
Star Lords:My Star Fleet Is Billion Points Strong

300,000 earthlings traveled to the Milky Way galaxy.   Each person gets an initial life planet, becomes a planet lord, and develops their own civilization.   Fang Ze is a planet lord of scientific and technological civilization. From the beginning, he has a super god-level technological talent - construction/production has no time to cool down.   Other lords have not yet entered the interstellar age, and his interstellar fleet has already set sail, occupying one life planet after another.   Other lords have just led their troops into the starry sky, and his fleet has already conquered countless alien civilizations.   When the planet lords are preparing to open up interstellar battlefields and make great plans.   Fang Ze's imperial fleet has already spanned tens of millions of light-years and has reached the outer space of their planet! ----------------------------------------- Not my Novel. Mtl translated. (No proof reading) Author:Entertainment Fox Fox Update ( 娱乐狐狐狐 ) Original Title: 星际领主:我的星际舰队亿点强

jjjakio · Sci-fi
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130 Chs

A Tragic Interstellar War!

On the interstellar battlefield.

The fleet of the Black Lizard Star Pirates was in order and could attack and defend.

However, they were facing a siege of more than two hundred frigates, and the energy beams from the ship's cannons were flying from almost all directions, so there was nowhere to dodge.

In the moment of the engagement.

Several starships in the Black Lizard Star Pirates' star fleet were blown up and turned into starship wrecks under the stars.

The lizardmen in the starships died before they could evacuate in escape pods.

The bodies floating in space became ice sculptures straight away.

In addition to having starships blown up, there were more starships in the Black Lizard Star Pirates' fleet that were hit by the energy beams, losing most of their combat capabilities.

Once the war started.

The Black Lizard Star Pirates suffered heavy losses.

The reason was simple, they were completely a living target on the battlefield, the entire fleet was covered by the gunfire of Fang Ze's starship swarm, and it was very difficult to execute an emergency evasion.

However, the Black Lizard Star Pirates' counterattack was just as sharp.

Having enough cannon fire to destroy a planet.

In particular, the Black Lizard Star Pirates' main ships (10,000 meter class heavy star battleships), as well as the seven 5,000 meter class medium battleships, had extremely terrifying power from their ship-borne cannons.

Their ship-borne cannons were all large high-energy particle cannons.

A single cannon would be able to blow up a frigate.

With just one round of cannon fire alone, Fang Ze's fleet lost a dozen frigates.

All of the soldiers on the starships were also sacrificed.

No one could survive the attack of the huge cannons on board the high-energy particle ships.


The war goes on ...

Both fleets have lost starships on each side.

And such losses kept on increasing.

Every now and then, one could see starships being blown up in both sides' positions.

The battle damage ratio between Fang Ze's fleet and the Black Lizard Star Pirates' Star Fleet was almost two to one.

In other words, it took the loss of two small frigates to take one of the Lizardmen's starships.

This showed how powerful the full Starfleet was.

In addition to the starships shelling each other, both sides' shipborne fighters joined the fray.

In terms of ship-borne warplanes, Fang Ze's fleet was at an absolute disadvantage.

The airborne warplanes he brought with him were only 100,000.

The Black Lizard Star Pirates, on the other hand, had as many as half a million shipborne Venom Bee warplanes, which were transported by the heavy transports in their fleet.

One hundred thousand against half a million, there was almost no chance of victory.

But even if all the airborne fighters of Fangze's fleet were destroyed, it would not decide the war.

Because this was an interstellar battlefield.

Whether the war was won or lost, the decision was in the hands of the starships.

The role of the shipboard fighters was, at best, to assist in attacking and harassing the enemy starships.

When it came to the later stages of the war, after one side's fleet was defeated, the end of the shipborne fighters would come, and their fragile bodies would not be able to reach the blows of the starship's giant cannons.

At this moment, the war under the stars had already entered into white heat.

And Fang Ze, who was located in Capone Star, was also in the communication station with the help of the war images sent back from the battlefield satellites, and learned about the real-time battle situation.

