

The beautiful sun shined over Eleftia, a beautiful strange world covered in a mist of magic. Giant large bubbles made of a mysterious liquid rose from the ground, reflecting the beautiful sunlight. 

Birds chirped over the hum of the bustling village, a large commotion taking place in the center of the village. 

"Show yourself!" A large bubble encased in a mysterious dark goo appears. The clouds above split apart, the sun shining its golden beam down onto the dark orb.

The village mayor, Elder Tanaka, had his wand drawn and pointed towards the mysterious veil. "Protega Thunderus!" He chanted as a lightning beam shot from the tip of his wand, striking the dark orb. As the lightning makes contact with the orb, it wraps around the orb and shoots it in a random direction with tenfold the magic. 

'Zap!' The lightning clapped against the tree trunks in the forest, ricocheting between the branches and turning them into a pile of burnt timber. 

"It's a demon!" A woman screams as she turns around, facing her back against the orb as she protects her child.

"Run!" The orb started to expand as the mayor signaled to everyone to run away from the orb. 

The orb was combusted with a purple flame, the veil shattering into a million pieces and creating a forcefield that pushed everyone back with the strong wind. 

The mayor was thrown to the ground, his wand cracked in half as his blue robes were caught up in a twist. "It's a demon!" His face turned mortified as a shadowy figure emerged from the orb sitting with its hands on his head.

"What a headache." The humanoid figure covered spoke with a familiar tone as his entire body was covered in shreds of darkness. "My chest feels hot." The figure looks down at his chest as he clenches it with his hand. He inspects it and expects blood, only to see that his hands are stainless. 

"Freeze!" A whole battalion of Paladins emerged, pushing through the crowd. "Raise your hands where I can see them!" They were suited out in full suits of armor, giant shields with a crescent of the king and a crown. Their giant swords glistened in the sun with a sparkling shine. 

[Healing Magic: Unlocked]

"Identify yourself now!" One of the Paladins spoke up.

The figure stood up, his body still wrapped in the dark veil. "My name?" He looks around. Everything looks different to him. Everything looked off. The sky was a different shade of blue and the grass a shade of green to light. The trees were too big and the clouds too fluffy. "Haewon." The man identified himself as Haewon, being able to piece back memories of his now-past life.

"Haewon?" The people started to discuss amongst themselves and gossip started to spread, the murmurings caught Haewon's attention. "He's not from around here." One villager spoke to another. 

"Do not move a muscle or the Queen's wrath will descend upon thy with no mercy!" The paladin gestured with his sword. "You are under arrest for conspiracy against the majesty!" 

"Hey!" Haewon raised his voice slightly as all of the dark veil slowly started to dissipate, revealing his bare naked body underneath. "The hell did I do to you guys?" Haewon stomped his foot on the grass. "I don't even know how I got here!" Haewon proudly raises both of his hands, exclaiming his innocence.

A child in the crowd cowers and shoves his head into their mom's skirt. Haewon notices and receives a dirty and disgusted look from the mother. Haewon ponders for a moment before looking down.

"Shit!" Haewon grabs a random leaf in the air, covering his private area as a panel appears in front of him.

[Welcome! Level: 1 (Exp:0/100)]

[Daily Quests: 

Pick 10 (Rare Herbs): 0/10

Kill 10 (Green Slime) 0/10]

With the list going on and on. 

"What is this?" Haewon looks through the system in absolute awe and amazement. "Is this..." He looks at a tab at the top that reads [Skill Tree] 

He presses on it, only to have his worst fears confirmed. Or perhaps the best dreams are confirmed. "This is Dungeon Maxima!" 

"The creepy naked man is speaking jargon!" The mother howls at him as a paladin walks up behind him and knocks him over the head with the blunt end of his blade.

"Hey! Wake up!" A splash of water runs over Haewon's face, a cold yet refreshing act. "Sleepyhead!" The man kicks Haewon in the abdomen, finally causing him to wake up.

"Agh!" He coughs up spit as he finally awakens. 

"Good morning sunshine." A young man greets Haewon. "Now I've got a couple of questions for you." He had long straight hair that had been styled in a middle part, a long thing nose with big eyes, and a mole under his right eye. He wore a bright red sweater with long blue pants. 

"Who are you?" Haewon was clothed in rags and his hands were tied behind his back, strapped to the chair with a metal chain. He analyses the room and looks around. "Where is this?"

"My basement!" The man proclaims proudly. 

"Right." Haewon shrugs his shoulders. "You'd seem like the type to have a freaky dungeon." 

"I'll be taking that as a compliment." He continues smiling. "My name is Vance Illiger, a diplomat from Juronia." He flashes his ID at Haewon. It was a picture of his face with his name right next to it with the words [Certified Crawler].

"You're a crawler?" Haewon questions. 

"Indeed I am." Vance pulls the card back, sliding it back into his pocket.

'Is this Dungeon Maxima?' He thinks to himself.

"Juronia sent me here to question you. You magically appeared from thin air and suspect you of practising demonry. How do you plead?" Vance talks straight out of a courtroom, using his hand to gesture an imaginary microphone.

"Is this working?" Haewon leads in towards Vance's hand, playing along with his joke. "Not guilty." 

"Then, tell me how you really got here." Vance took a chair from seemingly out of nowhere, planting himself down as he kicked his feet up into the air and over onto his knee. Once in a comfortable position, he swung his hand over the back of the chair, yawning.

"I don't quite know either." Haewon looks around, slightly worried. "Everything just all felt like a flash. I don't know if it was real, but I know it was me that experienced it."

"Experienced death?" Vance looks with his head pointed downwards, a small smirk appearing on the side of his face.

"Yes! Exactly!" Haewon seemingly jumps at the idea of death. "It felt like I died! The first thing I did when I woke up in this strange world was that I clutched my chest. I don't know why or how, but I just felt an aching sore in my chest."

"An aching sore?" Vance looks up, facing Haewon head-on. "You're weird." Vance scoffs. "I like that."