
Spiritual Contract: The Path of Alder and Eon

In a world where magic and technology intertwine, humans live in symbiosis with mystical spirits, establishing contracts that define the course of their lives. This universe, governed by both ancient magical traditions and contemporary innovations, is a place of endless possibilities and formidable challenges. Alder Halloran, a young man marked by doubt and uncertainty, receives a mysterious badge that propels him toward an unknown destiny. Accompanied by Eón, an enigmatic spirit with his own agenda, Alder must navigate through a world where the boundaries between the spiritual and the human blur, facing challenges that test his courage and his ability to change his own fate. As he explores the most remote corners of this vibrant and complex world, Alder discovers that each choice has profound resonances, both for himself and for the countless beings that populate this place full of magic and mystery.

DreamTech · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Arrival

Alder, like a young man recently praised, seemed excited, but that excitement was quickly overshadowed by a resigned sigh. "I appreciate the compliments and the offer," began Alder, his tone now more somber, "but I think I must decline the invitation."

Confused by the sudden change in Alder's expression, Oliver asked curiously, "Don't you want to attend one of the most prestigious academies in the federation?"

Alder shook his head slowly. "I do want to attend, I've read that in any academy one can access all sorts of information not available to the general public," he explained, "but unfortunately, I don't think I can accept. Eón only has the ability I mentioned, he's not like other spirits that can fight, nor am I like other spiritual contractors who gain abilities to fight thanks to the contract. As you see, I can only repair damaged things."

As Alder spoke, Eón seemed to be in tune with his feelings, reflecting an expression of sadness that contrasted with his usual air of sufficiency.

Oliver couldn't help but let out a light laugh. "Fighting, huh? Don't worry, I know that television and the internet only show those barbarians who enjoy fighting," he said with a comforting smile. "But don't worry, I'm not inviting you to fight. You don't even need to take the exam that everyone else does."

As he spoke, Oliver pulled out a silver plaque with a cyan-colored griffin design, the drawing was translucent and seemed to be made of some type of glass, and handed it to Alder. "Take this plaque. With it, you can present yourself at the academy and take a test suited to your abilities," he explained kindly. "At the end of the day, those barbarians who enjoy fighting are nothing compared to us, those who have to think for them."

Noticing the change in expression on Alder's face, now reflecting a spark of hope, Oliver smiled. "For now I must leave, it's getting late and I need to return," he said kindly. "You don't need to return the plaque; you can keep it. When you get the uniform, wear it on your chest."

Then, cheerfully, Oliver turned to head towards Sebastian, his old friend, giving him a smile. "Your grandson is a true gem. I hope you don't let him go to waste," he said sincerely. After that, he turned and left the workshop, leaving Alder and Eón looking at the plaque with hope. On the other hand, Sebastian's expression showed a mix of complications.

Sebastian watched his grandson, Alder, intently as he seemed lost in thought, his gaze fixed on some indeterminate point. He noticed the sparkle of determination in his eyes, a sparkle Sebastian knew well, a reflection of the same passion he had seen in the eyes of his own son years ago.

With a compassionate yet firm expression, Sebastian decided to break the silence. "I know it's early to ask, but I see in your gaze a determination I can't ignore. Do you really want to go?" he asked, with a mix of curiosity and concern in his voice.

Alder seemed to take a moment to reflect, as if weighing each of his words. He briefly closed his eyes, immersing himself in his own thoughts as he recalled past moments. A myriad of emotions seemed to play across his face, from nostalgia to determination, before he finally opened his eyes decisively.

With his gaze now locked on his grandfather's, Alder answered firmly. "I want to go," he declared with conviction. "I want to learn everything you've told me about: those books that can only be found in an academy, and even information about the rifts. There are so many things I want to know."

Sebastian nodded slowly, recognizing the sincerity in his grandson's words. Despite any doubts or concerns he might hold in his heart, he could not ignore the shine of determination in Alder's eyes. It was evident that this young man had a burning desire for knowledge and an insatiable thirst to discover more about the world around them.

