
Chapter 104 #CancelHanaFinch

Aside, the person in charge saw his face darkening gradually and could not help but call out to him. "Mr. Morel? Mr. Morel?"

Martin returned to his senses, but his expression remained largely the same. "We'll stop here today."

With that, he turned around and left.

The person in charge hurriedly followed him. "Stop here? But, don't we have many other places to inspect? Mr. Morel... Mr. Morel..."

After leaving the advertising company, Gwenda sent Cecilia home.

But after returning to the studio, Hattie brought her bad news.

"Gwenda, Hana tweeted a complaint about us online. She said that we worked together with the advertising company to bully her, and now she's saying that she wants to terminate the contract."

Hattie handed the tablet to her and said, "Look, her fans have begun to attack us."

Taking the tablet, Gwenda glanced at the screen and snorted. "They really entertained her!"

"What should we do now?"

Hattie asked.