
Spy Tales

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Chapter 1: Spy Academy

"Haaah?! Making a friend?! With a male studeeent?!"

a 16 year old girl were in the room with a woman that seemed to be in her 30th. The woman sat at her desk meanwhile the girl stood in front of her.

"Yes, that's your mission."

"N-no no, I mean, can't I just make friends with a female?"

"No, you can't. Do I have to explain it twice? Your mission is to befriend a male student at the spy academy, that's all, is it that hard for you?"

"But... Why do I suddenly get this kind of mission? I thought you'll sent me into another A or S rank mission where I have to cut the neck of the target."

"Wait, did you always kill your target?"

"Of course not, I negotiated with them first before that, to see whether they're really trustworthy or not."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, If you could done A and S rank missions given to you perfectly, then I'm sure you can complete this mission, as well."

"Oh? So what's this mission difficulty?"

"A rank"

"Whaaat?! Why is it that high? Don't tell me that I have to... Is it a seduction mission?!"

The woman sighed

"No, it's not. We all know that you're not into that thing. Even though you can be a perfect candidate for it." The woman said the latter sentence in low voice.

"Wheeew, thought it's gonna be-wait what do you mean by I can be a perfect candidate?"

"Forget about it, now, I'll brief you about the mission details."


"You have to befriend a male student at the spy academy within 4 months. You have to update your progress every week, including a photo as proof will be better."

"And when I'm done?"

"I'll inform you about what to do when you completed the mission, for now, that's all."

"One more question, do I need to listen to the lecture seriously?"

"That's up to you, if you feel you don't need that lesson or it's boring for you, you can just do whatever you want. After all, you've been trained with intensive lessons this whole time."

"Got it! but..."

"What's wrong?"

"The mission difficulty should be lifted to S rank. This isn't an easy one, you know."

The woman sighed, "A rank is the highest difficulty for this kind of mission, also it's actually a C rank mission. But specially for you, it's an A rank mission considering your weakness. We purposefully give you this mission to fix your weakness. You are already super talented at the other area, but you need to fix your weakness in order to become an elite spy."

"An elite spyyyy?! That means I can go to another country to spy their movement?! Cooool!"

"Therefore, you have to succeed in this mission."

"But... I still want this mission to be lifted to S rank."

"Alright, I'll elevate this mission to an S rank, satisfied?" Said the woman with a slight annoyed tone.

"Yess! Alrighty then, I'll complete this mission and come back here alive."

It's not a battlefield, though... But maybe for her

"We'll prepare everything for you, you also have to prepare for next week, so from today, I give you relax time, you're free from missions until next week."

The girl can't be more excited to hear that, However, she hide her excitement and wore a serious face.

"Roger that, ma'am!"

Thus, it will be the start of her journey into the unknown fate.