
Spy Tales

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3 Chs

Prologue: The Great War

It was started 10 years ago...

The Great War, the war between two advanced nations. The war took so many lifes, cause unrepairable destruction everywhere in the two nations, and took the lifes of important figures. It was a history no one else want to remember nor happening twice. The cause of the war was still unclear, However... Legend has it that it was masterminded by a single spy.

The two nations finally realized that they couldn't take down each other, they finally understood that it was pointless to prolong the war. Countless people suffer, many children had to witness their parents die before their eyes, many couples got seperated, The War Only caused a lot of damage and took many innocent souls. Thus, the war ended.

10 years later, after the bloodbath tragedy ended. The two nations were living in peace, technology kept advancing, now, they're living In even more modern world, the era of AI. Though the two nations were in peace, they still cautious about each other. Therefore, each nations also built spy academies. The purpose was to train their human resources to become a capable spy. The purpose was to spy each other country's movement and plan they're making, to make sure that no one started the same tragedy twice. Usually, if a person caught suspicious, they will be eliminated on the spot. With this, the two nations could maintain their peace.


In someplace somewhere in the world that no one knows the whereabout, two person were in the room. The atmosphere was quite. One person is older than the other by about 30 years gap. The other person, the teen, is in his 16th. The older person sat at his desk and the teen stood in front of him. They seemed like they're having an important conversation.

"So why did you called me here?" Asked the quiet-looking teen.

"I would like to inform something really crucial for the future of our organization." Replied the old man.

"Wait, wait, old man. Everytime you talk to me with that face shows that you are going to give me troublesome things."

"Just listen to me, this is-"

"A mission?"

Before the old man could finish his sentence, the teen guessed what he was about to say.

"... I knew that you would figure it out."

"As I said, everytime you wore that face means you are going to give me troublesome things."

"Stop being like that and respect someone older than you."

"What? You're teaching me respect? Who are you? My parents?"

"Even though I'm not your parents, I'm still the one who take care of you this whole time, I've raised you into becoming a capable 'spy' unlike you in the past, who know nothing and can do nothing. So I have the right as your actual parents have."

"What a touching story, I don't even know who my parents were and all I remembered was that you took me to this place and ruin my life that I almost forgot all my childhood memories"

Hearing the stubborn teen, the old man took a deep breath.

"Let's stop this now, I'll brief you about the mission."

"What's the mission?"

"Before that, I would like to tell you that this mission's difficulty is a S+ rank."

All of a sudden, the teen's expression changed. He became serious.

There are 6 level of mission difficulty in this organization; D rank, C rank, B rank, A rank, S rank and lastly, S+ rank, the highest difficulty. In an S+ rank mission, the mortality rate is 90% even sometimes it can become 100%. In other words, no one ever succed in the mission, most of them die in place and the luckiest one is the man who escaped and get back to our base just to die 2 days after he was treated in hospital. The question is, why did he gave a teen like me such mission?

As the teen wondering about the mission, the old man cut his thoughts.

"Are you afraid?"


"I said, are you afraid?"

The teen came back to his normal expression.

"Of course not."

"Are you certain?"

"Do you ever see any fails in my mission log?"

"As expected from you. So do you accept this mission?"

"Yeah, I will do it and I'll not fail." Said the teen without a moment of hesitation.

"Great, so, your mission is to observe a teenager like you." The old man sent the mission details to the teen's cellphone.

The teen looked at it and read it carefully.

"A 16 years old girl?"


"I mean who exactly is this girl?"

"Exactly, that's also your job to find out"

Given no further informations about the target, such as appearances, backgrounds, and something else a target usually have, the mission description just simply said 'A 16 years old girl'

I see, I think I know why S+ rank is S+ rank.

"So, she will enroll in a prestigious spy academy in the next week and you asked me to enroll there, too?"

"That's obvious, we'll prepare everything necessary for you to complete this mission."

Yeah, what else other than just money to enroll into the best spy academy in the country.

"Got any questions?"

"Yeah, this mission not only want me to just find out and observe the target isn't it? I noticed because there isn't any mission completion button at the bottom of the mission log"

"Indeed, it's a chain mission, meaning you'll have to do each step given by the mission. However, the 3rd step is still unknown for now, we'll inform you about that after we gathered more intel."

"I see, not a problem for me."

This was the teen's first S+ rank mission yet he seemed so confident about it and showing no signs of hesitation.

"Promise me, you'll complete this mission successfully and came back here alive. After you finished this mission you'll be promoted into an 'elite spy'"

"Roger that, I'll complete this mission no matter what."

The old man seemed satisfied with the teen's respond.

This will be my first S+ rank mission. Of course, it won't be as easy as my previous missions, However... I've never failed in my missions. I'll complete this mission and become an elite spy, no, even more than that, I want to become a spy like the one masterminded The Great War.