
Time Passes 2

You know, for all that Alexis was actually very intelligent. Her common sense was not up to the same par. Or, well, she allowed herself to be dragged around by the idiocy of those around her too much.

For example. Yarden had already told her that Chazz would obviously be heading to the docks in order to leave the island. Even if he didn't know that from prior knowledge, he'd come to that conclusion through common sense.

Yet, after Alexis, Jasmine and Mindy caught up with Jaden and Syrus. Where did they go searching for Chazz?

Well, they seemed to think it was a swimming idea to wonder off deep into the jungle, where no rich pansy boy like Chazz was currently would ever go.

"Chaaazzz!" Jaden's voice echoed throughout the jungle, "Where are ya'? Come on out ya' scrub!"

Yes, because he'd totally come out after being called a scrub.

...Well actually, in Chazz's case that would totally work, he wouldn't be able to resist retorting to something like that. So good on Jaden's part there.

But what wasn't good on Jaden's part was shouting so loudly in a jungle that contained wild animals. Yarden was sure he'd heard wolves howling at one point.

Wait, he did go out into the jungle alone to the Reject Well. But, what the heck was hypocrisy? Did it taste good?

In Yarden's case, he was obviously just a badass. But he knew all about Jaden's skills when it came to a fight. Mainly, he was utterly lacking. And considering he was probably the 'muscle' of the current group searching for Chazz, well that was just sad.

'Or maybe Alexis is the muscle of this group?' Yarden mused stroking his chin as he observed the group from the top of a tree. How did he get there? He jumped. Monster Spirit enhancements for the win.

He could just join them. But, he didn't want to. He didn't care about Chazz at all since he knew where he went. He was only here to make sure these idiots didn't get themselves shot over a monkey.

Admittedly a badass monkey, but a monkey nonetheless.

So he'd play the role of the big damn hero if needed, but other than that he felt no need to get involved and was just going to chill out on some tree branches. They could be surprisingly comfy if you found a good one.

Besides, his head was still pounding. It was clearing up pretty quickly, but all the jumping around and shouting while looking for 'The Chazz' wasn't exactly a good help for that.

"Chaaazzz!" Syrus' voice echoed and Yarden winced. He had such a high pitched voice it basically pierced into his brain when he shouted.

'When are his balls going to fucking drop?' he groaned inwardly. He felt a bit guilty about it, but honestly, Syrus really did need to man up in every way, from voice, to confidence to attitude.

Even if he was already in a better position compared to his original counterpart already thanks to Yarden confronting Zane over it, he still needed a lot of work. And that annoying voice had to go for sure.

If only for the sanctity of Yarden recovering from his hangovers.

They continued on through the jungle for a bit more before a grunt of annoyance echoed and he looked down to see Alexis scowling in annoyance, "That's it, I'm getting annoyed with this, I really should have just listened to Yarden," the busty blonde shook her head before cupping her hands around her mouth, "Chazz you little toad if this is some kind of pathetic cry for attention you better hope we don't find you, you hear me!?" she shouted, pure annoyance in her voice.

Despite the throb his head gave at her loud tone Yarden couldn't help but chuckle. He almost wished Chazz really was just prowling through the forest. The hit to his ego of his crush saying that to him would be funny as fuck.

Yarden never claimed to be a saint.

With how loud her voice was, it spooked hundreds of birds in the surrounding trees and with a chorus of shrieks they all took to the air.

...This was not good for his headache obviously. So far, this was turning out to be a bad bad plan on his part.

The things true heroes like himself had to endure sure were torturous. His sheer good heartedness and forgiving nature even surprised him sometimes.

'...It's really tempting to summon my dragons and burn them all to death.' he grit his teeth and growled lowly. Fucking pains in the ass feather buckets.

He was pretty sure they were all seagulls too. Surely nobody would miss them? Their shrieks in the mornings were absolutely killer.

'I see, they annoy you so master?' Serpent Night Dragon's voice echoed within his head lowly and quietly. Such a courteous dragon, no wonder he was the ace of his deck, 'If you wish, I will happily erase these disease filled winged rats and grant you solace.'

Tempting, oh so tempting. 'Thanks for the offer, but nah it's cool mate,' Yarden waved off his dragons offer, 'Annoying as they are, I'm sadly not cruel enough to just kill off hundreds of them for that.'

Sometimes it truly sucked to have a conscience and be an animal lover.

