
Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

7/31/2024~ In the process of editing and updating my earlier chapters. I personally believe the story starts to improve and find it's way a bit more around chapter 50+. Hopefully can make some adjustments in earlier chapters when I have the time, but pacing slows down into a more measured rate as I start finding my groove. I give the content more time to breathe instead of going so fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the realm of Nexaria, where elemental spirits and divine beings shape the fate of the world as a land of mortals striving to become gods against the demons of the Abyssal universe, a young boy named Lassim Vanthar embarks on an extraordinary journey of advancement, adventure and becoming a bastion for those around him in their fight against the Dragal. Born into a noble family with a legacy of martial prowess, Lassim possesses an unparalleled gift—a connection to two elemental spirits, a feat unheard of in the history of his world. A gift that is an omen and a sign of the Gods influencing the future fate of Nexaria. Lassim must harness the power of his dual spirits to protect his loved ones and confront the looming threat, but one step at a time as he grows in power as the hero of Nexaria. Lassim faces daunting challenges, battles fierce adversaries, and unlocks the mysteries of his own destiny that has been tampered with by the Gods of this universe. How will he react and adapt to his situation? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first ever novel. I’m a new author and still learning how to tell a story. Please understand that when reading. Thank you.

JPNovelFan · Fantasy
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256 Chs

Potions Galore

Under the final golden rays of the afternoon sky, Lassim found himself experiencing the cool mountain air of the academy as he stared at the item in his hands. In his grasp, a letter—no mere parchment, but a familiar connection, the seal of the Rohese family embossed proudly upon it.

This seal, a building rising through the precipice of the Earth, was not just a symbol of creation but a status symbol of true wealth and prestige. This was an invitation from his grandparents, Frederyc and Elisa Rohese.

The letter, penned in an elegant script that danced along the fabric of the pressed paper, spoke of the willingness and desire for a connection.


To Our Dear Grandson, Lassim Vanthar,

Under the watchful gaze of the twin moons and the protection of the ancient gods that guide us, we, Frederyc and Elisa Rohese, extend to you not just words written with ink upon parchment but a bridge of hearts, longing to reconnect with our blood, and the continuation of our legacy.

It has come to our attention that you have taken your first steps into the the prestigious Myriad Spirit Academy. Such an achievement is not merely a testament to your innate talent and the fire of determination that burns within you; it is a beacon of pride that shines brightly, illuminating the Rohese family with honor once more.

We remember, as if it were but a moment ago, the day we were blessed with your presence in this realm when you born. It was a day when the sky wept joyous tears, and the heavens shook with a glorious thunder, heralding your birth. Since that moment when we held you, a newborn swathed in the warmth of our family's embrace, the years tell a tale of a longer separation. You probably don't remember us, since that fateful day more than 8 years ago now, but we fondly do.

The tapestry of fate is vast and interwoven with countless threads, each carrying the weight of decisions, dreams, and destinies. It is within this grand design that we now seek to weave our threads once more with yours, to share in the joys of your new accomplishment and to offer our guidance as you embark on this new chapter of your life.

Therefore, with hearts full of anticipation and the serene hope that accompanies the dawn of a new day, we formally invite you to join us at the Rohese estate. Let us come together on the morrow of when you receive this letter, marking the time at 4:00 in the afternoon. It is our deepest wish to once again lay eyes upon you, to witness the young man you have become, and to share in the stories and dreams that dance within your spirit.

May your journey to us be guided upon steps of study ground, and with the steadfastness of mountainous courage that resides within you as a Rohese clan member. We await your arrival with open arms and hearts aglow with the warmth of familial love.

With boundless pride and affection,

Frederyc & Elisa Rohese

Your Grandparents


Lassim felt a stirring within, a blend of anticipation and warmth of love at the thought of meeting those who were his grandparents that he couldn't remember. He heard of them from his mother on many occasions, especially his grandfather that was strong and wielded an nature elemental scythe, yet they were an unknown and remained shrouded in mystery. He knew of the wealth and history of famed architects that the Rohese family represented, but it always felt so distant and unconnected from him as a Vanthar. 

Eager to plan for this meeting, he returned to his cultivation cave's meditation room with time slipping by quickly as he embraced the elements in his daily circulations. His power still firmly halfway between SI5 and SI6.

The next day, his mind wandered through the lesson of battle mastery under the vigilant eyes of Guardian Master Kale. Today's lesson was the beginning of turning the training ground into a human forge for the first years, tempering spirit and body alike with exercises that pushed the boundaries of endurance and elemental mastery. Lassim, alongside his peers, was being sculpted not just in the physical realm but in the essence of survival, the very skill that threaded through the heart of their path as young spirit warriors.

Yet, even as he was pushed to exhaustion under the relentless exercises under Kale's guidance, Lassim's heart raced ahead to the meeting. The lesson's end found him swift-footed, his farewells to Lustria and Sirium tinged with a mysterious haste that left questions hanging in the air from them both.

As Lassim was leaving, he recalled seeing a mission in the mission hall that might be worth grabbing since he was headed into the city. The mission that drew him was simple—a delivery of Spirit Grass, to an alchemist whose shop was in the city's central shopping district. It was set by the same contractor that had requested the unlimited bundle mission the trio had grabbed previously. Quickly, he rushed by the mission hall and took the mission's parchment to the counter. 