"Alright, if you want to attend the Gryphon Academy we need to start preparing now, we're at the end of September, the exam is in early January and classes start at the end of January, you only have one month, and although you will have a special exam, you have to be among the top ten in that exam, if you don't achieve this, I will not accept you attending, I also expect you to keep all your grades above 90, if not, I do not plan to let you attend."

Alder nodded determinedly and, accompanied by Eón, quickly retreated to his room. Sebastian stood thoughtfully, watching as the young man walked away. He knew Alder's obsessive nature well; once he focused on something, he didn't stop until he achieved his goal. It was an admirable quality, but it could also become an obstacle if taken to the extreme. Only time would reveal how this trait would affect his path at the Gryphon Academy.

Once Alder left the workshop, Sebastian hesitated for a moment before pulling a cellphone from his pocket. He dialed a number and waited for someone to answer on the other side of the line. It wasn't long before a female voice answered. "Hello dad," said the voice. Sebastian replied in a gentle tone, "Hello daughter, I hope you're well. I'm calling to inform you that Alder will be attending the Gryphon Academy. I guess we'll have to start considering the move." There was a brief silence before the voice on the other side of the line responded, with a slight crack in her tone as if on the verge of tears, "Thank you, dad. Thanks for keeping me informed. If you need money for tuition or other expenses, don't hesitate to let me know." Sebastian sighed sadly, "Goodbye, daughter." The call ended, leaving Sebastian immersed in thoughts about the challenges and changes that awaited them.

Time passed swiftly and the cold December gave way to a January full of expectations. With the decision made, Sebastian and Alder, grandfather and grandson, prepared to move to the imposing city of Arkania, home to the prestigious Gryphon Academy.

On a cold January morning, the grandfather and his young grandson boarded the train that would take them to their new destination. The robust and well-armored train glided smoothly over the rails, crossing snowy landscapes and dark forests on its way to the city.

Finally, the imposing walls of Arkania rose in the distance, like protective guardians of the city. As the train approached, the view of the city unfolded before them: a bustling metropolis full of life, with tall skyscrapers reaching up to the sky and streets filled with constant activity and movement.

However, behind the bustling appearance of the city, the huge walls surrounding it made it look like an impregnable fortress, reminding its inhabitants that Arkania was a place where security and protection were paramount.

The train arrived at the bustling Arkania station, and Alder, along with his grandfather Sebastian, disembarked. After a brief check at the station, they entered the city, enveloped by the immensity and vitality surrounding them. Alder was awestruck by the imposing architecture of the huge buildings that soared towards the sky, while Eón, the faithful spirit accompanying him, also gazed in awe at every corner of the city.

The atmosphere was permeated with frenetic activity, with glowing signs flashing in all directions and people moving from one place to another with determination. Sebastian interrupted Alder's amazement, reminding him of the urgency of the situation. "I know it's an intriguing sight," he said, "but it's time to move on. For now, we'll stay in a hotel since tomorrow you have to take the exam."

The grandfather and grandson duo, accompanied by Eón, made their way through the crowded city streets until they reached an imposing building that stood majestically in front of them. The hotel where they would be staying was a monument to luxury and comfort, with its modern and elegant architecture.

Upon entering, they were greeted by a magnificently decorated lobby, with polished marble and sparkling chandeliers. Sebastian quickly took care of the registration procedures while Alder looked around with dazzled eyes.

The night passed slowly for Alder, who barely managed to sleep due to the excitement and nerves that overwhelmed him about the exam awaiting him the next day. Despite the fatigue, his mind continued to flutter with the endless possibilities that the city and Gryphon Academy had to offer.

Alder woke up the next morning to the persistent sound coming from Eón, who had transformed into an improvised alarm clock. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, illuminating the room with a soft warmth. Alder got up with a glint of anticipation in his eyes, barely containing his excitement for the day ahead.

Sebastian, his grandfather, watched with a smile from the door, pleased by Alder's enthusiasm. It was evident that his grandson was eager to face the challenges that awaited him at Gryphon Academy.

After a quick breakfast, Alder dressed with determination, carefully choosing his outfit for the day. He mentally prepared for what was to come, mentally reviewing the subjects he had studied and the strategies he planned to use during the exam.

