
Spirit Stealing

You had just signed a contract to kill your father. Don't think its easy, inferno is the strongest fire spirit holder. Defeat him before the illusion spirit kills you.

DrBlingBling · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Biologically screwed

Pandora's box manifested anger into a man. Nurturing the adolescent ended as Inferno found the truth

<I wanted to forget this memory by piercing my eyes with a dagger. Not knowing if I was frightened or fulfilled, is fuming. I was dangling of a cliff wondering when to fall. I could not stop this emotion of hatred, but whom should have received it? The urge to kill my dad, yet a compulsion to spit on my mother's head for putting me in a situation I can't comprehend, began growing. All I knew was that it's my turn next.>

The demon snatched Hikaru's angle by her straight-white hair. Screams were so high every glass mug shattered. yelling so deep that buildings segmented. Uncovering the illusion left the spell caster to die. Hair strands darkened till death. One by one, until the flames reached the victim's face. The boy looked at his mother's blue-aquatic eyes but instead of his reflection, eyes showed patterns of purple and white rings. While the demon disfigured his play toy, Hikaru took the chest, kissed his siblings on the forehead, and ran for his life. He entered the sewers for security. Cleanliness of his shoes and clothing was not as important as finding peace. Screams echoed from the sewage's entrance.

"This is your fault, too."

Crimson-red flames ran to murder the boy. Diving into the sewage liquids was the only chance of survival. 3-degree burns appeared as signs of defeat. But resilience manifested into power. The need to live acted as mitochondria, providing energy for the boy to escape. Hikaru exited the sewage and started sprinting his way to the outskirts of the fire nation. Balance became blurry, his vision became unsteady, and blood dried still. The young lad fainted on the streets near a crowded fishing station. Balance became sharp, his vision became stable, and blood started a continuous stream. The boy opened his eyes to horror. He saw incubated kids with labels referring to their powers. Each child looked malnourished and seemed to suffer from marasmus. In the boy's tiny room was the word fire painted with blood. An old man stood tall in front of the boy, smirking, for his thoughts were full of sin.

"ah…. a fire one. My collection is growing throughout these years. Capturing one of you tiny devils was not that easy."

The old man laughed creepily, mocking the child and psychologically torturing him. Baldly showed the boy the chest his mother gave him. He opened the box, willing to sell every liquid asset. He found scrolls and opened them.

"yes… yes... yes! This is what I need! Let's start the experiment!"

The boy couldn't read the scrolls. However, knew he would get treated differently. The Scientist snatched Hikaru from the incubator, tied him to a bed, and knocked him out. Balance became sharp, his vision became stable, and blood started a continuous stream. Hikaru woke up to pain and power.

"You are the first to experience the ultimate mutation. Getting the ability to learn new powers is a gift. Don't worry, you will repay me later. It's time to get trained by my puppet. Hey! Come here! Train him. Start small. He is a late bloomer."

The teen gifted Hikaru his hand. It guided him to a white room where the boys sat and comforted each other. The teen explained that he wants the world to burst with equality. If everyone has the same power, then wars would be abolished . Hikaru was not impressed by the lie but continued the conversation.

"Giving people infinite power only purifies the heart. It cleanses the soul from evil and prepares the world for future generations. Do you want me to achieve that?"

"I will do anything for the world to be fixed. I understood your plan and I agree with you."

Those words separated the teen's face with two enormous lips sharing his happiness with all. The teen told Hikaru that there were close to spread the sun's power. However, it's vital to train the child to achieve success. Hikaru had to fight insects to understand their fear. He devoted himself to fighting cats to face reluctance. He fought with dogs to learn combat. The animal grew and grew, but the progress was lacking. Wolves were a drawback as they injured Hikaru. The teen ran, saving the boy from death. Hikaru had two mini clouds precipitating on his face.

"Don't cry, brother. This is for the world"

Training continued until the scientist genetically engineered a second mutation. He tied the teen onto a bed. The teen's eyes dilated and mouth foamed. The root beer started screaming from its pain.


"I can feel it, brother. I sense your pain without knowledge about the experiment. Do it for us. Do it for me."

The test failed and the teen began dying. The scientist confronted Hikaru. He explained that the young lad must work five times stronger for him to become compatible. The scientist also figured out how to save the teen.

"All I need is your blood to save him. All I need is your life!"

Hikaru gave every ounce of blood needed to rescue the teen. He entered the white room and started exercising until his eyes turned red.