
Spiderman:Deal with the devil.

Reincarnate in Marvel as Peter Parker. .................... I was also given for making a Spiderman fanfic, it's always great. ....................... It's my first novel, so maybe I get a bit confused, as well as the grammar. the image is not mine, if you want to change it let me know. I don't own any personage, they all belong to Marvel.

Key_001 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Going to College.

"Can you repeat why I'm spending my lazy Sunday in a place like this?" Posing as a teenager was more exhausting than Peter thought, so resting on Sunday was in the plans, but a petite blonde interfered with those plans.

"First of all it is Friday. And it has been 2 days since we arrived, and I detected a slight lag in our molecules, so we have problems. The universe could try to expel us. But it is an insignificant detail. If I had a good laboratory obviously, like this don't complain and put on your best smile "Ignoring the discouraged Peter, Valeria tried to make her best smile while entering Empire State University.

"Are there things in this place to help us?" even being a bit skeptical, Peter did not believe that the university would find a solution for his problem.

"There should be no problem, a month ago Oscorp made a generous donation of new equipment. And I also think it is a good place, although I never liked the school. I think this is a good university, my father always told me that here you can meet people who could change the course of your life "Valeria was curious, and she too could solve the problem.

Looking at everything from perspective, college was not in Peter's plans, since he had other means to get rich, but this was a good trip to help Valeria, either in several ways.

Peter looked at his watch, it was late afternoon, the hospital finally released him. and he still had a little celebration with Uncle Ben, although that will be for later as May continues to recover.

both Peter and Valeria entered college. Valeria attracted a bit of attention, being 13 she was quite young, as well as quite pretty.

And Peter stole some glances too, and went to most of the girls that passed by.

Without his glasses and a correct hairstyle, Peter was quite handsome, with better clothes Peter could be quite popular, but that was trouble for another day.

"Do you remember me why we didn't come at night?" Although the looks did not matter to Peter, unnecessary work was not in the plans of the wall climber.

"Don't mention it? ...." But Valeria decided to feign insanity, she wanted to see the university during the day. something silly but it was a small personal wish.

Deciding not to ask more, Peter continued to accompany Valeria through the university.

Knowing the way, the duo wasted no time reaching the designated building, and planning problems were now present.

"I guess the plan is not to go and ask nicely for their help" Peter was already thinking of sneaking in and stealing what was necessary.

"Don't worry, I don't need a lot of time, besides knowing you maybe you have a plan to carry out a robbery or something similar, this is a university. You can't do that" nobody was perfect, but maybe Peter could be very peculiar. and Valeria didn't want to steal.

"I guess the boring way works too, but on the next mission I'll make the plans" not every time it could be the fun method. But this world was meant to be insane, so some calm was fine.

Valeria had to admit that she would never be bored with Peter, but there was also a sense of impending danger shortly.

but the best thing was to keep walking so as not to think about it "This is a small infiltration mission, I just need a moment with the outdated quantum experimental, I check exactly what happens, and I solve it" Valeria will not delve into the subject, anyway Peter he had no intention of asking more.


Peter and Valeria reached their destination while walking through the internal corridors of the university.

all they had to do was calibrate a bracelet that Valeria had already finished previously. Simple enough, but even Valeria couldn't bring too many things into this universe, so wearing college gear was a simple solution.

while walking Peter was bored, after the last adventure, the wall climber wanted to take things slow, since this couldn't be one of those quiet worlds.

But more importantly, Peter was thinking of a way to send the new relatives on vacation. it was the least he could do for the old Peter. especially after stealing his identity. as well as maintaining a healthy distance from his new uncles.

Peter was still rambling when he sensed someone who was about to open a door.

It wasn't difficult to dodge, but one little detail made Peter feign surprise. and thus a successive fall.

It all happened quite quickly, and Valeria was surprised that Peter will bump into someone. But after taking a good look at the situation, Valeria understood that Peter was an idiot.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your clothes" the dismissed young woman who had just spilled something on Peter's clothes was quick to take out a handkerchief to try to clean up the result of her carelessness.

"Easy, all good. Just tell me what is not acid" said Peter jokingly to lighten the atmosphere.

Seeing that this person was not angry, the clueless girl sighed relief. "It is not, but your shirt was likely ruined. But give me a minute and I will solve it, I hope it does not bother you?" still nervous, the clueless young woman wanted to make up for her mistake. She had been so focused these days that she had been distracted enough not to see where she was walking. she just started college, and being a few years ahead she tried harder than anyone to show that she deserved to be in that place.