Watching his own starship being blown up one after another.

Fang Ze's brow furrowed along with him.

Olsha consoled at the side, "Lord Lord, there is no need to mourn, war is the soldiers' destiny, it is also their glory to be able to sacrifice in battle!"

Fang Ze said, "It's a bit unworthy."

His fleet, all of which consisted of small frigates.

Facing the main ships and battleships of the Black Lizard Star Pirates, they would basically die with one shot.

How could a two thousand meter class small frigate withstand the cannon fire of a ten thousand meter class heavy starship and a five thousand meter class medium battleship?

And for the small frigates to destroy the Black Lizard Star Pirates' main ships and battleships, it would take as many as dozens of hits before they could reap the desired results.

This was the essence of the starship gap!

Whether it was attacking, or defending.

His small frigates were far inferior to the Lizardmen's main ships and battlecruisers.

If his fleet was also composed of multiple starships with main ships, battleships, assault ships, and so on, the Black Lizard Star Pirates' fleet would have been crippled by now.

It wasn't as if so many loyal starship soldiers had been sacrificed.

Mind you, each small frigate had around four hundred starship soldiers on board.

The war had lasted until now, and he had lost nearly thirty frigates.

In other words.

Less than half an hour of war.

More than 10,000 starship soldiers had been sacrificed.

It was a number large enough to cause grief to all Mordae.

Fang Ze said, "This is a war of necessity, and their sacrifice is worth it. Because in the near future, we will become even stronger!"

Orza was moved and said, "The Morda people will always believe that you can lead our civilization to prosperity and flourish!"

Fang Ze nodded slightly.

Looking behind him, he looked at the group of Gautenka chiefs.

"This war is not just about good against evil, it is equally about protecting you Capone Stars. I hope you will remember our help and not fail those brave soldiers who sacrificed themselves on the battlefield!"

"Thank you, Lord Lords!"

"Thank you Morda Civilization!"

"In the future, whenever we can help, we will definitely give our best!"

The chiefs of the Gautenkas took a stand.

However, in their hearts, they weren't really much moved.

Those starship soldiers who sacrificed their lives were Mordaeans.

It didn't have anything halfway to do with them, the Gortonkas.

Looking at the images of the war on the big screen, the only thing they felt was fear, and awe of Fonze, of the Morda civilization fleet.

They didn't dare to offend Fang Ze.

They could only curry favor!

Otherwise, once they angered Fang Ze, his fleet would be enough to wipe out the billions of Gautengkas on Capone Star.

The Heavenly God they believed in didn't help them fend off Fonze's fleet.

So they were well-behaved.

Whatever Fang Ze wanted, just give it.

As long as Fonzey's fleet stayed away from their Capone star.

Fang Ze also knew that these Gautenkas' leaders, intimidated by the images of the interstellar battlefield, didn't dare to be masculine to him.

That would be enough.

All he wanted was the various resources on Capone's Star.

Didn't need the gratitude and worship of the Gortenkas.


"Report battle damage!"

"Captain Bamu, we lost two battleships, seven scout ships, thirteen escort ships, and five assault ships ... Other starships such as transports, industrial ships, and so on, including the main ship, have suffered varying degrees of damage."

"The number of starships still fighting now stands at thirty-eight!"

"What? What about the battle damage to the Morda civilization fleet?"

"As of now, we've destroyed a total of seventy enemy frigates! The number of frigates in the Morda fleet still continuing to fight is one hundred and forty-six!"

"Damn it! The insidious and cunning Morda!"

Captain Bamu's expression was grim.

As things stood, his fleet had no half-hopes of winning.

At best, they would continue the fierce battle, destroying more frigates of the Morda civilization fleet and giving the Morda civilization a disastrous victory down the line.

But in the end, the war would still end with the defeat of his fleet.

His fleet had no hope of victory!

This was the outcome that had been decided from the very beginning of the war.

It was at this time.

A lizardman said sharply, "Captain Bamu, there is a communication message from the commander of the Morda fleet, he says that if we are willing to surrender, then the war can end!"