
Spirits in my head

"I wish I'd never sleep" What would you do if you get the same nightmare every night you sleep? 17 year old lily can't sleep at night or in the dark, because a nightmare is always waiting for her to sleep. But her nightmares are related to an incident,which her parents (Mr and Mrs Steve) are hiding from her. Is she possessed? Or some paranormal powers are torturing her? Or is she just having normal nightmares? These questions never leaves her mind in peace. Lily also had a little brother Niall, who she loves the most, and always tries to keep him safe, even if had to distinct herself from her precious little brother. In her childhood lily and Niall found a secret basement of their father ,which has always been a mystery for them. What must be inside? They were always curious as they were not allowed to be near it. Mr and. Mrs Steve had always been busy to protect lily, but she never knew why. One day Mr Steve told lily about the night it all started. What happened that day? After knowing the narrative, things got clear in her mind, but now she was getting to close to a disaster. Did Mr Steve successfully protected his doughter or did he failed to?

Areesha_Anwar · Horror
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: rid of the darkness

He told me "there's a thing if you wake up the door of your dreams would be closed and if someone or something is in there it would be stuck there and if you'll sleep again the door can be opened again.

I said anxiously "make me fall asleep please take him out help me please"

No it can't be happened its too late for that

This time he looked the doors with his spells so that if you wake up before the defeat of all the demands they won't came out, if he didn't do that they would have gotten you already. I shouted while crying "how can we get him back? Can't we just open the door and let him out?"

He replied "we can't we don't know if he have done everything or not, we gotta wait or things could get worse" I stood up and ran to the door, but the other member grabbed me back, and scolded "dont act stupid, just think about it and trust us"

"I can't, I can't trust anyone no more, please let me go I don't care about anything, just let them take me away, please let him out "

They grabbed me and tied me to the sofa so I won't get up again and do something stupid. This time they told me not to sleep or it could kill him.

After an hour I asked them" when are we gonna let him out? He will die if we'll wait anymore "

They comforted me by Saying" he won't don't worry he'll be alright, but just in case if you sleep then I can't say anything"

They just didn't told me that there were only a few chances for him to get back.

Hours past just like that, some losed all their hopes but me and mom were sure that he will get back and everything will be fine again. While waiting for a single sign mom started to tell me a story. She told me that,

When I was younger I use to love strawberry ice-cream, one night it was freezing cold outside, and I was extremely stubborn. I demanded to had that ice-cream,mom scolded me and told me that I could get sick in this cold if I had any ice-cream or cold stuff. At first dad also contradicted my demand, but when I cried he couldn't bear it, eventually he put on his furry coat and went out without anyone knowing that it was extremely cold outside for him too.

To be continued....