
The Package

Elegant marble steps set the Raven family auction house aside from any other. They took great care changing the long flowing tapestries with the seasons. The current color scheme was bright orange and yellows to mark the beginning of the spring. Many people would rave about it since it was the center of its own square.

Numerous visitors came and went within the large front entrance. Merchants and spirit tamers alike came to trade their goods. However, Clark noticed that it was exceptionally busy for the time of day he was entering.

"Please wait there." A guard at the front doors stopped Clark. He was looking him up and down. "Are you here as a VIP auction guest? Or are you here for a general seat? The seats are full in general seating so I will have to ask you to stand or to come again another night." Clark realized that it was an auction night and he had ended up there during the busiest possible time.

'Quest- Auction mysteries

Requirements: Join the Raven family auction and use the system to show the Raven family what has been hidden from them.

Reward: one gotcha ticket, Slime dragon growth notes.'

Clark felt that the system and the creator, whoever it was, had been watching him. The system had offered him the perfect reward for what he needed. It wasn't a longshot to say that Clark felt lost when it came to the way he would help Crim grow. He knew that using dragon specific materials could help him train the dragon essence, but the rest was experiments.

Having the notes of someone who had worked with slime dragons would be invaluable. Even if it just had recorded basic tendencies about slime dragons then it was enough. Crim was a mystery to Clark and discovering useful details would go a long way. Especially if Clark could add his own knowledge to it.

"I am actually here to pick up a package for Alexander. But if possible I would be interested in the auction." Clark looked at the guard who became confused before the light of remembrance sparked in his eyes.

"Please wait a moment. I will find the young miss." The guard rushed in while another waited with Clark. It was only a few moments before a slender woman came out behind the guard. She was dressed in an orange sparkling dress. "Young miss, this is the guest looking to pick up Alexander's package.

"Hm, do you have his symbol with you? I will not allow just anyone to waltz inside tonight. It is a special occasion." Clark was not going to ignore the question. The woman seemed to know exactly what she was looking for and what it meant.

"Good. That appears to be his symbol. Come with me and I will show you to my grandmother. She has the package with her. She was preparing to watch the auction soon. But she and I have time for you." The woman had perfectly manicured nails along with exceptionally braided black hair. The way she walked attracted the gaze of every person regardless of who they were.

"Can I take a guess that you are the auctioneer for the night?" Clark hit the nail on the head and knew it to be true as soon as the woman smiled.

"You are correct. I am the youngest daughter of the family, therefore, I am trained to be the main auctioneer with my starlight kitten. If you happen to stay for the auction I will look forward to your bids." There was a small wink as she left Clark in front of a carved wooden door.

"You may enter. Quick now!" The voice on the other side was well aged. When Clark entered the room he found that the voice matched the woman in front of him. "I am the head of the Raven Family. You may call me Raven. First names are not business like at all. Let that be a lesson child." Clark wasn't sure how she had easily picked up on his age but went with it.

"My name is Phantom. I will retain a business like stance as well. I have come to retrieve the package for Alexander." Clark gave a slight bow to gain more respect. It seemed to do the trick because Raven's smile showed perfectly white teeth.

"Good, polite and right to the point. Better than the last student he sent along. That Alexander used to come in here himself demanding the best of the best. He was young and I was a lot less calm at the time. I am glad he found another student though, it keeps him from getting in to more trouble out in the wilds."

"If it is not unprofessional, I have learned that Alexander has some connections all throughout the city. Can I ask about them?" Raven stopped and put a hand to her chin. She enjoyed feeling the power to control a conversation.

"Tell me, what is behind me on the top shelf?" Clark wasn't sure why this was asked of him but he went for it.

'Ashwood branch- ultra rare

The ashwood tree is a tree that only grows near hot and dry climates. It is the perfect material to boost the strength of a pure earth type beast. But it holds an extremely small amount of fire type energy within it. Thie causes it to potentially awaken the magma lizard's dormant bloodlines.'

"Ashwood branch." Clark was the expectant look on Raven's face grow. "It is dominantly an earth related material but can also hold fire energy. If I can recall correctly, it may be able to awaken certain skills for a magma lizard?" Clark made their last part sound like a question. It was best to sound slightly unsure.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. The girl that came as Alexander's last student was uneducated. She couldn't even guess what materials her own beast needed. I would have given her one as a welcome gift. But, she was not well studied. You, however, seem to have too much knowledge. Just how long have you studied?"

Clark knew that he may have given too much away but decided to own it. Instead of hiding things from the old woman, he knew it was better to play it confident. He had to earn her respect! "I have studied for many years. Ever since I could talk I found ways to learn. Recently I have had access to a library with more knowledge than I ever imagined." It was best to keep his connection to the academy out of his mouth for now. Even though he knew that Raven knew where he had come from. One never knew who could hear them.

"Dancing around the subject is not necessary. I have runes on that door to hide conversations with customers. I activated them the moment you stepped inside. But if you are more comfortable, then so be it." Raven moved to grab a package from a desk nearby.

"This is the crystal wind fruit that Alexander asked for. He specifically placed a standing order if one is ever sold. He will pay top price to have it no matter what. I have to say, I like those sorts of deals."

'Crystal wind fruit- Ultra rare

The crystal wind fruit grows in mysterious places on the tops of mountains. Most beasts will be shredded by the winds if they even dare to approach. Those that can consume it are guaranteed to awaken a wind elemental affinity. Those that use it as an evolution or growth item will find unique bloodlines or skills awakened. This is a top notch material for any beast's growth.'

If this item had been legendary, Clark would not have argued the rarity. He felt that ultra rare was too little for the fruit he had caught a glimpse of. "Very beautiful, hm? The green crystal skin hides a soft white meat that contains extremely powerful wind energy. Perfect for what Alexander needs." Raven prided herself on getting the best of the best materials for auctions.

"Now, will you be staying? You may come to my personal auction box if you would like. You passed my little test but I want to quiz you even more." The devilish look in Raven's eyes made Clark want to leave. But he couldn't give up on the quest he had.

Now Clark will be wondering why Alexander needs this material. should be fun.

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