

She has become an obsession. I watch her every day. I know her routine while maintaining my own. She is in my every thought. I will go out of my way to see her. She just doesn't know who I am. I have never met her in person. One day she will know who I am. Because unlike her husband I will sacrifice the world for her.

Crissy_Downey · Horror
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Day 60

I have been spending every day for the last two months working on a way to get what I want. Getting her husband out of the picture is a problem. I may not be able to. Not without getting myself in trouble. I can't be with her if I am in trouble. But I may have that figured out as well. Now to see if the day has gone as it is supposed to.

I walk back to my trailer after a long ass day on set. I have not been able to watch her as much as before. Filming has been demanding. I have needed extra training and working out so I don't injure myself. I turn down the block and there are sheriff deputies everywhere. Her three kids are on the corner.

"What is going on?" I risk asking her oldest.

"My dad was involved in a shooting today. We are waiting to see how he comes out of surgery."

"Wow, I am sorry," I say acting as if it makes me sad.

"You are the bad guy in that one movie!" the youngest kid says.

"I am yes, In a few actually."

"So cool. That is what I want to do."

"It is a lot of hard work kid."

"Ew work sucks." the youngest says. I nod in agreement.

"Boys! We got to go!" Millie yells. The boys take off and they all jump into an SUV. She peels out of the driveway with several deputies on her tail.

The town comes out of their homes as she speeds through town. I slowly make my way across the street. I go to my trailer and sit on my couch. As I turn on the news it flashes across the screen.

"Breaking from Clark County. Sheriff Tate Winters has died after being shot four times. Please watch as his wife and kids arrive at the hospital."

I watch as they walk in escorted by several deputies and Highway patrol. "The reason the family was not here was due to safety reasons. The Highway patrol just located the suspect a few minutes ago. She was apprehended by non-lethal force. Sheriff Winters has been working on this case for months. Three times in the last few months death threats have been made. His wife was also almost attacked at the dollar store but was able to defend herself." they then show the security video. The real reason he sent his kids away was safety.

"At this time the family plans to bury him next to his wife's parents who were killed by the suspect eight years ago. Millie Winters would like to ask that you give them space for the next few days. She needs to process this loss." They show a picture of the woman who is responsible. It is the woman who came by to see me on two occasions.

I grab my phone and call the sheriff's office. I prepare my security camera, only the footage that shows her is when the lady walked by. I cut it so they don't have anything I say. Just her words to me. A deputy is here in seconds. "I didn't know who she was. She claimed that she was the woman's mother. I don't know them so I had no idea." I say as they watch the footage of her stopping and telling me where the kids had gone and everything.

"This is slightly scary." the deputy says. "She even knew where the kids were." another says. "Do you have proof of any domestic violence against her?" I show them her sitting slowly a few times. "They could just really be into BDSM though," I say.

A female deputy shakes her head. I take her lead. "Come on boys, He is dead now. We will use this footage to prove she was stalking her. Until the trial Mr. Walker please stay close," The woman says and they leave. I sit outside reading my lines for a few more hours. A car pulls up and the female deputy walks up.

She sits down next to me. "You have been watching her," she says. I nod "It is the perfect location. This weeping willow is the perfect cover." again I nod. "Perfectly trimmed to allow you to see and angle cameras at her home."

"Prove it," I say. She shakes her head."Don't really care. She is my sister. She has all the proof I need. Her cameras are also angled in this direction. Funny enough right after the night she was attacked at the store. She has been obsessed with you for years. So consider this our secret as long as you help me put the bitch who killed our parents behind bars." I narrow my eyes at her and nod. "Not much for talking huh?" I shake my head. "All right, Mr. Walker. Have a good night. Stay out of trouble. I am watching you."

After she is gone her sister pulls in. The kids cry as they walk inside. I watch them all lie down on the couch. I decide my spying is done for the day. She needs peace. I right now am not that.