
A New Adventure

"This is rare, finding a frequency of that nature" Valeria said thoughtfully as she finished with the bracelets that help them not to disintegrate from reality.

On the other side with his eyes closed, there was Peter as he stood still for Valeria to do her thing.

"If it's not important ignore it. Trust me, nothing good will come out of it. Call it a hunch" Peter replied from an awkward position, synchronizing dimensional frequencies was quite exhausting.

But against Peter's recommendation, Valeria started looking for that strange sign. Since that was totally unnatural, and it obviously made her curious.

"This is fascinating, I think I found someone doing a scan through several universes. Quite interesting, but it should be dangerous" Analyzing the new data, Valeria began to trace this strange anomaly.

"Some of you heard that curiosity killed the cat? Stop that and end this, my back is already hurting from being in this position" Peter said, still bent in a strange position.

"That's it, just stay with that device for a week and everything should be fine" Valeria had already obtained the data, so it shouldn't be difficult to make another one in a few minutes. The detail was that Valeria's attention was not on that.

"Then I'm going, the move should be coming tomorrow, so you will officially be my neighbor. Just promise that you will not get in any trouble" Peter complied warning Valeria, so if something bad happened it was no longer her responsibility.

Without saying any clear answer, Valeria continued studying this abnormal space-time phenomenon.

"Then I'll bring you dinner later" Leaving Valeria in the shed, Peter went to his room to go to sleep.

Currently, Valeria was hiding in the shed, but that problem will be fixed tomorrow, as Peter got some money to rent the house across the street for Valeria, and it was also nice to have a place to relax.


It was already 3 in the morning and Valeria was still tracking the unknown signal, and with the obvious limitations, she did a great job, to the point that she managed to discover what was being searched throughout the universes.

The answers were already close, and Valeria could go to sleep having discovered the mystery, but the answer she found brought her a little deja vu.

"I already saw these results" the combination due to fatigue made Valeria's brain work slower than usual, so she didn't notice it immediately.

Everything was already very close, but there was still a barrier that divided everything, but curiosity dominated Valeria's will.

Trying to uncover all this mystery, Valeria tracked and amplified the signal making it approach this universe.

But that was only the beginning for things to go wrong.

"So that's why it was familiar" Valeria whispered after understanding the matter.

The signature was quite similar to the one she obtained when she was working with Peter.

But Valeria's little meddling made some changes.

Alerts went off, and Valeria understood that she had screwed up.

"This will really put her in a bad mood." Praying her predictions were wrong, Valeria headed to where Peter was.

But some noises were already a bad omen. And everything was sentenced when Valeria walked in and saw Peter being sucked into a black hole.

Things happened too fast, so Valeria didn't have time to say anything. But she did manage to see something. And she definitely has to come up with a good apology for all the trouble, as well as reminding Peter to wear pajamas.

"I better get to work, hopefully, it won't go to a bad universe" she could only keep her mind positive, but Valeria definitely had to do something.


"That was a very crazy trip" for Peter that was nothing like his previous trip through the multiverse, it was a trip that could go through hard drugs. The only good thing was how that started and ended. Pretty fast and confusing.

And Peter would only have taken it as a bad dream if he hadn't woken up naked in some random building in what still seemed to be New York.

"At least Valeria kept my suit in this watch." Remembering the watch, Peter had a hunch that this might be the fault of a little adolescent with golden hair.

Putting on his suit, Peter decided to find out what happened.

The first thing Peter did was call Valeria's cell phone, but the answer to the non-existent number already gave an air of bad omen.

"I guess I'm further away than I imagined, now how the hell will I know what's going on?" Thinking of a plan, the wall climber decided to do some research.


"So that's what is happening" said Peter after stealing a newspaper. Sitting on the edge of a building, the arachnid quietly began to read about the events in New York.

This was definitely a new world, how did he get there? There were some speculations, but nothing clear. But the most important thing was that in this world there was Spiderman, and this was for the last 10 years.

The information about Peter Parker from that world was also obtained, as the main photographer of Spiderman, as well as an interesting detail that Peter let it pass for the moment.

It was impossible that it was the future since the Spiderman of this world did the things that a regular Spiderman would do. So he thought of a parallel universe, that was most likely, nothing too crazy, the problem was ...

Peter's thoughts were interrupted when an extra pain reached his body, but not without noticing how his arms took on pixel texture. But at that moment the clock that Valeria made activated with blue light, denying that effect.

"This is strangely convenient." But Peter could only take advantage of his strange stroke of luck, at least he is not lost in a dimension with a time limit before he dies a horrible death.

"But I'm really tired" preferring to rest a little to maintain the optimal state, Peter closed his eyes for a moment to rest.


When Peter arrived it was daytime, and after 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, he felt quite fresh, sleeping so peacefully was something new for the wall climber, and it was best to take advantage of every moment.

"And now ... ... I'm hungry" remembering his metabolism, Peter decided to take a walk around.

Without a current plan or goal, nothing could overshadow Peter's false optimism, as someone who got used to everything going wrong, being able to get something tasty to eat was already a victory.

But even that little plan had a little interference, a strange feeling telling Peter that he had to go in another direction.

Peter's foot stopped, his spider-sense was trying to say something to Peter, "I guess letting go is the way to go"

Changing course, Peter jumped several rooftops as he approached his target, but it seemed like it was a two-way feeling, as a hooded person came in front of Peter.

"How weird, you are ..." A familiar feeling came to Peter's head.

"like me"

A female voice came from a mysterious person. Taking a step forward, the vision was clearer for Peter, a rather feminine figure with the correct curves, who was wearing a black, white, and brushed spandex suit, which had a hood that concealed his mask that was quite familiar.

Hello everyone, it's been a while, but I'm back.

Starting with the fact that I am already better, it seems that I overcome the Covid, but I am still somewhat apart from the world.

Also that I finally have the Internet again, I would like to say that there will be a massive rise, but I really did not have a good time the last days, so let's go easy.

But nothing that some Power Stones can't change.

take care of yourselves and remember to wash your hands.

Key_001creators' thoughts
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