'Very well master, but the offer is always open, you but need ask and I shall do as you desire.' Serpent Night Dragon hummed before falling silent.

See, that was why Rex Raptor was trash and he refused to take back his words or apologize without him getting down on his knees and grovelling for forgiveness.

He heard the dragon chuckle in the back of his head, but he didn't speak up again. He and Serpent Night Dragon were a lot on the same wave length after all. When they didn't want to get something done or accomplish something, they preferred to just chill out and relax.

"Yeah, threaten him, that'll bring him running." Jaden snorted, breaking him from his thoughts.

Alexis just crossed her arms and snorted, "Maybe it would if he was at all manly." she huffed, rolling her eyes.

Jasmine chuckled, "You're spending too much time around Yarden," she pointed out before shrugging, "But you know I'm sure there's a good reason Chazz ran off."

"Yeah like he was a little girl and couldn't handle the fact he lost a few duels even after cheating and getting outside help," Alexis pointed out snidely, "Instead of facing the consequences of his bad choices and people suddenly making fun of him for it, he ran away."

Despite the fact that Alexis was the one that said she wouldn't leave a fellow Obelisk behind not long ago, she sure didn't mind insulting him at the same time.

'Huh, maybe I am a bad influence on her?' Yarden grinned lightly. You know what? Even with the ringing headache he had, it was totally worth it just for this alone.

It might be a good thing though. Because Alexis constantly got shat on originally. Poor poor, super hot girl.

Don't worry, Yarden's here to make it all better.

"Or, now just hear me out here," Mindy cut in smiling brightly at the others in the group, "Chazz could just be out trying to pick me some really nice flowers. My Chazzy can be so romantic like that!"


Yarden was not the only one who gave the girl an odd look. The other four around her looked at her as if she grew a second head, "You like Chazz now?" Jasmine wrinkled her nose in disgust, "Last week it was Bastion, who's next, little Syrus?"

Mindy shrugged and chuckled, "Why not, he's kinda cute and if he turns out anything like Zane in the next few years, total eye candy," she replied without shame, before suddenly narrowing her eyes and pointing her finger at Jasmine then Alexis accusingly, "Besides, I need a little love to you know. It's not fair when you two constantly have Yarden's affection wrapping you up nice and tight."

'That's a weird way to word it.' Yarden couldn't help but think.

Jasmine's cheeks tinted red while Alexis looked away, the blonde scratching her cheek, "H-hey now, it's not like he doesn't flirt with you either," Jasmine sputtered, "In fact, he probably flirts with you the most."

"Sure, but he's not serious about it with me like he is you two," Mindy pointed out with a pout, "He's focused so much on you, he's all you can talk about and you've turned down a bunch of rich guys you'd have loved to date before and Lexi has actually went on multiple dates with him! Lexi, you know the girl who's literally made guys like Harrington Rosewood run off crying when she's reject them, the girl who's had zero interest in romance at all since we met her!"

Heh, get rekt Rosewood.

Still, now he felt kind of guilty. It wasn't like he didn't like Mindy either. She was just as hot as Jasmine. And she was really easy to get along with and hang out with and didn't get upset easily at all over minor things. She was a top grade girl.

"I'm the total third wheel here, or fourth wheel even." Mindy crossed her arms and glared poutingly at Jasmine.

Alexis seemed to think a tree was much more interesting than the current discussion.

"H-hey, sure but look he's totally flirting with all of us, and even if he's not as serious with you, it still means he's trying to get with both me and Lexie!" Jasmine hurriedly waved her arms at her accusations, "You really want the attention of a guy trying to basically get with multiple girls at once?"

Mindy just raised an eyebrow at her, "It doesn't seem to bother you." she replied challengingly.

Jasmine choked, but offered no rebuttals.

Yarden's own eyebrows rose in interest, 'Hoh?' he hummed to himself.

"...I wish I was Yarden." Syrus sighed, shoulders slumping as he listened to the discussion of the girls.

"Why?" Jaden looked at him in confusion, "I've no idea what the heck they're talking about, whatever it is though is making me glad I'm not him right now."

Ah, never change Jaden.

Alright lads and ladies. As I said, i'd try and get some of this done this month so I just battered right in when I had some free time. I've also uploaded two more stories. One Piece: Rise and A Berserk Heart, a One Piece story and a Fate Grand Order insert story. I'll link them in the comments if you're interesting in checking them out/

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts