
When Will This Mission End?!

{[A/N: Just wanted to remind that Sonica had discovered only 5 elements till this chapter. Fire, Air, Water, Lightning and Earth}]


Everything went out of my mind!

Then, I noticed he facepalmed and whispered, "Am I NUTS!!!??"

Just then, the leader spoke up, I mean, he said, "Won, teg ydaer rof eht tasl egnellahc. Fi uoy niw neht uoy nac evah ruoy remmah kcab."

I nodded slowly and I was sure that Sonic hadn't understood a word.

"Now, get ready for the last challenge. If we win then we can have the hammer back." I said while looking at him as he bit his bottom lip.

He nodded slowly.

Then, the leader clapped twice as a signal. I took a deep breath.

Just then, I heard someone yelling, "Hey, Where are you talking me!?" I turned around and saw that it was...

"Knuckles!!" I and Sonic said in unison.

We both looked at eachother then at Knuckles again.

"Oh, Hi Sonic! Hi Sonica!" Knuckles waved at us.

Sonic waved back at him slowly.

"Yhw did uoy gnirb mih ereh?" I asked.

"Ask him, why did he bring me here?" said Knuckles.

"I just asked that." I replied.

"Oh, okay." Knuckles looked at leader.

"Sti esuaceb rof eht txen elttab eerht srotitepmoc era dedeen. Owt nac osla etepmoc tub ti ti'now eb taht nuf ot hctaw. Os, siht der andihce lliw osla etepmoc." said the leader.

"What did he s-" I cut off Knuckles and said, "Its because for the next battle three competitors are needed. Two can also compete but it...won't be that fun to watch. So, this red echidna, I mean, you will also compete."

Knuckles nodded slowly and said, "Oh, okay."

The leader nodded, "Os, teg ydaer!"

Just then it started to rain.

"Oh no, it started raining." said Knuckles.

"We can't compete if its raining, can we?" asked Sonic.

"Ti sah detrats gniniar. Ew lliw trats eht noititepmoc retfa eht niar spots. Uoy eerht nac tser rof won." said the leader.

I didn't pay any attention to them. I just looked up at the sky, smiling. I closed my eyes, feeling the cold breeze and the raindrops falling upon me.

"Sonica! Sonica, what did he say?" asked Knuckles.

I kept my eyes closed and said, "It has started raining. We will start the competition after the rain stops. We three can rest for now."

Knuckles and Sonic just nodded.

The tribe members led them back to the prison or whatever it was. The leader also went in somewhere. But I didn't go anywhere. I sighed and looked up at the sky. I closed my eyes with a slight smile was on my face. It felt so nice in the rain.. but I never thought that my powers would show up. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands. They were glowing light blue..

I sat down on the wet grass (it was still raining). No one's here or so I thought... My hands were still glowing and shaking as well. I started to tear up just then I felt like the raindrops stopped.

I looked up and saw a huge green-leaf-like-umbrella, it was the same tribe member who had helped us before. I didn't know what to do? My hands were still glowing.

"Era uoy yako?(Are you okay?)" he asked.

I tried to hide my hands but...

"Tahw deneppah ot ruoy sdnah?(What happened to your hands?)" he asked again.

I had no idea what to do... I sighed and looked down at my hands, they were still glowing.

"Esaelp t'nod llet enoyna tuoba siht..(Please don't tell anyone about this..)" I whispered while looking at my hands.

He nodded slowly.

He held out his hand to me. I was surprised for a second. He knew that my hands were glowing but still...he held out his hand to me. I took his hand hesitatingly and stood up. And my hands slowly stopped glowing.

I looked at him, "Yhw dluow pleh me, I- (Why would you help me, I-)"

He cut me off and said, "Uoy dluohs teg niedis ro uoy thgim hctac a dloc.(You should get inside or you might catch a cold.)"

I nodded slowly but I was still confused.

Why would he care about me?

Then I heard someone calling my name, "Sonica! Sonica!!"

It sounded like Sonic..?

"Ruoy sdneirf era deirrow.(Your friends are worried.)" he said softly.

Just then, Sonic came running towards me while panting.

"S-Sonica, there you are. I have been searching for you everywhere." said Sonic. His fur was all wet.

My fur was also wet but not as wet as Sonic's fur. He was shivering as well.

"Sonic, are you oka-" Sonic cut me off and said, "Yeah yeah, totally. All okay. Lets go now."

He held my wrist and started running, making me run with me. I looked back at that tribe member who was just standing there looking at us. I sighed.

-- After 1 and a half minute --

We got in the prison or whatever it was and the tribe members locked the door...

"Where were you, Sonica!?" asked Amy, a bit worried.

"I-" I sneezed. "Sorry, I-" I sneezed again and wiped my nose.

"You have caught a co-" Sonic also sneezed, after all he was also running in the rain.

He sneezed again.

"Look! You two have caught a cold. Now, come quickly dry yourselves up before it gets worse." said Amy and pinched Sonic's ear.

"Ow ow ow! Amy st-" Sonic sneezed again and she let go of his ear. "But I don't have a towel or anythi-" Sonic sneezed again.

Meanwhile, I was at the corner of the wall. I used my fire power to warm myself and I dried up soon but I felt bad for Sonic. I can't tell them about my powers. I sighed. Then an idea popped up in my head.

"Sonic, come here." I said.

He came over to me, he was still shivering. I sat down and patted the spot next to me.

He sat down and sneezed again before saying, "What is it, Sonica?"

"I wanted to show you a magic." I replied.

"Magic? O-oka-" he sneezed again.

"Okay. 1, 2, 3, go!" I snapped my fingers and formed a flame of fire on my right hand.

His eyes widened and so did everyone else's.

"What!? How!?" they all said in unison.

I fake coughed and replied, "Um...magic?"

"But Sonica, you might get hurt!" said Sonic.

"No, I am fine." I brought my hand near to him so that he could feel some warmth.

Hopefully, he felt a bit warmer and stopped sneezing.

"But...its not possible..How did you..do that?" asked Tails with wide eyes, shocked.


What do I say now...

Just then, I heard someone knocking at the door. It was the same tribe member (yeah yeah, who helped us before. Man! I have to find his name. Sorry, readers.) He brought some bowls of soup for us. He gave 1-1 bowl to each of us, excluding me. I still had the flame in my hand but he didn't seem to be shocked. He placed a bowl next to me and went outside and another tribe member locked the door again. Sonic started drinking the soup and so did everyone else.

I increased the flame a little bit. Sonic, felt warmer and dried soon as I expected. After he was warm and dried, I slowly turned my hand into fist and the flame disappeared.

He looked amazed.

"Thankyou so much but you never told me you could do that!" said Sonic.

"Well, some things are better kept secret, you know." I replied and started to drink my soup.

- Time skip -

I was standing by the window, with my arms crossed. Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Tails and Sticks were busy talking.

I sighed and looked outside the window thinking, "Why would he help me? I don't even know his name...?"

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realize that it had become dark outside and the rain had also stopped.

"Oh, the rain has stopped." said Amy.

"Yeah, but its already dark so the battle will be probably tomorrow." said Sonic.

They nodded slowly.

"Isn't it time for dinner now?" asked Knuckles.

"I don't think they will give us dinner. We already had the soup." said Sonic.

"We drank the soup hours ago!!" shouted Sticks.

"So what am I supposed to do!?" shouted back Sonic.

I sighed.

Then, the door opened and one of the tribe member signalled us to come outside. We went outside, then two tribe members placed a big straw mat over the wet grass. The tribe leader told us to sit down. I sat down with my legs crossed and so did others.

"If we get soup again then I will be sick." whispered Sticks.

Then, they started giving each of us a plate full of food. Hopefully, there were rice, some vegetables...chicken and other items.

"Sticks, you won't be sick." said Sonic and chuckled.

Others chuckled as well but I..didn't. Yeah, I wasn't in the mood.

Then, everyone started eating. I also took a bite. Then, a tribe member sat next to me. I looked at him.

(Yes, he was that same tribe member.)

"Yeh.(Hey.)" he said.

"Yeh.(Hey.)" I replied and continued eating. Then I looked at him. "S'tahw ruoy eman? (What's your name?)" I asked.

"Ho, ym eman si Shiro. (Oh, my name is 'Shiro'.)" he replied.

"Shiro. Ecin eman. (Shiro. Nice name.)" I said.

"Knaht uoy.(Thank you.)" he replied.

I nodded and looked down at my plate, "I evah a noitseuq, Shiro. (I have a question, Shiro.)"

"Tahw si ti?(What is it?)" he asked.

"Yhw dluow pleh em? I ma tnereffid morf srehto, uoy wonk ti. Dna erofeb osla uoy depleh em, neve hguoht ym sdnah erew gniwolg... (Why would you help me? I am different from others, you know it. And before also you helped me, even though my hands were glowing...) " I said while looking down at the food.

He also looked down and replied, "I wonk woh ti sleef...(I know how it feels...)"

I looked up at him. "Tahw od uoy naem? (What do you mean?)" I asked.

"I-I...osla ev-evah s- (I-I also h-have s-)" he got cut off by the leader.

"Shiro!!!!" The leader yelled.

"G-Gnimoc!(C-Coming!)" said Shiro and quickly stood up and ran to the leader.

"What was he saying?" I thought to myself and sighed again.

-- 45 minutes later --

I was sitting down, leaning against the wall, inside the prison.

"Okay, time to sleep now." said Amy.

"Fine." said Sonic and yawned.

They laid down just like previous night.

"Goodnight!" said Amy.

"Night!" replied others.

I sighed and laid down as well, facing the rooftop. I wasn't sleepy at all. I looked at others and they were already asleep.. I sighed again and closed my eyes. Then I felt a hand on my stomach. I quickly opened my eyes and looked down, it was Sonic. I sighed and placed his hand aside but he again wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

I took a deep breath and placed his hand aside and got up. Sonic, don't make me kill you, please. I sighed. But I won't lie, he is cute.

Just then, my ears twitched. I heard someone talking outside. I went near to the window. I saw the leader talking to someone. He looked like...

"Shiro, t'nod tnioppassid em. (Shiro, don't disappoint me.)" said the leader.

"I t'now...(I won't...)" replied Shiro while looking down.

The leader nodded and walked away. Shiro sighed and then he saw me. I waved at him. He looked around first and waved back. Then he just...disappeared?

Then, I heard the door opening. I walked to the door and it was Shiro!

"Emoc tuo.(Come out.)" He whispered.

I looked back at my friends and walked outside. He started walking and I walked beside him.

"Uoy t'nerew peelsa llit won? (You weren't asleep till now?)" He asked.

I shook my head. "I saw gnikniht gnihtemos... (I was thinking something...)" I said.

"Taht? (What?)" He asked.

"Uoy dias gnihtemos nehw ew erew gnitae...dna I t'ndid dnatsrednu ti. (You said something when we were eating...and I didn't understand it.)" I replied.

[A/N: Their tribe language will be directly written in English now, tho they will be speaking in the tribe language.]

He stopped walking and looked at me. Then, he looked down at his hands.

He sighed and said, "I also have...a supernatural power."

My eyes went wide open along with my mouth. But I shook my head and cleared my throat, "Really?"

"Yes..But this powers are...just a burden for me." he said and looked down.

"What do you mean!?" I asked.

He sighed and took off his mask. He was a...white hedgehog...with two different coloured eyes. One eye was red and the other was blue. He looked at me and turned away.

"What's the matter, Shiro?" I asked.

Then, he replied, "After a few moments of my birth, my half body started flaming and the other half started getting covered by ice. My parents were shocked. They decided to...kill me, thinking I was a cursed one...but then our leader didn't let them do so. He picked me up and took me with him. After all, my parents had abandoned me... He has been training me to use my powers and keep them in control. It has really helped. No one really remembers about my powers now. And I don't show my powers to anyone except the leader..."

I was speechless.

"Anyways, who cares about it now, right?" he smiled at me.

I instantly recognized his fake smile, the same fake smile that I used to show before.

I sighed and hugged him tightly, "I understand, Shiro. Its okay.."

He was surprised for a moment but then he hugged me back. We separated after a few seconds. Then, he smiled at me and this time it was a real smile. I smiled back a little.

"Thankyou, Sonica." he said softly.

I smiled and nodded. "So, tell me about your powers." I said.

"Well, I have the power of fire and ice elements, nothing more than that." he replied.

I was surprised. I also had the power to control elements.

He then drew a circle in the air and it turned into a ring of flame. I watched him with amazement. Then, he snapped his fingers and the ring disappeared.

"How did you do that!?" I asked with curiosity.

I had never tried it!

He smiled and held my hand and drew a circle on the air.

"Now, relax and concentrate on the fire." he whispered in my ear.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. And when I opened my eyes I saw a small, yet bright ring of fire. I was so shocked that it worked!

"It worked! It worked! Thankyou, Shiro!" I said while looking at the ring of fire.

"No problem." he replied and took a few steps back,"Oh, I want to show you this."

I turned towards him.

"Ok, be ready. 3,2,1..Here we go!" He drew a huge circle in the air and it turned into several pieces of snow flakes ❄︎.

They were...beautiful.

"They are beautiful, right?" he chuckled.

I slowly touched one snow flake and just then...my eyes widened a bit and my pupils glowed. I felt a new energy in me. The lighting bolt on my forehead started glowing and then a bright white flash formed...

"Sonica! What's happening!?" That's all I could hear before I fell on the grass and got unconscious.