
Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

7/31/2024~ In the process of editing and updating my earlier chapters. I personally believe the story starts to improve and find it's way a bit more around chapter 50+. Hopefully can make some adjustments in earlier chapters when I have the time, but pacing slows down into a more measured rate as I start finding my groove. I give the content more time to breathe instead of going so fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the realm of Nexaria, where elemental spirits and divine beings shape the fate of the world as a land of mortals striving to become gods against the demons of the Abyssal universe, a young boy named Lassim Vanthar embarks on an extraordinary journey of advancement, adventure and becoming a bastion for those around him in their fight against the Dragal. Born into a noble family with a legacy of martial prowess, Lassim possesses an unparalleled gift—a connection to two elemental spirits, a feat unheard of in the history of his world. A gift that is an omen and a sign of the Gods influencing the future fate of Nexaria. Lassim must harness the power of his dual spirits to protect his loved ones and confront the looming threat, but one step at a time as he grows in power as the hero of Nexaria. Lassim faces daunting challenges, battles fierce adversaries, and unlocks the mysteries of his own destiny that has been tampered with by the Gods of this universe. How will he react and adapt to his situation? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first ever novel. I’m a new author and still learning how to tell a story. Please understand that when reading. Thank you.

JPNovelFan · Fantasy
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256 Chs

Spirit Awakening Ceremony

"Today, we gather to celebrate the awakening of the elemental spirits within each of you, to honor the legacy of our gods, and to embrace the journey that lies ahead."

As the deacon spoke, Lassim felt a surge of anticipation course through him. The Spirit Awakening Ceremony was a rite of passage, a sacred tradition that marked the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of young spirit warriors. He would finally be able to join the ranks of his family and gain access to the elements. 

With bated breath, Lassim listened intently as the deacon continued to speak. 

"As the ceremony proceeds," the deacon continued, "each of you will be called forth to the pedestal, where you will offer your prayers to the gods and receive their blessings."

Lassim listened intently as the deacon described the procedure, his heart pounding. He glanced at his uncle and father, who sat beside him, their expressions a mix of pride and excitement.

"Remember," the deacon's voice echoed through the hall, "this is a sacred moment, a time to open your hearts and minds to the divine. Approach the pedestal with reverence and humility, and the gods will bestow their gifts upon you."

As the first name was called, "Sirium Giffard," a hush fell over the crowd, and all eyes turned towards the young man from the Giffard family. With pure white hair that shimmered in the soft light of the amphitheater, he walked nervously, but quickly towards the stage, his hands trembling slightly at his sides.

Lassim watched with rapt attention as the young man reached the pedestal, his gaze fixed on the pristine white marble flecked with gold. With a deep breath, Sirium knelt down and began to offer his prayers to the gods.

As he prayed, lines of golden energy surged through the pedestal, enveloping the young man in a radiant glow. Lassim's breath caught in his throat as he watched in awe, his heart swelling with anticipation.

Suddenly, the young man's form began to shimmer and shift with a bright green glow, a connection to the goddess of winds, Ikmera, clearly, and two twin daggers materialized by his side, gleaming with an otherworldly light. With a gasp of amazement, the crowd erupted into applause, their cheers filling the hall.

Lassim felt a surge of excitement course through him watching this display.

After the first awe-inspiring awakening, several more names were called, each bringing forth a unique manifestation of elemental power.

First, a young man named Jaren Flintheart stepped forward, his family crest proudly displayed on his robes. As he knelt on the pedestal and prayed, lines of fiery energy surged through the marble, enveloping him in a radiant blaze. When he rose, a two-handed mace, briefly covered in flames danced, was in his hands as a testament to his newfound connection with Ribus, the God of Flame.

Next was Elara Riversong, a girl with eyes as clear as the sky. As she prayed, shimmering blue waves cascaded around her, representing the Ava, the Goddess of Water, and when she stood, she wielded a staff crowned with a crystalline droplet, her affinity for water evident. Her body posture and steps even becoming more fluid as she walked down from the stage. 

Following Elara was Thorne Oakwood, a stoic young man whose presence seemed to stir the very air around him. With a reverence that belied his years, he knelt before the pedestal and communed. Again Ikmera, the Goddess of Winds, responded. When he rose, a gust of wind whipped through the amphitheater, and he held aloft a spear wreathed in swirling cyclones.

Several more names were called and it was clear that fire, water, wind, metal and nature were the most common elements. These were some of the most destructive, but also useful elements when fighting the Dragal, so it made sense.

The other elements seemed to be much rarer as no one yet had been able to connect with the gods of Day, Night or Lightning. It is said that the last person to connect with any of these gods was over 100 years ago with a child that awakened a Day elemental spirit. The last Night spirit was 500 years ago and the last Lightning spirit was 4,000 years ago. It was actually during the Iron Marquis' awakening of the fire element all those years ago when someone had connected with the illusive god of Lightning, Famthar. 

The next name was called by the deacon, "Lustria Alisone!" She stepped forward from her seat, her presence seemed to fill the amphitheater with a sense of innocence and charm. She left the Alisone family seating area and Lassim couldn't help but be momentarily stunned by her appearance, her toned arms adding to her unexpected charm to his eyes. It was clear to Lassim's trained eyes that she must use some sort of weapon that utilized her strong arm strength, but nothing too absurd as she was so short. 

However, as soon as Lustria knelt before the pedestal, the atmosphere in the room shifted, the air growing heavy. The magical fires surrounding the stage dimmed, casting deep dark shadows that danced along the walls. The various families in the audience gasped and several family heads become tensed. They understood immediately the shift in elemental energy taking place. 

Lassim's attention snapped back from his daze to the stage as he watched Lustria connect with the shadows. It was Undos, the God of Night. Darkness enveloped her figure, deep as the void itself, as she communed with them.

In the darkness, Lustria's form seemed to blur and meld with the shadows, her silhouette becoming indistinct against the ebony backdrop of the once white marble stage. He held his breath, his pulse quickening with tension as he felt the divine pressure that was much stronger than all of the awakenings before it.

Then, as suddenly almost as it had descended, the darkness lifted, and the room was flooded with light once more. His's eyes widened in wonder as he beheld Lustria, now wielding a dark and mighty bow, with a quiver slung across her back.

The edges of the quiver seemed to ripple with an eerie darkness, as if touched by the void itself. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the sight, mesmerized by the power emanating from Lustria's newly awakened spirit.

As she stood, wielding her dark and mighty bow, her father, Earl Bertin Alisone, could hardly contain his pride and joy. With a booming voice that echoed throughout the amphitheater, he cheered for his daughter's rare and remarkable awakening.

"Lustria! My daughter!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with paternal pride and moist with soon-to-be tears of joy. "You have awakened a rare spirit of darkness! My daughter has a dark elemental! The Gods themselves must favor the Alisone!"

The crowd joined in, their applause thundering through the hall as they marveled at Lustria's extraordinary achievement. It was a moment of celebration not just for the Alisone family but for all those present, a testament to a soon to be hero that could defeat thousands of the most powerful Dragal just based on the strength and diversity of her element alone.

Lustria's cheeks flushed as she took in the adulation, her heart swelling with the embarrassment of her father's doting. He had reason to be excited, as the dark element was rare and powerful, but for those that knew Bertin personally, he could never stop sharing his love for his cute daughter. He even carried around a drawing she made when she was 3 inside of his chest plate at all times. Frequently showing it to anyone that would give him a few minutes for him to brag about his daughter. 

With the ceremony still underway, Lassim knew that soon it would be his turn to step forward and receive his awakening.