Once ready, Alder bid farewell to Sebastian with a gesture of confidence and gratitude. With determined steps, he left the hotel and headed towards the Gryphon Academy.

As Alder and Eón approached the main entrance of Gryphon Academy, the nervousness was palpable in the air. The huge gate with imposing griffin symbols that marked the entrance loomed over them, both inviting and intimidating.

"This feels more real than I imagined," Alder confessed in a whisper, his eyes fixed on the academy's crest engraved on the gate.

Eón, normally the most self-assured, seemed to contain his usually vibrant presence, murmuring in agreement, "Yes, it's something... formidable."

Upon presenting the plaque to one of the guards, Alder noticed the guard's eyes widen in recognition before turning to surprise. "How did you get this?" asked the guard, his tone mixing incredulity with a hint of respect.

"It was a gift... I suppose," replied Alder, not entirely sure how to explain his encounter with Oliver.

The guard nodded, still clearly impressed, and quickly shifted his demeanor from formal to almost reverential. "Please follow me. You have a special exam to take."

Guided to an isolated room, they found themselves before three professors, whose expressions of curiosity were fixed on both Alder and Eón. One of them, a woman with a penetrating gaze leaned slightly forward.

"Welcome, Alder. I am Professor Clara. Along with my colleagues, Professors Jamal and Henrik, we will oversee your exam," she introduced herself, offering a smile that, although friendly, failed to dispel the tension in the room.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Alder, trying to maintain his composure. Eón, for his part, floated nearby, his silence a rare testament to their shared nervousness.

Professor Jamal, with a neatly trimmed beard and a scrutinizing look, observed Eón before turning his attention back to Alder. "Your exam will be primarily theoretical. However, we are particularly interested in your approach and reasoning."

Alder nodded, taking a seat as the professors laid out a set of documents before him. The ensuing silence was almost tangible, charged with expectation.

With each question Alder read and answered, he felt his confidence growing. Initial doubts gave way to a focus that isolated him from everything but the task in front of him.

Finishing much earlier than anticipated, Alder stood up, handing his responses to the professors, whose expressions shifted from professional neutrality to barely contained surprise.

"Have you finished already?" asked Professor Clara, clearly astounded by Alder's speed.

"Yes, I believe I've answered everything I could," confirmed Alder, trying to gauge the professors' expressions.

The three exchanged looks, and for a moment, the air filled with a murmur of whispered conversations. Finally, Professor Henrik, a jovially looking man with a hint of seriousness in his eyes, nodded in approval. "Very well, Alder. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have much to discuss."

Alder and Eón were escorted out of the room, leaving the professors engaged in animated discussion. As they walked back through the corridors, Alder couldn't help feeling a mix of relief and curiosity about what his answers had sparked.

"I think that went pretty well, didn't it?" commented Eón, finally regaining some of his usual confidence.

"I hope so," replied Alder, allowing himself a moment of cautious optimism. "Now, all we can do is wait."

During the two weeks following his special exam, Alder, Eón, and Sebastian immersed themselves in exploring the city that served as the gateway to Gryphon Academy. This time became an opportunity for Alder to absorb everything he could from this new world he was about to enter.

Together, they toured the technologically advanced markets, where vendors used small demonstrations of magic to attract buyers. Eón, despite his spiritual origin, discovered the joy of tasting different foods, from flavor-packed fruits to exquisite desserts that defied gravity, marveling at each new culinary experience. Alder watched with amusement and awe, his appreciation for Eón's unusual ability to enjoy such pleasures growing day by day.

They visited historical monuments illuminated by holograms that narrated the feats of ancient spiritists, and Sebastian recounted stories filled with courage and wisdom that left Alder and Eón hanging on every word. In the parks, they interacted with magical illusions so realistic that even the locals stopped to admire, and the afternoons in cinemas showed films where magic and technology merged into narratives that completely captured Alder's imagination.

The city was a place where magic and modernity coexisted in harmony, offering Alder a preview of what he might expect at the academy. Despite the fun and adventure, the anticipation of the academy's decision remained in the back of his mind, a constant presence that tinged even his most joyful moments with a shade of expectant anxiety.

