
Stacking The Deck (Yugioh GX Insert)

Waking up in an unfamiliar body within the Slifer Red dorm, what's a teen to do? Especially when there was no deck in sight and no currency to spend on new cards. Thankfully, an avid fan such as himself knew all about the discarded cards in a well deep within the forest of Duel Academy Island. With those spirits by his side, he'd fight his way to victory and survive! Self-Insert! https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Time Passes 11

Once he was done, he threw his clothes on for the day after a quick shower and decided it was about time to wake up Alexis.

She still needed to head back to her dorm to get a change of clothes after all. As fun as it would be to have her turn up in a rumpled uniform after staying the night in his room, it might aggravate Crowler or something.

And honestly, he quite liked having Crowler in his corner.

"Hey sleeping beauty," Yarden gently touched his hand to Alexis' shoulder and shook her lightly, "Time to get up."

Alexis groaned cutely, but interestingly, didn't fight the rousing and opened her eyes with a small yawn. "Yarden?" she said his name groggily, eyes half shut.

"That's right, you fell asleep in my room last night, remember?" he replied.

She nodded slowly, "I remember," the blonde replied, eyes opening fully. She raised her arms into the air stretching them out and then surprised him by grabbing him around the shoulders and pulling him down, "By the way." she said staring right into his eyes, their noses touching and her hot breath washing over his face.

"Yeah?" Yarden asked, swallowing heavily and voice coming out hoarse at the sudden turn of events. He was not at all expecting this.

"I'm not such a wimpy little girl that I'd let my emotions carry me along and attempt what I did last night." Alexis suddenly rebuked him sharply, eyes narrowing angrily.

And suddenly her lips were on his and her tongue was forcing its way into his mouth.

Yarden's eyes widened.


They only separated a few minutes later, both of their lips bruised and faces flushed, "Alright," Yarden chuckled, "I take back my words from last night, happy?"

Alexis smirked, "A little bit," she replied sitting up and rubbing at her lips, "I enjoyed that more than I thought I would." she admitted.

"You weren't so bad yourself considering it was your first." he grinned at her.

"Considering how much of a man slut you are, I'll take that as a complimented." she snorted

"Good, it was one," he shrugged, "Now as fun as this is and as much as I would love to help you get even better at tongue wrestling, we kinda need to get a move on if you want to get back to your dorm and get some fresh clothes before classes start up."

Her eyes widened lightly at his words and her head whipped around to the night stand beside his bed where the clock sat, "...Only forty minutes till classes start.." she bit her lip. She continued staring the clock for a few moments before sighing and shrugging. Alexis turned back to him, looking him in the eyes and a small grin spread across her lips, "Honestly, I don't really feel like it. How about we just stay here and skip class for the day? You can teach your new girlfriend here all about how to be a better kisser."

His eyebrows rose, "Are you feeling okay? You, Alexis Rhodes, practically the class president and all around good goodie perfect student want to skip class?" he asked in disbelief. Dipping out of a free period to look for a missing classmate was one thing, but skipping school for the day entirely? "And girlfriend?" he asked.

That was a quick jump. Not that, he was at all against it. Besides one little thing.

Alexis laughed, "What can I say, you're a real bad influence on me," she replied, "And yeah, girlfriend. That's what you were aiming for right? I've decided I kinda like the idea of that. And I'm not the type to hang around and let what I want slip out of my fingers."

She was that type yeah. "I'm all for it," his smile almost split his face in half, "What about Jasmine and Mindy though?"

Alexis shrugged, "What about them?" she replied, seemingly unbothered, "Your flirting with them didn't bother me before, and you're intentions have been up front and blatant the entire time, why would it now? Frankly, I think you wanting to snatch them up as well will be good for me in the long term."


"Well okay then," Yarden rubbed his hands together excitedly, "Scooch over beautiful." he told her, motioning for her to move a bit further over the bed and free up some space for him.

Alexis did as bid, sliding across and gesturing for him to get into the bed beside her.

He wasted no time at all kicking off his shoes, jacket and top.

And another update lads and ladies. Anywya, I've started uploading stuff in advance to my pa--treon, it will be up there before here. If you want to check it out, the links are on any of my story profiles.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts