
Spirits in my head

"I wish I'd never sleep" What would you do if you get the same nightmare every night you sleep? 17 year old lily can't sleep at night or in the dark, because a nightmare is always waiting for her to sleep. But her nightmares are related to an incident,which her parents (Mr and Mrs Steve) are hiding from her. Is she possessed? Or some paranormal powers are torturing her? Or is she just having normal nightmares? These questions never leaves her mind in peace. Lily also had a little brother Niall, who she loves the most, and always tries to keep him safe, even if had to distinct herself from her precious little brother. In her childhood lily and Niall found a secret basement of their father ,which has always been a mystery for them. What must be inside? They were always curious as they were not allowed to be near it. Mr and. Mrs Steve had always been busy to protect lily, but she never knew why. One day Mr Steve told lily about the night it all started. What happened that day? After knowing the narrative, things got clear in her mind, but now she was getting to close to a disaster. Did Mr Steve successfully protected his doughter or did he failed to?

Areesha_Anwar · Horror
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: mystery box

Everything went blank for few seconds, it felt like there was an earthquake. But then it was all normal. We both looked at each other with a same expression,we were extremely shocked. Then my wife handed the box to me, without seeing what was inside. So I looked in and there was a letter. I dared to read that, it said, you shouldn't have opened it, now you gotta pay us a soul.

I kept shaking while reading it,when I suddenly looked at wife she seemed extremely frightened. I tried to relax her by saying "just forget it, it must be a joke, people do that alot so don't worry about it"

But deep inside I was also scared.

I threw it away and reassured myself by saying "it was just a joke someone played".

Next day when I woke up I saw around my room, my wife wasn't there. That was strange for me, she never woke up before me.

I walked out to check on her, when I went to the living room I saw my wife talking to herself and laughing on her own,I was dread to call her name, I had a feeling that it's because of that strange box. I slowly went close to her and said "hey what are you doing there",in a trembled voice.

She stated staring at me as if I had slapped her. She didn't said a word and went on doing what she was.

She started doing weird things like breaking things, dancing alone, talking to her self and sleeping whole day long. I took her to best hospital but it was all in vain.

At first she was just acting weird but then she started harming her self. I could see scratches all over her face, she stood in the middle of the running road.

But last night it was beyond my expectations, she tried to suicide. I was cooking in the kitchen, left her sleeping in the room, then I heard loud sounds of what I couldn't figure out. So I rushed to her, what I saw gave me goosebumps. When I opened the door she was hung with the ceiling fan. I quickly took her down. Relaxed her and gave her Medicine to sleep. It was too much now, so I decided to contact a paranormal investigator.

And I quickly thought about you my childhood friend.

Dad told him not to worry, and that he will definitely help him with his team. While dad was telling me this story I got shocked and suddenly asked him "are you a paranormal detective, how come I don't know what?"

He replied "no I'm not, I used to be but that was my last case, then I was too regretful to do that"

I then asked "why was that? Was that be of me"

He tapped my head and said "stop asking questions, just listen" and continued his story.

After relaxing his friend, dad went to his house with his team. But the thing was, mom had to go somewhere, so she asked dad to took me with him, Niall was only two years old, so she took him with her. That was the first time dad took me to his work, and probably last too. We went there, It. Looked like a normal house. Nothing was strange or scary. But when he looked at Mrs Paul, she looked like something was eating her inside. She looked creepy.

To be continued...