Then, on a quiet afternoon at his favorite café, the comfortable silence between them was broken by the vibration of Alder's phone. Seeing the sender of the email, his heart raced. He opened it to discover a message from Gryphon Academy: he had been accepted with a perfect score of 100%. Moreover, the email indicated that classes would start the following Monday and required all students to be present at the inauguration ceremony that morning.

"We did it, Eón! I'm in!" exclaimed Alder, a mix of disbelief and joy flooding him.

Eón, manifesting his happiness with a colorful aerial dance, replied: "I knew you could do it! Now, the real adventure begins."

Sebastian, looking at them with a mix of pride and satisfaction, suggested, "Let's celebrate this moment. It's a new chapter beginning, and I couldn't be prouder."

The dawn of Monday marked not only the start of a new week but also the beginning of a new stage in Alder's life. Sebastian's farewell, filled with advice and good wishes, was brief but emotional, symbolizing the transition to a promising future at Gryphon Academy. In preparation for this new chapter, Alder had received his first official uniform days earlier, a dark blue jacket with golden details, a white shirt, and matching trousers. The other nine uniforms, promised by the academy, awaited him in his dorm room, a testament to the care and attention to detail the institution provided its students.

"This uniform would really look better in my size, but I guess you don't look bad," commented Eón, observing Alder with a mix of humor and a slight touch of ego. "Imagine how impressive I would look."

Sebastian, laughing, took the moment to say goodbye with a warm and affectionate tone. "Do well, Alder. And try not to get into too much trouble following Eón's whims."

"Hey, my ideas are excellent. They just add a bit of excitement to life," retorted Eón, offering a conspiratorial wink to Alder.

Upon arriving at the academy, the atmosphere was charged with energy and expectations. Soon, a guard who recognized Alder from his previous visit approached with a smile. "Good morning. You'd better follow me," he said respectfully, gesturing that he would accompany them.

"Sure, thank you," Alder responded, grateful for the guidance in a still new and unfamiliar environment.

As they walked towards the parked carriage, Eón didn't miss the opportunity to add: "Get ready, academy. Soon you'll have the honor of hosting the real star here." His comment, though filled with his characteristic overconfidence, was delivered in a playful tone that elicited a smile from the guard.

Alder, previously guided by the friendly guard, steps into the carriage and immediately feels dozens of eyes on him. Whispers begin to fill the luxuriously decorated space as students observe him with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. Alder, somewhat overwhelmed, looks for a seat while trying to understand the situation.

Just as Alder is about to sit down, a girl with vibrant red hair and a firm expression approaches him with a clearly annoyed tone:

"Can I help you? This carriage is reserved for special admission students." As she says this, she ostentatiously points to the silver badge with a golden griffin on her chest.

Alder, clearly confused and feeling the tension of the moment, responds sincerely:

"I'm sorry, I don't know what special admission you're talking about. I was just told to get on here."

The girl, still annoyed, furrowed her brow and leaned slightly towards Alder, pointing more emphatically at the badge on her chest: "Look, only those who have received this badge," she said, touching the silver emblem where the relief of a golden griffin seemed to come alive under the dim light of the wagon, "are allowed here."

After the redhead's insistence on the exclusivity of the wagon for badge holders, Alder, with a gesture of doubt, pulled out his own badge, given to him by Oliver. He held it between his fingers against the soft light of the wagon, revealing its translucent cyan color and the faint glow it emitted, resembling the sparkle of a diamond. The badge was not only different in color, but its subtle shimmer and appearance clearly set it apart from the others.

"Someone gave me this badge and told me to come here," Alder said, showing the shiny cyan badge, but without giving more details about who had given it to him.

The redhead examined him from top to bottom, evaluating him. Her response carried a tone of reproach, indicative of her prestigious background. "Interesting... I don't remember ever seeing someone of your appearance being recognized, but I suppose there must be a reason they gave it to you," said, her gaze still weighing on Alder. "Make sure that's real. Not everyone can just walk in here."

Without waiting for a reply, The girl turned and took a seat, leaving space for Alder to pass and find his own. The interaction left Alder with a sense of uncertainty, but also a renewed determination to understand his place within the academy.