Clearing his throat, he addressed the receptionist, a young woman with sharp eyes and an efficient demeanor.

"Excuse me, I'd like to accept the mission for delivering Spirit Grass to the alchemist in the central shopping district," Lassim stated confidently, handing over the parchment.

The receptionist glanced at the mission, nodding. "Ah, the Spirit Grass delivery. An easy choice for first years. May I have your name for the record?"

"Lassim Vanthar," he replied, watching as she scribbled his name into a large ledger.

"One moment, please," she said, her voice carrying the practiced tone of someone who had performed this routine countless times. As she verified Lassim's identity against the academy's records, another worker appeared beside her, holding a small but ornate magic pouch in their hands.

"This pouch contains the Spirit Grass you are to deliver," the receptionist continued, as the worker handed the pouch to Lassim. "It's been sealed with an elemental enchantment to ensure the contents remain secure. Only the recipient can open it."

Lassim took the pouch, feeling the faint thrum of dangerous magic pulsating from its enchantment. The seal was a testament to the academy's meticulousness in protecting its resources and ensuring the integrity of its missions.

"Thank you," Lassim said, his gratitude genuine. He was intrigued by the enchantment, already pondering the mechanisms behind it and how they might apply to his studies. "I'll make sure it gets to the alchemist safely."

The receptionist offered a polite smile. "We appreciate your diligence. The academy values your contribution. Should you need any further assistance or directions in finding the alchemist's shop, you will find the details with a map in your jade bracelet."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Lassim turned away from the counter, the magic pouch securely in his grasp. Leaving the mission hall and heading towards the city, he checked the bracelet for the map and slightly cringe shop name—Potions Galore.

As he stepped out of the academy and into the bustling life of the city, he couldn't help but feel a buzz of excitement.

Navigating the lively streets of Myriad Spirit City, he marveled at the architecture around him. The stone and wood buildings, so reminiscent of Swallowtail Mountain City, brought a sense of nostalgia, yet the bustling atmosphere here was magnified a hundredfold. The city was a bustling hub of activity, with merchants calling out their wares and citizens moving briskly about their day. It was a stark contrast to the more serene environment of the academy, and he soaked in every detail with joy.

Upon reaching the alchemist's shop, Potions Galore, nestled in the heart of the central shopping district, he paused to take in the sight before him. The store was larger than he had anticipated, with its windows adorned with an array of colorful potion bottles that sparkled under the sunlight. The vibrant and tantalizing display promised a world of magical remedies and concoctions inside, drawing in customers with the allure of alchemical wonders.

Stepping inside through the busy crowd of patrons coming and going, he was immediately enveloped in a cacophony of scents ranging from sweet floral to pungent herbal, and even a slight tinge of burnt charcoal. The air was thick with the essence of countless ingredients, each contributing to the shop's unique olfactory tapestry.

He was greeted by a worker dressed in an earthy-colored robe, the smell of herbs and potion fumes clinging to them like a second skin.

"I'm here to deliver a batch of Spirit Grass for the alchemist," Lassim announced, his voice carrying over the hum of business within the shop.

The worker nodded, gesturing for Lassim to wait as they disappeared through a door leading to the back of the shop. Moments later, an elderly man emerged from behind the shelves of potions covering the entrance to the back room, his appearance reminiscent of a classic wizard from tales of old. A tall and yet droopy brown hat with a long earthy robe. Flasks and other tools on the rope that tied his robe shut. The medicinal smell that preceded him was almost tangible, and Lassim couldn't help but also notice the stains marking the alchemist's hands—his fingertips covered with some sort of soot or black dirt.

Lassim extended the magic pouch towards the alchemist, who accepted it with a nod of appreciation. With a few precise gestures, Lassim completed the delivery using the magic imprint delivery form, a seamless process with the glow of magic causing the form to flash briefly, confirming the delivery was a success.

"Thank you, young man," the alchemist said, his voice seasoned with age and wisdom. "I only just now received word that the delivery mission was accepted and yet here you are. Your promptness is a rare commodity these days. I must admit, it's been challenging to receive deliveries as swiftly as I'd like."

He paused, appraising Lassim with a thoughtful gaze. "Tell you what, if you're willing to take on any herb delivery missions for my shop at least once a week, I'll offer you a discount on my potions. It's a win-win. You'll get your potion supplies at a more favorable rate, and I'll have a reliable courier. What do you say?"

Lassim considered the proposal for a moment. The offer was generous, and the prospect of learning more about the alchemical arts, even in this indirect manner to start with, was too good to pass up. "I accept," he said, a smile forming on his lips. "You can count on me."

With their agreement in place, Lassim took his leave, the shop's door closing behind him with the gentle tinkle of a bell. The brief encounter had added an unexpected but welcome dimension to his day. He had been curious about the world's herbs and potions since that study session in the academy library prior to collecting the herb grass. Learning about the various magical plants had made his more curious about the world's fauna and flora.

'This could be a good chance to explore these topics. I wonder what magical things could help improve my power more quickly if I come across them?' He pondered.

As he made his way towards the Rohese family estate, Lassim felt a sense of anticipation. Today marked the beginning of new connections, both with his family and with the broader world.