
Bai Long, Hei Long

One of the dragons was pure white. Its eyes were light blue and extremely clear. The other one was completely black. Not only was it black, it was also covered in a faint scent of death. The two dragons seemed to hold hostility towards each other, but they simply didn't have any powers to fight each other.

Liang Heyun thought that it was best not to say anything so he kept quiet. Turned out, the two dragons were too perceptive. They discovered him even though he was standing quite far from them. His hiding place was even shrouded in fog. This location was a bit abnormal and well hidden. The one who set this place up must be a powerful expert.

At first, Liang Heyun thought of not helping the two dragons. He couldn't risk offending a powerful senior. If, for instance, the senior caught him red handed, wouldn't his measly little life be even more worthless? However, when he met the white dragon's gaze, he...wanted to save them.

Ah...for the white dragon then.

Liang Heyun walked closer. The dragons were bigger than expected. He felt like a grain of rice compared to the two giants. The dragons didn't even notice his discomfort when the white dragon immediately opened his mouth to speak.

"This friend here...can you help us?" the white dragon said, "I will be your spirit beast if you do."

Liang Heyun didn't even hear the last sentence. He was too shocked when he heard the smooth, childish voice of the white dragon. It was surprising. A dragon was an animal, although Liang Yan had explained that some spiritual creatures might be able to speak due to their intelligence, Liang Heyun still couldn't believe it.

Especially the fact that the white dragon used such a childish voice to speak. It was...very pure and innocent.

"Cut the talk," the black dragon growled, his voice husky and deep, "I don't want to stay here any longer."

"It's because of you," the white dragon stated, "you acted haughty in front of the great master. Of course he will lock you up. I don't know why the great master locked me up with you..."

"Because you're too petty!" the black dragon harrumphed, "you're also too arrogant. Just by being pure and innocent...what an actor you are!"

"I. Am. Not. An. Actor!" the white dragon said, "in addition, all of us know that the great master is much more powerful than any of us combined. You're just seeking death challenging the great master!"

"Who is challenging who?" the black dragon looked as if he was annoyed, "little boy, do you want to help us or not?"

Liang Heyun blinked before he said, "I'll save the white dragon."

The black dragon was enraged. He just grumbled, "I can't believe that you humans always side with him. Humans are indeed, selfish."

Liang Heyun felt a bit bad so he asked, "If I save the white dragon, will you also be saved?"

The white dragon said, "Naturally, we are caged in the same location after all."

The dragons said that they could transform into human form, however, the cage restricted them. The only way to open the cage was if a human came in and used his or her palm to fit the handprint at the side of the wall. As they couldn't turn human, they had to find a real human.

However, the area was secluded, and it had been eight years since they were thrown in by their 'Great Master'. When he asked if their Great Master would be angry, they said that he wouldn't. Well, Liang Heyun didn't want to risk his life. The two dragons repeatedly said that they weren't really captured to sell. In the spiritual realm, no one dared to traffick dragons.

The two dragons were surprised that Liang Heyun didn't know such a simple matter. But the boy was still young.

The white dragon noticed something when the boy came into the cave-like cage to free them. the boy still had colours, yet, his soul was feeble. The white dragon could sense power from the little boy, but it was sealed.

What an interesting boy.

Inserting his palm into the slot, it took three seconds before the bars slowly dissipated. The two dragons immediately transformed into their human forms to check. Liang Heyun felt envious. The two dragons were handsome.

The white dragon had a head full of white hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Some white scales were scattered around his body. He was wearing a pure white robe, looking like an immortal from the webnovels. Liang Heyun guessed webnovels were something from the apparent realm that his body had encountered.

Compared to the white dragon, the black dragon had an aura of devilish beauty. The black dragon had a mole underneath his lips. He had a head full of black hair, red eyes, and slightly tan skin. Black and red shimmering scales were scattered around his body. He wore a pure black robe, looking like a forbidden fruit.

They could actually become such beauties...Liang Heyun was a bit envious, but he knew that he would probably be like them in the future. He still had years to go to being old.

"Thank you for saving us," the white dragon said, "My name is Bai Long, here, as I promised."

Bai Long handed a drop of his essence blood. Liang Heyun wanted to reject but the drop was quickly shoved into his mouth.

"Don't reject," Bai Long said.

After a while, Bai Long turned to the black dragon.

"What do you want?" the black dragon grumbled, "don't ask for my essence blood. I won't serve a little boy who is partial."

"Hei Long, he's still a little boy," Bai Long said, "plus he saved us."

Hei Long glared at Bai Long. He transformed into his dragon form and started to fly away. Bai Long followd suit and initiated a fight. Bai Long was hell bent on repaying his benefactor, while Hei Long was...running away.