
Sponsored by the Abyss

*Story is currently being revamped. As I fleshed out the world and continued building the story, I realized that the updates I had planned on going back and making would not suffice. After a lot of ruminating and planning, I have decided to fully revamp the story. If you would like, you can read up to where I have currently to get a feeling, I appreciate all of you who read and have supported the story thus far!* Hundreds of years in the future, the world has completely changed. Citizens are housed in Mega buildings incorporating everyday life with corporations. Humans have begun enhancing themselves artificially to take the next step. Then the system arrives, and everything changes. The system that descends upon their world grants untold power, but somehow, Domison is granted a mysterious power separate from the system. A primordial entity called the Abyss speaks of false gods and a need for balance to be restored. The seemingly “true” God offers the man a sponsorship in return for fealty. Even though this power will grant Domison the ability to make sweeping changes and grant protection for the innocent, can any be considered innocent in the changed world they find themselves in? Will Domison be able to retain his humanity in the wake of a system apocalypse?

Devlin_Powers · Fantasy
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47 Chs


The streets leading towards what was once the ProtoElectrica mega-facility was swarming with news station reporters and bystanders. Hundreds of bodies milled about, with some speaking into hovering cameras. The silent videographer drones constantly adjust from taking close-ups with the reporters to getting B-sides of the massive black sphere that barred access to the area in a fifteen-mile circumference.

No light was reflected from the surface of the massive dome, and no images of the other side could be discerned. Any attempt to enter the space had been met with futility. At a touch, the several who had tried entering realized it was as solid as steel. Still, the reporters continued updating the situation with maximum professionalism.

"Hello and welcome back to KBB news, on the ground. As you can see, we are currently at the location of what used to be the largest ProtoElectrica facility on the planet. It has been two months since the landscape was completely cut off from outside communications and the mysterious black dome fell in place." The female reporter with a tight pink bob gestured behind her towards the dome as she spoke.

"After extensive research, we were able to discover several street view cameras that give us a view of what occurred that night the facility was separated from the populace. Although the public hopes for the best, as do we here at KBB news, the video footage we have discovered may shock you." With those final words, the reporter sent the live stream back to the newsroom with a thought through her neural implant. As soon as the flashing red light ceased, indicating the drone's recording device had shut off, she let out a deep sigh. Turning on a heel she peered up at the dome again.

"The shareholders must be in shambles right now." She huffed to herself. After all, this facility had been responsible for the production of 65% of commercial enhancements for this half of the entire world. That wasn't even considering the other, non-public research being conducted nor the problematic treatment of lower-class citizens at the nuclear plant. 'Not like any of that matters' the woman thought to herself as she sighed deeply, pressing her palm up against the smooth surface of the dome for the dozenth time.

It was slick to the touch and cold under the palm of her hand. No matter how many times she inspected it, the cool surface never stopped surprising her. For the past two months, she had come out to this compound three times a week, providing constant coverage. It didn't matter how hot the day was or how miserable the sun beating down was, the surface of the dome stayed at an icy cool temperature. After several more seconds of contact with the surface, the woman shivered and pulled her hand away.

It was precisely at that moment that the entirety of the dome rippled. The reporter froze for only a moment before her neural link reactivated the drone in an emergency broadcast. This pulled the viewers back forcefully to her drone's perspective. Before she could even open her mouth to begin enlightening her viewers on what was happening, the dome began crumpling in on itself at lightning speeds. Her jaw was unhinged, and she had no more mind for professionalism as she saw what lay beyond.

The entire landscape was glass. There was absolutely nothing left of the facility. Even the terrain was completely different. There was no dirt or sagebrush. Every inch of the ground was covered in cracked, thick, obsidian glass. She couldn't even make out any buildings, only what seemed to be a massive pit at least 3 miles further down what used to be the road.

For a few moments, the reporter just stared, dumbstruck at the desolation preceding her. She had no words at all, no number of years in this field had prepared her for this outcome. There was nothing left, but it didn't make any sense. She had seen the footage herself, and she had seen the mushroom cloud viewed on the street cameras in the shanty town closest to the facility. 'But there was no way it could have been the nuclear plant exploding.' She thought to herself. 'It would have wiped everything out within 150 miles and the destruction is no more than 5 miles in diameter. No matter how strong that bubble was, it couldn't have possibly kept an explosion of that magnitude in, right?'

She was completely dumbfounded, but before the reporter was able to wrap her mind around the situation, a large fanfare of horns and trumpets enveloped the area in noise. Moments later a huge blue screen took up the entirety of the sky. As text began filling the blue box, she could hear a chipper robotic voice narrating the words directly into her mind as they were formed. After a quick glance around she realized everybody else must be hearing the same voice as well.


The advent of the Omnicrux system will begin shortly, please wait!

Processing... Processing...


High levels of primordial energy detected, difficulty level being adjusted...

The difficulty level will be increased from Normal (Base difficulty) - INSANITY! (extreme difficulty)

Please note that an increase in difficulty will result in exponentially higher rewards.

Before the message could continue, a horrific and inhuman screeching echoed over the landscape. Only a second later and the bloodthirsty call was answered to the tune of thousands. Huge distended bodies began shouldering their way from beneath the glassy surface for miles in front of the reporter. There were thousands of them, and as they drew closer the woman fell to her knees and screamed. It was the stuff of nightmares. Deformed maws held dozens of needle-like rows of teeth. No eyes could be seen atop their heads and large scythe-like arms propelled the creatures forward at incredible speeds. The system continued its tirade then.

Please note that once you reach level 5, all users of the Omnicrux system will be granted the chance to choose a class.

Be aware that your choice of class will greatly influence your rise to SUPREMACY!

(it will also increase survivability)

The woman was sputtering, her scream dying away as she tried to make sense of the oddly chipper voice ringing through her mind. The weirdness of the situation almost brought her back to clarity. Unfortunately by the time she and the people around her had started to make sense of the messaging, the beasts were upon them. They were of varying shapes and sizes, but the monsters had many similarities. Their skin was thick and leathery and their hunched-over loping forms hit the crowd like a transport truck.

A single scythed arm that ended in wicked bone spurs sticking from sickly green flesh ripped down toward the reporter. In a last-ditch effort of self-preservation, the woman threw her hands in front of her face. For a moment she sat on her knees in the middle of the asphalt road, unmoving. Seconds later her body separated into several pieces as her torso was bisected and the two hands she had held up to protect herself hit the ground, severed at both forearms. Before all the pieces of her form hit the ground, the attacker and two more monstrous creatures ripped into the corpse with their savage fangs.

As a wave of the monstrosities hit the panicking reporters and bystanders, the bloodbath began in full swing. Bodies were torn to pieces within seconds, and most of the populace in this part of the town not having the increased endurance granted by artificial replacements did not help matters. After all, this was right outside of the shanty of Old Town, whose population was destitute. Even the reporters present made barely more than a pittance. The Omnicrux System chose that moment to fill the minds of the frantic and dying once more.

To level up, you will need to earn experience points!

There are many ways to earn experience points, but the easiest is by hunting monsters!

Please enjoy the tutorial and good luck on your path to greatness!

[Tutorial ends in: 89:23:55:33]

[Tutorial ends in: 89:23:55:32]

[Tutorial ends in: 89:23:55:31]

The Omincrux system has arrived. please prepare for the tutorial.

Good luck!

Devlin_Powerscreators' thoughts