
Little Tests

"I will not take no for an answer. I decided you will come whether you like it or not." Clark was about to say yes when Rave had decided that he would come. She motioned for him to quickly store away the package for Alexander before grabbing an elegantly carved wooden cane. "Follow me."

There were far too many stairs leading up to the top floor where the VIP guests had their private viewing rooms. But right in the middle where the best view was, there was an ornate door with ravens carved in to it. "My personal booth. Come in."

Raven walked over to a very comfortable chair and sat down on it. She still wore her large dress which Clark felt couldn't be completely filled out by her. She was too boney and frail looking of her arms and face to have such a large gut. But it would have been rude to ask and it was not as important as other things.

"I will be testing you a little when the auction starts. I expect you to tell me if we are selling valuable items or not." Raven giggled slightly. Clark felt that he had been brought in for entertainment instead of business. But he maintained his composure.

"I will do my best. Just don't throw me too many challenges. I have a good memory, for the most part, yet I do find I miss some things here and there." The bashful tone made Raven laugh again.

"So we all will in life, but you can always try again at your age. You have time to fill in the gaps. Just light my granddaughter down there. She is great at attracting attention and making people bid. Terrible at appraisal. You could sell her a rock saying it's an ancient work of art and she might believe you." The joke nearly made Clark laugh. It did cause Devi to cackle slightly.

"Invisible beast. That would make sense." Clark stood deathly still for a moment before he calmed himself. He was still covered and in a private room. Others could not see Devi and know his trump card. His outfit may give him away but they would just assume he was one of the spirit tamer with a few screws loose.

"Devi, you can meet Madame Raven If you would like." Clark felt Devi move away from him and saw him appear before Raven. She looked carefully at him before nodding slowly.

"Very interesting. Make yourself comfortable deary. Just don't go bothering my beast. She is territorial." Devi moved back to Clark while looking around. He didn't see a beast around anywhere but Clark knew that Raven wouldn't be the sort of person to lie. "Here we go. Pay attention. You will learn a little about this city of ours."

The main stage had a large red curtain that slowly opened up revealing a large white tiger. "That's the starlight kitten she talked about?" Clark couldn't stop himself from exclaiming out loud.

"Yes, my granddaughter still spoils it like a kitten. It's shameful. But it helps keep people honest during an auction." The tiger had glittering fur which made Clark think of how stars shimmered in the sky. It made perfect sense that this tiger would have the name starlight.

"Welcome to the Raven family special auction. This is a once a year event. Unique materials have come from far away. Not just another city but everywhere between. To start off the night right, we have a stinging nettle!"

"Tell me, what monster should eat that to grow?" Raven rattled off a question immediately. Clark used the system to read through the qualities.

"That is loved by the petit bark scorpion. An ideal pet for those looking to travel in to the deep woods." Raven nodded as the item was up for sale. By the time it sold, Clark watched the price rise up to a whole gold. It was an uncommon material and just the appetizer for the auction.

The next six materials were similarly found in the deep woods and Clark perfectly responded to every single question asked. Raven grew more energetic with the passing seconds. "We have here the very hard to come by, Moonlight jade. It was found on the edge of a cliff. Just waiting to fall to earth."

"Thoughts about this item?" Raven just asked a calm and general question. It was very different from before.

'Moonlight Jade- rare

This moonlight jade was once green. Over the years it was exposed to direct moonlight causing it to become white. The energy within can increase beasts' strength that hunts during full moons. The werewolf is the ideal beast to consume this due to the unique energy within. Most other monsters will not benefit from this at all in comparison.'

It's useless for most beasts unless they are werewolves. I would say it should be priced lower." Clark saw the price start at seven silver which was surprising.

"Now that is all business. The family here that has some big pockets has a son with a werewolf spirit beast. That means they will pay whatever price we set." Clark watched as Raven was proven correct. A young boy bid on the moonlight jade up to the price of one gold and eight silver. A radical price if anyone else were to purchase it.

"I understand. You must have a very strong information network to share what you will be selling with the right people. I think I will be able to learn a great deal from you." Raven appeared to be someone that enjoyed such praise. She raised her head just slightly higher as the next item came out.

" The next item we have before you is a very lucky find by a tamer hunting for their next pay day. This is a great tarantula egg. It boasts amazing speed and vicious fangs when reaching adult age. We will start the bidding for two gold coins!" The price was actually low for such a beast. But that was not what was confusing Clark.

"That can't be right…" Rave looked at him with matching confusion.

'Faceless worm egg- common

The faceless worm is an insect type beast that can fertilize soil along with help grow crops. They are considered a farmer's best friend. This faceless worm egg has been tampered with and will most likely perish upon hatching. The poisons used to carve the eggshell in to different patterns is the singular cause.'

"That's a faceless worm egg and it will die. That eggshell is too thin. Someone is scamming you."

"Boy. Do not make such accusations lightly. Look harder and tell me. Do you swear that on your life?" Raven had seen Clark's skills so far. She was impressed. Enough that she would take stock in such an outrageous suggestion.

"I swear on my life and future. That is not a great tarantula egg. That is a faceless worm egg faked to look like a great tarantula. If the person who did that is here I would punish them. Would you like me to?" Clark could have Devi deal some damage to someone if they truly were in attendance.

"No need. I will hold them accountable." Raven stood up. There was a strange buzzing sound starting to fill the room.

drop those power stones and let's rise in the ranks!

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