
Chapter 105 Martin, Do You Care About Gwenda?

In the end, the management criticised the incident that involved Hana due to the escalation of the matter.

As a result, Hana's career suffered a disastrous decline and her endorsement contracts were all terminated.

Gwenda was quite satisfied with this result.

"Putting on airs and being unprofessional will get you nowhere in the entertainment industry. Look at those top-tier artists and actors. They got to where they are today by relying on their own capability and self-discipline to achieve success."

"Indeed, yes, you're right."

Hattie nodded in fervent agreement. "Then, should this be the motto of our studio? Any artist that's under our studio in the future shall not put on airs nor bully newcomers."

"Yes, this is a good idea. We can incorporate this into our studio."

Gwenda said with a smile while raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'll design it on another day, print it out and stick it on the wall of the studio."

"Great, I'll leave it to you then."