
Stalker from mirland

"I don't understand why I had to be born into this world at all!" Bradley doesn't know about his past because he has been in an orphanage since childhood. His life in the harsh orphanage makes him feel like he is in prison, but luckily he always has a best friend who always helps him. However, his best friend is kidnapped by a mysterious creature from a world called Mirland, so he decides to enter a strange world that turns out to be inhabited by bloodthirsty creatures and is directly related to his past. Will he manage to solve everything before it's too late?

Little_BlackHorse · Horror
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29 Chs

Chapter 21: Golden eye

Bradley's face instantly pales and cold sweat slowly pours down his face.

"Jeez Cad, but there's something there." Bradley tried to make sense of his words. "I'm positive of it."

"Brad, maybe you're just imagining things." Caden walked over to Bradley and tapped him on the shoulder. "Come on, now we have to get back to the resort.

Bradley sighs and they continue on their way until they reach the doorstep of the resort.

"Finally we're here." Caden stretched his legs, "Oh my, I can feel my leg muscles tightening up too." He sat on one of the front seats at the entrance of the resort and put his feet on the ground." Well, I can rest for a while now at least."

Markus walks over and looks through the window seeing the other children from the orphanage have returned to the resort and so they all enter the resort lobby.

"I'm very happy today." Markus showed a smile on his lips "See you tomorrow." Markus smiled and ran straight to his room.

"Brad, I think Markus is a good kid." Caden smiled as he saw Markus running. "I wonder, he's a good kid but why doesn't he have any friends," he continued while stretching his arm muscles.

"Yeah Cad, I'm confused too." Bradley shook his head.

"Never mind, let's get into line before Madam Theresa scolds us."

The two of them soon joined the line of other children and walk back to their room to get some rest, but Bradley is still awake. He still remembers the strange thing that happened earlier.

"I'm sure I'm not hallucinating." Bradley scratched his head. "Ah, well, I'd better get over it."

Bradley shakes his head repeatedly and his eyes continue staring at the ceiling of the room as his eyes slowly closed and everything goes dark.


The sound of birds chirping outside the room made Bradley slowly open his eyes and luckily he doesn't have any nightmares.

"Doctor Thomas' potion is indeed very effective."

He slowly looks around the room and notices that all the children still have a deep sleep, and so does Caden but his eyes suddenly notice the slightly open door of madam Nigera's room.

"Uh wait, isn't that Madam Nigera and Theresa's bedroom door?"

Bradley gets off his bed and walks over to the door and slowly cranes his neck to see that Madam Theresa is still fast asleep, but he doesn't see Madam Nigera at all.

"Maybe Madam Nigera is outside." Bradley nodded his head. "I should find her."

He carefully walks out of the room and searches for Madam Nigera's whereabouts. When he looks out the window and sees a dark-haired woman sitting on a chair looking out at the sea.

"That must be Madam Nigera." Bradley snapped his fingers. "I need to see her, she may have information about the night catcher."

Bradley approaches the woman with a large black dog sitting next to her. "Madam Nigera?" asked Bradley curiously, walking up to the woman. "Is that you?"

The woman turns her head gently and reveals her face. "Oh, hello Bradley?" Madam Nigera's eyes momentarily widened at the sight of Bradley in front of her. "Sit down and enjoy this fresh air."

"Madam, do you have any additional information about the night catcher? "Bradley's face became serious.

"I don't get any new information about the night catcher." Madam Nigera sighed as she looked directly at the vast ocean in front of her. "But there seems to be something you should know too, Bradley."

Bradley raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean, madam?"

Madam Nigera explains that the Nightcatchers are beginning to spread in the city and their presence is increasing. According to information obtained from Thomas, a certain side is bringing creatures from the world of Mirland into the human world.

"I met Thomas and he told me so." Madam Nigera sighed. "I sense that the presence of the night catcher must have a reason."

Bradley furrowed his brow. "Is it possible that someone is doing this on purpose?"

"I'm not sure about that either," Mrs. Nigera said, moving her feet. "This still needs to be investigated further."

Bradley then takes out a piece of paper written by Mr. Eugene and shows it to Madam Nigera, causing her to raise her eyebrows as she reads every word written on the paper.

"Madam, do you think Mr. Eugene also knows about the night catcher?" Bradley asked curiously. "The creature in Mr. Eugene's story is somehow very similar to the features of the night catcher."

"Wait, I have something to show you." Madam Nigeria took out the book Bradley and Caden had been looking at downstairs."The words on these sheets of paper are the same as in Mr. Eugene's diary."

"Huh?" Bradley scratched his head. "Jeez, so is it possible the existence of night catchers has been around for a long time." He raised both eyeballs.

Madam Nigera shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not so sure, Bradley."

She glances back at the paper again and her eyes briefly turn dark yellow. Bradley, who notices this time, immediately asks her.

"Madam, what happens to the color of your eyes?" Bradley asked curiously. "I had noticed a change from black to dark yellow."

"Oh, you've noticed." Madam Nigera folded the paper and handed it back to Bradley.

Madam Nigera explains that this change in the color of the eyeball is called the "golden eye". It is the only thing that distinguishes a watcher from an ordinary human. However, because the change happens so quickly, ordinary people do not notice it.

"You may be able to keep your identity as a watcher secret, but your eyes cannot lie." She furrowed her brows.

"Madam, I seem to know who the other watcher is."

"Bradley, what are you talking about?" asked Mrs. Nigera as she listened to Bradley's words.

Bradley explains everything about when he first met Mark. He also noticed the change in Mark's eye color, just like Madam Nigera, and he thinks maybe Markus is also a watcher.

"Markus maybe also a watcher, just like you say, Bradley." Madam Nigera tried to give her opinion. "But you met him in the morning and it may be just the effect of the sunlight."

"Yeah, you're right." Bradley nodded his head.

Madam Nigera snapped her finger. "I think you need to be with the boy more often to confirm whether he is a watcher or not,"

She immediately stands up from her chair, straightens her clothes, walks into the resort while holding Wolfy's leash, and asks Bradley to return to the room before Madam Theresa comes looking for him.

"I will take Wolfy back to his cage, you should go back first."

"Yes, Madam."

Bradley quickly runs to his room and slowly opens the doorknob. "Well, at least the others still sleeping."

He walks back to his bed and lay down with the words ringing in his mind what if Markus is also the watcher.
