
Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

3/24/2024~ In the process of editing and updating my earlier chapters. I’ve learned more in the last 51 chapters and have changed a few plot points. Things like Earth element becoming Nature element. Also, I’ve really kind of just been publishing my first drafts with minor editing for grammar and spelling. I want to improve those initial chapters, especially the dialogue, so I’m going back to make them better. **Chapters 1-6 have been edited and updated so far. Refresh your cache to go back and reread if you wish! I’ll work on all chapters leading up to the privilege as I continue my daily chapter output!** This is my first ever novel. I’m a new author and still learning how to tell a story. Please understand that when reading. I’ll do better to improve the novel as it goes if you tell me what it is lacking. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the enchanting realm of Nexaria, where elemental spirits and divine beings shape the fate of the world, a young boy named Lassim Vanthar embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and adventure. Born into a noble family with a legacy of martial prowess, Lassim possesses an unparalleled gift—a connection to two elemental spirits, a feat unheard of in the history of his world. As Lassim approaches his 8th birthday, a pivotal moment in every child's life when they awaken their elemental spirit, the tranquil peace of Nexaria is shattered by the resurgence of ancient foes—the Dragal demons. With his homeland threatened by darkness, Lassim must harness the power of his dual spirits to protect his loved ones and confront the looming threat. Joined by his spirited companions, including the courageous Lustria Alisone and loyal Sirium Giffard, Lassim embarks on a perilous quest across the vast landscapes of Nexaria. From the towering forests of Swallowtail Mountain City to the majestic business center of Myriad Spirit City, Lassim faces daunting challenges, battles fierce adversaries, and unlocks the mysteries of his own destiny. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

JPNovelFan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
164 Chs

Arrival at Myriad Spirit City

As the cloud viper soared through the clouds, they quickly arrived and descended upon Myriad Spirit City, Lassim's anticipation grew with each passing moment. The city sprawled out before him.

Lassim couldn't help but be captivated by the sight that spread out before him. The city was a bustling metropolis, its streets teeming with activity, stalls, merchant, wild beasts as mounts for some of the citizens, and its skyline dominated by towering structures that reached towards the heavens.

Despite its size, the city retained a sense of charm and warmth, its architecture reminiscent of Swallowtail Mountain City. The buildings were constructed primarily from stone and wood, materials commonly found in cities nestled near mountains.

The familiarity of the surroundings provided him with a sense of comfort amidst the unfamiliarity of his new surroundings.

As he gazed upon the cityscape, his eyes were drawn to the southern mountain that loomed over the horizon. It was the current direction the cloud viper was heading towards.

Halfway up the massive mountain slopes rested the main building of the academy, a formidable structure that stood as a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment. Covered in beautiful vines and with what appeared to be some fae-like creatures floating around. The rest of the mountain itself was cloaked in a dense forest, its trees reaching towards the sky and encroaching on the edges of the academy grounds. Some pathways within the academy itself littered with these woods.

Lassim's gaze lingered on the main building of the academy, on it's perch halfway, its imposing presence a beacon of knowledge and power.

"Wow... look at that," he muttered to himself, a sense of wonder evident in his voice. "Those vines... they're incredible. I can feel them from here that they're filled with nature elemental energy."

His heart raced with excitement, the lush greenery seeming to pulse with life. A smile spread across his face.

"This is going to be amazing," he whispered, his eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait to explore every inch of this place."

As the cloud viper landed at the base of the mountain, his eyes were drawn to the glowing sign that adorned the entrance to the academy. The words "Myriad Spirit Academy" shimmered in twisting blue and gold runes, casting an ethereal glow over the courtyard. Everyone quickly hopping off the cloud viper. 

Elder Tom guided the students towards the entrance, where they were met by other elders, each accompanied by their own group of new students. Lassim observed the diverse array of faces and attire among the crowd, noting the wild and exotic outfits worn by some and the elegant and colorful silks adorning others. He didn't recognize anyone in particular since not everyone wore or had a family crest. Only the most noble families had them.

One figure stood out among the crowd, amidst the gathering of new students, that immediately caught Lassim's attention. Clad in rugged beast furs that seemed to blend seamlessly with his wild, unkempt appearance, the youth exuded an aura of raw strength and primal energy.

Towering above the others, he possessed a muscular build honed through rigorous training and a life lived on the edge of civilization. His broad shoulders hinted at formidable physical prowess.

His features were rugged and weather-beaten, as if carved from stone by the harsh elements of the wilderness. Long, tousled hair framed a face marked by scars, each one a testament to a tough life.

