

"Damn! Captain Bamu, we have been locked on by enemy ships ..."

"Scout ship number five has been locked on!"

"Scout ship number two is locked on ..."

"Number three ..."

A cacophony of electrical sounds passed.

The telecommunicator alarms died away.

The command module where Captain Bamu was located was silent.

For on the screen of the ship's lightwave detection device, the energy signal cursor that represented the five scout ships had disappeared.

This meant that all five scout ships had been destroyed!

Again, at almost the same time.

A large cursor of energy signals appeared openly on the screen of their detection device.

Each of the cursors represented a starship.

The number was over two hundred!

"How is that possible?!"

Captain Bamu exclaimed out of breath.

His full Starfleet was only seventy starships of all types combined.

The Morda civilization actually had over two hundred starships?

The most terrifying thing was that he saw on the screen of the detection device that those energy signal cursors representing starships actually looked like a horrified giant shark, swooping towards his fleet.

Except that the rear of the fleet was blank.

Enemy starships were appearing in every other direction.

He felt his scalp tingle at once.

He had been careless!

Causing his Starfleet to go deep into the encirclement of the Morda civilization fleet.

Those starships hidden on the asteroids, shutting down their engines, silencing and shielding their energy signals for the purpose of ambushing his Starfleet.

His momentary carelessness had led to the ambush plan of the Morda fleet taking perfect shape.

"Captain Bamu, the enemy starship's carrier cannons are locked on our main ship ..."

Holly, the scream woke Captain Bamu up.

He roared, "Order the fleet, charge all of the ship's cannons, and return fire hard!!!"

The ambush circle had taken shape, they couldn't escape.

It was not too late to order the fleet to turn to the rear and retreat.

Since they can't escape, they'll have to fight!


Boom boom boom boom ...

In an instant, the cannon fire from the ship's guns covered the entire starry sky.

Countless huge beams of high-energy particle cannons streaked across the entire battlefield and extended to the fleet camps of both sides.

Immediately, there were starships that were blasted by the high-energy particle cannons and exploded into fire clusters.

An interstellar war was fought in an instant!