
Spiderman:Deal with the devil.

Reincarnate in Marvel as Peter Parker. .................... I was also given for making a Spiderman fanfic, it's always great. ....................... It's my first novel, so maybe I get a bit confused, as well as the grammar. the image is not mine, if you want to change it let me know. I don't own any personage, they all belong to Marvel.

Key_001 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

leaving everything behind.


Everything was done from my cell phone, so expect more errors than usual.


Sentry lashed out with all its power producing powerful impacts that shook the entire place.

even with the symbiote Peter had enough problems, Sentry was in another league. But the lack of an arm made things a bit easier



Peter using the symbiote to its fullest managed to keep Sentry at bay, but the sensation of muscles breaking and then recovering was not pleasant.

the adrenaline rush was starting to build and Peter was starting to lose control from the madness of the combat.

Peter's movements began to get more erratic and savage while he was also taking a hit.

(better think of something) Peter had to stop this madness, the lab was getting trashed, and something could go wrong.


trying not to lose her mind, Valeria kept working while the fight continued. It was already a miracle that Peter managed to avoid the important things, but all the explosions were delaying everything.

Seeing no other solution, Valeria called the communicator in Peter's suit.

"Are you still sane?" Valeria knew about the symbiote reports, and in most tests the symbiote drove its hosts crazy, mostly animals since no human studies were ever done. But under that rule Valeria could already make some theories of Peter's state.

still hitting with everything he had, Peter opened his mouth as he stabbed one of his swords into Sentry's abdomen.

"Pretty good, but I have to say that my voice is scary ... but other than that all good. The problem is that our guest is quite persistent" Peter replied from a rather awkward position while dodging so they don't get a piece of his arm.

With a sigh of relief, Valeria realized that there were still possibilities. so she had already devised a countermeasure for this situation.

"We still have a chance, activate the suspension camera. Once there Sentry won't be able to do anything ..... the problem will be to get him there" was the best thing to do. since no matter how much damage Peter did, Sentry just kept moving like nothing.

Still struggling not to lose ground, Peter saw an open capsule on the side of the lab, where it was obviously the best place to put the zombie lunatic.

Changing the plan, Peter dodged Sentry's blow as he escaped.

full of fury Sentry flew while chasing Peter.

But now with the symbiote Peter became very elusive, and every attempt was useless.

running through the walls Peter was using his swords to propel himself away from the Sentry.

in a normal situation no one would fall for such a simple trick, but a zombie that only thought about eating was different.

with everyone in their positions Peter came to the front of the camera, and like a dog chasing a bone, Sentry arrived without fail.

reaching out to grab Peter's head was the last thing Sentry remembered before everything started to slow down to never move again.

and outside the capsule was Peter while his body was bent almost to the ground. he just had to dodge and let the machine do its job.

"So are we leaving?" Peter's breathing began to control and his suit returned to normal as he controlled the new voice in his head, too bad for that symbiote that hell was much worse. And a voice in his head was just a walk in the country.

on the other side was Valeria paler than usual. Still gripping the lever, Valeria's legs were quite weak after what happened in the last few seconds.

"Hey, we'd better go, I can hear more arrive" It was a difficult situation, but if they didn't leave then all will be lost.

catching her breath a little, Valeria managed to recover a little, "you will have to buy a little more time, we are without enough energy after imprisoning Sentry, but I have a plan"

Containing Sentry was no simple job, but Valeria had an idea. She was planning to use the Sentry himself as a source of power, very dangerous but at this point it all seems like a good idea.

listening to the plan, Peter had to admit that Valeria had courage, not everyone would come up with everything in such a short time, even he had already thought about leaving the laboratory, but everything had been resolved somehow.

"Then do what you have to do, I'll go entertain our guests" with everything said Peter went back down to destroy any openings.


Peter was running for his life while a tidal wave of zombies chased him, the surprising thing was that Peter saw some familiar faces, such as Captain America, Wolverine, and the beautiful Ms Marvel. in that tight black suit she was quite sensual. Nothing to see when she changes her suit, it was a shame. but Peter erase those thoughts when he reached the end of the hall to close the doors again.

Peter has been doing that for the last 10 minutes, manually closing the blast doors while trapping several zombies, it won't be long. But long enough to escape

Leaving the noise of banging behind, Peter scrambled back up the walls as he made his way up the designated path.

and after just a few breaths Peter got back to the 35th floor where Valeria was finishing connecting Sentry to the portal.

"I guess you get your things ready" said Peter when he saw a black portal. and next to it was Valeria with some things.

"A lot of things can go wrong. Ideally, you should do a test to be able to perform a calibration, but Sentry's body is too unstable. And there may be a small explosion" Valeria did the calculations, and Sentry's power was very uncontrollable , so it was a complicated thing.

"Anyway, I already have everything I want" said Peter as he played with his swords.

Valeria ignored Peter as she finished with the commands. and although she is not a religious person, she gave him a chance before entering.

"Don't worry, where is your spirit of adventure. And if you put it in numbers. How many chances are we going to get to a place worse than this?" trying to give the young damsel some words of encouragement. Peter took her by the hand as he also approached the portal.

(few) was what Valeria thought. But the possibility that something like this would happen again terrified her. not counting all the coincidences that had to happen to get out. that made anyone nervous.

"Better let's go, they could be here any minute" regaining some confidence, Valeria took a step forward, but still holding tightly to Peter's hand.

The wall climber decided to ignore that opportunity to annoy the little teenage girl, however there should be more opportunities in the future.

Taking one last look at her old world, Valeria silently said goodbye to her entire family.

When the two silhouettes disappeared, the portal began to destabilize. and next to where Sentry was. a powerful golden light began to devour the entire building.


they already know that any suggestion could change the story in the future.

so keep supporting with your power stones.