As Alder searched for a seat in the wagon, his gaze briefly settled on two identical young women: the twins. Their short brown hair gave them a youthful, lively air. They chatted with each other with an ease that underscored their connection, and their giggles filled the nearby space with a tone of curiosity and joviality. Although physically identical, their expressions were distinctively individual as they watched Alder pass.

Continuing to an empty seat, Alder also noticed a girl with blue hair sitting alone, deeply engrossed in her book. He chose to sit near her, but not close enough to interrupt her reading.

Just as Alder settled into his seat, still processing the confrontation with the redhead, a friendly voice interrupted his thoughts from the seat behind him. "Wow, looks like you just had an encounter with the fiery princess, huh?" said a jovial voice. Alder turned to find a young man with messy curly hair and sparkling eyes. He wore a shirt that seemed a bit too large for him, giving him an approachable and laid-back look.

"Fiery princess?" Alder repeated, confused but intrigued.

"Yes, Her name is Helena Pyrewell," the young man explains, sliding into the seat next to Alder with a fluid motion. "I'm Lucas Ashwood. And well, that family is quite well-known around here, especially for their affinity with fire spirits. They're known to be as fiery as the spirits they venerate. Quite a dynasty to watch, right?"

Alder shakes the hand that Lucas offers, grateful for the instant friendship and information. "I'm Alder," he introduces himself, still adjusting to the flow of information. "That was definitely an interesting introduction."

Lucas laughs easily, lightening the mood. "Well, everyone here has their stories and quirks. What about you? What brings you here with that special badge?" asks Lucas with genuine interest, pointing to Alder's badge.

At Lucas's question, Alder can't help but ask confusedly, "What do you mean by special badge?"

Seeing the confusion on Alder's face, Lucas can't help but show his surprise. "The badge you're wearing, don't you know what it means?"

Alder simply shakes his head, clearly puzzled.

"Wow, that's unusual," Lucas comments, lowering his voice so as not to be overheard by everyone in the wagon, though some nearby students begin to pay more attention. "Look, everyone here," he discreetly points to the other students with golden badges, "we have badges awarded for having passed a rigorous selection process. They represent our abilities and potential to contribute to the academy."

Then, gesturing towards Alder's badge, Lucas continues. "But yours, that shiny cyan badge, is something different. It's much rarer. It indicates direct recognition by a prominent member of the academy. You're a special case, someone who has already been recognized for exceptional potential without going through the usual process."

Surprise and interest grow among the listeners; even Helena, who had maintained a facade of disinterest, can't help but lean in a little to listen better.

Intrigued and somewhat impressed, Lucas asks, "And who gave you the badge?"

Alder, feeling the intense gaze of everyone in the wagon, responds cautiously. "It was given to me by a man named Oliver."

The mention of that name causes a soft but perceptible murmur among the students. Lucas raises his eyebrows, clearly impressed. "Are you talking about Oliver Wycliffe? The pioneer in rune research?"

As the monorail begins to move, a slight murmur of surprise runs through the wagon after Alder's confirmation. Lucas and the other students exchange looks that mix admiration and curiosity, but the conversation is suspended as the vehicle starts its journey.

Alder, driven by the sudden motion, turns to the window. The wagon, suspended in the air by an elevated rail system, offers a spectacular panoramic view. As it progresses, the urban landscape of Arkania begins to unfold in all its splendor around the vast central lake.

The lake, a vast mirror of crystal-clear water, reflects the blue sky and scattered clouds. Groups of waterfowl fly low over the surface, their wings occasionally brushing the water, creating ripples that spread delicately. From time to time, sleek and agile shapes of freshwater dolphins perform aerial acrobatics before diving back gracefully. Their leaps add a touch of living magic to the landscape, capturing Alder's attention and adding a sense of wonder to the journey.

In the center of the lake stands an island that seems straight out of a dream. On it, several majestic buildings rise proudly among meticulously kept gardens and centuries-old trees that sway gently with the breeze. The architecture is a charming mix of old and modern, with tall towers that seem to touch the sky and broad glass domes that capture sunlight, scattering it into a thousand colors around. The ensemble of the island exudes an air of tranquility and mystery, as if each building and each path held secrets from past eras and promises of future discoveries.