The plan seemed to deviate a bit, but Peter quickly solved everything in her head, so she followed the advice of the beautiful lady and she accepted.


"I can't believe you are Peter, you changed" seeing a well-known traveler, the young woman soon relaxed and spoke calmly.

As the young woman continued talking, Peter had time to take a closer look at her old high school classmate, or something similar.

Elegant blonde hair adorning her delicate face. blue eyes that were perfectly framed by her thin eyebrows, and long lashes. A small nose and full pink lips. Not counting the explosive body that she hid under that green turtleneck sweater. as well as her long legs that were covered by long black stockings. And if you combine that lab coat with that, you have an intellectual beauty.

"I have to admit that it was also a surprise to see you again Gwen, and I suppose you are already over me" Peter was extremely careful with his words, before he said something Gwen had to have mentioned it, so Peter was passive in the conversation .

But Gwen didn't notice anything unusual, ignoring the fact that Peter had changed too much in recent years. to the point that it made Gwen hesitate at first, as although it was embarrassing, the blonde girl had to admit that Peter matured splendidly.

"That reminds me, where is your cousin?" Gwen asked after not seeing Valeria for a few minutes.

"Maybe she found something interesting, that girl is quite curious, but calm. She should be fine, and thanks again for showing us the university, you were a great help" Peter said as he thanked Gwen.

"It's no inconvenience, especially to an old acquaintance. But I'm surprised Valeria was the one interested, although I have to admit that you too could skip a few years if you wanted" recalling her old rivalries, Gwen wouldn't be surprised if Peter decided to go directly to the University.

"Although the idea of ​​being in college with you sounds lovely, my aunt and uncle advised me to take it easy. But what surprised me was that your father allowed you to skip high school" Peter replied.

Remembering that matter was somewhat troublesome for Gwen, "I'll just say that there were some complications, but my mother supported me. But everything is fine for now. Although I wouldn't be surprised if my father tries to arrest someone why he will try to flirt with me, again" Gwen said as she recalled her latest experiences.

"That must be hard, but if you're bored you can talk to me. I don't think your father will arrest someone your age. I hope so" Peter replied while laughing.

That earned Gwen a slight smile, "My father likes you, and He mentioned you several times in his argument why I shouldn't skip high school, since you were always my biggest rival in school." Gwen relaxed quite a bit, a moment of calm could do many things against stress.

"If I already have the father's approval, then only the daughter's is missing" Peter said ambiguously as he smiled at Gwen.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, I don't know what happened at this time. But you give me the feeling that you are a completely different person. But that's not bad" smiling, Gwen did not mind Peter's flirtations, although internally she continued to be surprised by the changes from his old friend. and they were too many.

"They're done ....." with a tired voice, Valeria arrived after finishing with hers.

Ignoring Valeria's gaze, Peter spoke calmly.

"Nothing serious, just talking. But it seems like it's time for us to leave" Returning his attention to Gwen, Peter spoke again before leaving, "We should keep in communication, you never know about the future. Besides, it would be a fool to do so. I will forget my lovely companion "

Gwen only responded with a smile, but also exchanging cell phone numbers.

And Valeria wanted to keep the food inside her stomach as she watched Peter flirt with Gwen.

Finishing exchanging number Peter said goodbye to Gwen, while they promised to have a coffee another day.

But the exit was a bit awkward because of that strange look Valeria was giving Peter.

"You will get wrinkles if you keep making that face" said Peter after they left the university, as they headed to take the bus.

"I'm sorry about that, but even I find it painful to see you lie so blatantly. I'm not sure if you have a good ability, or it's something much more murky." Valeria had to admit that if she had met Peter in other situations. perhaps she too would have been so easily fooled.

"I think you get confused, what you call cheating, I call it charisma. And sadly it's something I have to live with" Peter replied mournfully.

Valeria just rolled her eyes, it was a waste of time trying to reason with Peter. So it was best to drop that matter. since Valeria noticed that Peter had the Narsisite attribute quite marked.

Long chapter, maybe tomorrow I won't upload one.

But if you motivate me with stones of Power, everything is possible.

And if it looks like I'm blackmailing them with Power stones. It is not.

Thank you for reading.

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