
Spirits in my head

"I wish I'd never sleep" What would you do if you get the same nightmare every night you sleep? 17 year old lily can't sleep at night or in the dark, because a nightmare is always waiting for her to sleep. But her nightmares are related to an incident,which her parents (Mr and Mrs Steve) are hiding from her. Is she possessed? Or some paranormal powers are torturing her? Or is she just having normal nightmares? These questions never leaves her mind in peace. Lily also had a little brother Niall, who she loves the most, and always tries to keep him safe, even if had to distinct herself from her precious little brother. In her childhood lily and Niall found a secret basement of their father ,which has always been a mystery for them. What must be inside? They were always curious as they were not allowed to be near it. Mr and. Mrs Steve had always been busy to protect lily, but she never knew why. One day Mr Steve told lily about the night it all started. What happened that day? After knowing the narrative, things got clear in her mind, but now she was getting to close to a disaster. Did Mr Steve successfully protected his doughter or did he failed to?

Areesha_Anwar · Horror
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: don't walk up

Why he didn't wanted me too wake up? He didn't told me just asked me to not. They hypnotized me to sleep through a machine. My mom was sitting besides me holding my hands.

Then dad ran to the room in the basement the room that was connected to my dreams. At first it was all blank for me but suddenly a demon showed right in front of my eyes, throwing his hands towards me and laughing at me in sarcasm as if he was telling me that he won.

But I was used to dreams like that so I wasn't scared that much, then suddenly a ray of light came it was all bright and I saw a shadow coming through it,walking towards that demon and that was my dad, who had a lantern in his hand.

In few seconds there were about 15 to 20 spirit revolving around him. The demon in front of my eyes turned at him and started to move towards him, they all attacked at dad but dad tried to control them. They were all on my dad which made me scared like hell,i was sweatest all over. And was shivering of fear, mom tried to calm me down, she started patting my hand and shash me down it was a dreadful night that I can't even explain it in words, I couldn't even try to not wake up as it was something that couldn't be controlled. All I could see was that dad was trying to control the spirits with his mind powers that he learned all those years. And it was all good at first but then something happened that I couldn't tolerate at all and made it hard for me to stay calmed.

I saw dad getting weak, but he didn't gave up he kept doing what he was with more efforts. Suddenly he fell on the ground, and his lantern also fell far away from him. It was hard for his to reach to it. It was so dark all of a sudden. I saw all the demons gathering towards my dad.

That I couldn't bare. The team was all making efforts to keep me asleep, they tried to control me with their machine but I was scared to death and woke up. I was covered in sweat,and looked around, everyone was looking at me with a look that I messed up everything. I suddenly came to consciousness and within seconds ran to the basement. Behind me everyone was shouting and stopping me from going their. But I just wanted to see my dad as soon as possible.

I got pulled by someone, it was the team member. They brought me back to the room calmed me down, when I looked at my mom I could see she was just sitting their with no expression as if she was confused, as if she knew it was all over. The team member told me to listen to carefully. I looked at him with teary eyes,i didn't even wanted to guesses on what he was going to say and listened to him with all ears.

To be continued.....