
Spiderman:Deal with the devil.

Reincarnate in Marvel as Peter Parker. .................... I was also given for making a Spiderman fanfic, it's always great. ....................... It's my first novel, so maybe I get a bit confused, as well as the grammar. the image is not mine, if you want to change it let me know. I don't own any personage, they all belong to Marvel.

Key_001 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Welcome the new.

"See, I told you" were Peter's first words when he saw New York City as new. and the change of style was a nice touch. he already missed the blows by hurried passersby.

The lack of awareness of the people was so great that they did not notice the portal where Valeria and Peter came, but anyway they were giving elbows to be able to pass through the busy streets of New York.

but unlike Peter, Valeria did not take long to remove a device to obtain information. it would be bad to come to a world where Hydra won. since everything was reversed.

Ignoring Valeria, Peter finally gave her true breath from hell. the tutorial was quite long, so it was time to enjoy the youth.

the problem was that now they stood out a lot and the gazes of the passers-by were quite painful. so decided that it was best to change places. Peter took Valeria in his arms and began to escape.

leaving people confused by the strange duo, Peter entered an alley where he took the opportunity to salt and reach the top of the building to be calmer.

"Wait" taking her by surprise, Valeria couldn't help screaming when she felt her body being kidnapped.

"Maybe you didn't notice it, but everyone on the street was looking at us like freaks. And I really would like to live without the police coming to arrest me" if superheroes weren't an everyday thing. That would be the answer because they attracted so much attention. And it wasn't that a white spider suit no longer looked strange.

And this was something that Valeria did not understand since the fantastic 4 costumes is a classic.


"I'm not sure if this is good or bad" was what Valeria said after reading all the history of the world.

The events of the Second World War were maintained. and Captain America was the hero of that time. as well as her successive death in action.

But after that everything went pretty quiet.

And that lasted until 2008, where there were some household names, but nothing that Valeria was surprised at. Heroes were rare, but that didn't mean a bad thing. Actually thinking that someone could live without someone trying to destroy the building where she lives every week was quite refreshing.

And there was more good news, Valeria found her family, although currently, they were really young, and the Fantastic 4 still doesn't exist. but the idea of ​​seeing her family again put her in conflict. why in the end they weren't her family.

Seeing Valeria's state, Peter entered the conversation.

"Because you are not accompanying me to the hospital, it seems that the version of me in this universe did not have it so simple" There were several levels of irony in Peter's words, but Valeria was not so interested.

"I still have to do some tests, our molecular structure could have undergone some change during our trip. And dying from a silly mistake is not in my plans" but Peter did not care about Valeria's words, since the wall climber returned to take her in his arms to move across the rooftops of New York.

"I'm sorry, but it seems that my version in this world has a peculiar situation. And who better than you to give me a hand" was not that Peter wished someone evil. But it seemed like today was a good day, especially when it was time for Peter to seek information. Since it did not take him long to find information about a small accident on a school trip.

Valeria seemed to have few options, "But at least tell me your plan, I hope your idea is not to go and assassinate a dying man to take his place" although Valeria said it as a joke, Peter's lack of response made her a little nervous, "True?"

Leaving the games aside, Peter decided to speak, "calm down, the most likely thing is that the self of this universe will die shortly from what I read. and obtaining an identity would be good. or do you plan to look for a universe where you are dead to impersonate yourself "

Valeria hadn't thought so much, now that they had escaped. looking for a place to stay was the next question. but even she didn't know what she wanted to do. And something she didn't dare ask was what Peter's plans were. Especially since Valeria thought it would be weird for her to want to stay close to Peter. And it was a problem to make it look like Valeria looked like a stalker or something.

But this was a good opportunity to raise the issue, so Valeria decided to follow Peter's plan, "I'll think about that later, but we also need a lab. You'll have to help me if later" that would make it more familiar to Valeria. and that's a good way to think things better.

With everything in order, Peter moved around New York, and in passing, he stole some clothes since his costumes stood out a lot.


Peter Parker had gone on a field trip to Oscorp with his schoolmates. But in a distraction he separated himself from the group and guided by his curiosity, he arrived at a laboratory where a spider bit him.

but it had to be Peter's bad luck, that the spider had bitten Peter on the carotid artery that caused the spider venom to spread through his body at an incredible speed, leaving him comatose.

so after being missing for a few hours and then found unconscious, Peter was taken to the hospital where he remained unconscious and with no clear signs of awakening.

the accounts went to Oscopr Industries, but that didn't lessen the pressure Ben and May Parker felt.

And already at night, two intruders sneaked into Peter's room when no one was looking after him.

"So is there a rule for this, like not making sports bets, or something similar?" Peter commented as he moved around the room.

"You can do whatever you want, this is not a trip in time, and even if it was a trip in time. Just create a new timeline" Valeria was already more relaxed, and although she would rather start building her laboratory, spend the Hanging out and talking to Peter was quite nice.

when Peter got in front of the other Peter, the first thought was that the resemblance was almost identical.

"So what do you say, will he live?" Peter is very smart, but it was better to leave things nerdy to Valeria.

Knowing the plan, Valeria went straight to the results, which were in a folder hanging on the bed.

but after she finished reading the results were inconclusive.

"No genetic study was done, the only thing they found out was abnormal metabolic changes, but without a certain cause" Valeria already knew about the technology of this universe, it was quite backward, so she will have to finish the tests.

"This won't take long" Valeria pulled out another device as she drew some blood from the hospitalized Peter.

And on the other hand, Peter was playing with her counterpart's glasses. and if that combined boring clothes and a generic hairstyle. you got a teenager who could die a virgin.

"Are you finished playing?" Valeria asked after seeing the antics that Peter was doing.

"I call it getting into character, but if you tell me that my friend Sleeping Beauty woke up it won't matter" Peter replied as he took off his glasses.

Although Valeria did not know Peter in a coma, having the face of her new friend made her a little uncomfortable. but she managed to speak calmly.

"That Peter undergoes rapid genetic degradation, but with such a backlash the external agent is taking complete control of the genetic encoding. So it should take too long for nothing of the old Peter to turn on. Leaving whatever it is that He had entered his system as the phenotypic and genotypic controller. So there will be some changes, and I don't really think they are positive. "was the conclusion of Valeria's results, so that Peter was destined to become a spider monster is very Little time.

"And will you have a cure?" Peter asked, but seeing Valeria's expression the answer was clear.

"I don't have a solution, so make your decision" Valeria was not a believer in euthanasia, but this case was quite rare. since if she were in that situation, the last thing she would want was to turn into a monster.

with everything said Peter had already made a decision, "Remember that we cannot do this very often, maximum 3 times. I do not want to change reality every little time"

"...." Valeria decided not to continue with the subject, besides she already saw her share of true brutality. so she decided not to think about what her Peter is about to do.

I don't like to be dramatic, but I was diagnosed with Covid-19. I know, F for me.

But I am quite well, the problem is that I am far from my computer, but I will continue from my cell phone. so sorry for the increase in failures.

And don't forget the Power stones either.


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