Noticing Lassim's gaze he quickly glanced in his direction, his piercing gaze bore a hint of wildness, like that of a predator sizing up its prey. Yet, after a quick moment changing to that of a predator meeting another predator. He quickly snorted and turned his head away before moving forward with the rest of his group, following his accompanying elder.

Lassim couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over him. His fingers clenching into a first with a slight excitement at the potential challenge. There was an intensity to that figure, a primal ferocity that seemed to simmer just beneath the surface, ready to erupt at a moment's notice.

'I hope I get a chance to spar with him.' He commented internally.

As the students gathered in the courtyard, they stood around and waited for another few hours, accompanying their elders in silence.

After the wait, they were suddenly joined by a striking woman whose beauty was matched only by her commanding presence. With every movement, her curves swayed gracefully, accentuated by the form-fitting attire she wore.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Myriad Spirit Academy," she began, her voice carrying across the courtyard with ease. "I am Vice Headmaster Evelyn Nightshade, and it is my pleasure to welcome you to our esteemed institution."

Her beauty was undeniable, with lustrous locks of midnight-black hair cascading down her back in silky waves. Her features were striking, with high cheekbones, full lips, and piercing eyes that seemed to hold a hint of mystery and intrigue.

But it was her figure that truly captivated those who beheld her. Blessed with ample curves and a generous bosom, she possessed a sensual allure that was impossible to ignore. Her curves were accentuated by the elegant attire she wore, hugging her in all the right places and leaving little to the imagination.

As she spoke, her voice was smooth as velvet, with a hint of huskiness that only added to her allure. Every word seemed to carry a subtle promise, enticing those who listened to lean in closer, eager to hear more.

Despite her undeniable beauty, there was a strength and authority in her demeanor that commanded respect. It was clear that she was not to be underestimated, for beneath her captivating exterior lay a formidable sense of power that radiated from her figure. She was a force of nature, wrapped in beauty and mystery, and Lassim couldn't help but be drawn to her magnetic presence.

As she addressed the new students, her gaze swept over them in assessment, taking in their every reaction with keen interest. There was a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips, as if she could see right through each of them.

"For the next phase of your journey, you will be evaluated based on your combat abilities," Vice Headmaster Evelyn continued sternly.

She went on to explain the ranking system that would determine the students' allocation to teachers and their standing within the academy. 

"Your ranking will determine not only your teachers but also your status within the academy. Remember, Myriad Spirit Academy is a meritocracy, where strength is valued above all else. Similar to the battlefield, you can't succeed if you're too weak to die in your first encounter. You might as well pick a guard's life. We're here to raise the next generation to hopefully defeat the Dragal once and for all, not some garden flowers."

The words sent a ripple of excitement and apprehension through the crowd, each student bracing themselves for the trial.

Evelyn suddenly raised her hand towards the gathered students, glowing with immense energy.

As the students watched, shimmering orbs of light darted towards them, each one transforming into a jade bracelet upon contact with their wrists. The bracelets gleamed with an otherworldly luminescence, emitting a soft, pulsating glow.

Evelyn's voice resonated through the courtyard as she explained the purpose of the bracelets.

"These jade bracelets are more than just accessories," she declared, her tone commanding attention.

"They will act as guides throughout your time here at Myriad Spirit Academy. Later you can use them to access many features like classroom schedules or a map of the academy."

She gestured towards the forested mountains that loomed in the distance.

"In the upcoming trial, you will venture into the surrounding mountain forest, where you will have six hours to hunt down as many S1 to S4 rank beasts as you can."

Eyes widened with anticipation as Evelyn continued, her words carrying an air of solemnity.

"Though the elders will be scattered throughout the forest, they will only intervene if a student's life is truly in peril. It is up to you to rely on your own strength and skill to overcome the challenges you will face."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before adding, "However, accidents can happen, so it's essential to remain vigilant at all times."

Evelyn's gaze swept over the assembled students, her expression firm. "Your bracelets will keep track of each kill and display a leaderboard, accessible through your spirit sense. Use it to stay informed and strategize accordingly."

With a pointed look, she emphasized, "And remember, the bracelets can also serve as beacons in case of emergencies. Should you find yourself in need of assistance, activate the beacon, and the elders will come to your aid."

A moment of silence followed, tension thick in the air, before Evelyn's voice cut through the stillness like a clarion call. "Begin!"

With a swift motion, she launched a bright flare into the sky, its brilliant light illuminating the courtyard as it soared upwards, signaling the start of the trial.