
Spiderman Dc And Marvel crossover

Its is Written bY HandAssassain Spiderman

Adityak77797349 · Movies
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28 Chs

Dawn of Justice part 3

Four years ago…Peter 30, Diana 4996

Today was not going as Peter planned in the slightest. First he finally maned up and told Diana how he really felt about her since the day he first saw her. Now one would think that after all the things he and Diana have been through together over the years she'd return his feelings and they would go on to live happily ever after or as close as heroes could

But no…to Peter's dismay Diana did not see Peter in the same light, she loved him yes but as a friend. As it turns out, her heart was set on Bruce…

To say Peter was crushed would be an understatement, he just told the woman he loves how he felt and was wondering if she wanted to see if things could work only to be told that she loves a man that Peter knows will never trust anyone aside from himself let alone commit to another. Safe to say even a punch from Doomsday could even compare to that kind of pain and he's been sucker punched by the brute more times than Clark has oddly enough

So, Peter did what he did best, put on a show of accepting Diana's choice and honesty and wishing her luck in her mission to have a future with Bruce while internally raging and crying before he silently wandered off back to New York and spent the next six hours beating criminals down with a vengeance that'd almost rival his days in the black suit

After a while his protégée as of two years come next week Miles Morales aka Kid-Arachnid met up with him and after an hour of following the man around like an adorable little energetic puppy and pestering him, Peter felt his mood improving…

Until Kanto, Darkseid's personal assassin literally appeared out of nowhere by a Boom tube over an alley and attacked both spider themed heroes without hesitation. You see Peter was the one man who's not only bested Kanto in combat, albeit barely, but also cost the man his standing in Darkseid's court.

And it looked like the assassin was out for blood

"So how do we handle this guy boss?" Miles asked as the two spider themed heroes danced around Kanto's throwing knives "Beat him to a pulp and drop him off at the nearest prescient or hall him off to the League for the Lanterns to deal with?"

Peter narrowly dodged a knife that was trying to embed itself in his skull "For now avoid being turned into a pin cushion. But leave the main fighting to me kid, this guy is way beyond you, hell I can barely take him"

"Oh…okay" Miles said a little saddened that he can't directly help his mentor but given what Peter has said about the guy Kanto, he's inclined to agree that the alien assassin would destroy him in an instant

Kanto growled in annoyance at seeing the two humans easily avoiding his attacks before he smiled darkly as his mother box began to ping

Peter felt his spider-sense flare and was narrowly able to leap out of the way of a Boom Tube opening up behind him. Peter was just barely able to grab what looked like a giant demonic dog by the neck and keep it from ripping his throat out with it's teeth while several more exited the portal and immediately began to encircle Miles who now looked scared

"Uh nice space doggies…good boys and girls?" Miles said as he swallowed nervously

Kanto chuckled "kill him…"

The dogs roared as they launched themselves at Miles who hopped over the dogs and shot several web nets at them to keep them restrained

"Hey boss, if I hit these things does it count as animal abuse?" Miles shouted towards Peter

"NO!" Peter yelled as he shocked the war dog with his venom blasts and kicked the stunned beast off him and into a nearby dumpster

He quickly shot up in time to grab Kanto's fist and bring the assassin into a brutal head butt


"AGH!" Kanto growled in pain as his nose seemed to be broken from the blow

Peter had to shake his head and hold in a hiss of pain, he forgot how durable these new gods could be

'Least it wasn't Orion I did this on' Peter thought as he dodged a swipe from Kanto before his spider-sense flared again and he was forced to dodged a plasma blast fired from behind him.

Peter risked looking over his shoulder and paled at what or more specifically who he saw

Intergang, a worldwide criminal organization that was armed with weapons from Apokolips. It also didn't help that a lot of it's members lately have been undergoing genetic modifications to turn them into a sort of pseudo Parademon least in terms of strength and durability

'Yeah this might be a good time to call in some backup' Peter thought worriedly as Miles landed beside him with a few shallow scratches

He quickly activated his com link and sent out a high priority alert to all League members but was rewarded with static.

Kanto smirked at this "You didn't think I'd risk attacking you without ensuring you can't call for help did you?"

"Boss?" Miles said nervously as they were being surrounded by the Apokolips war dogs and Intergang members while Kanto watched on in glee

"Kid, I want you to stay behind me" Peter said as he began charging up his venom blasts "The moment you see an opening, I want you to run. Head for Titans tower or the Justice Society headquarters and let them know what's going on"

"But Spidey these guys a-"

"Miles, these guys even on your best day are way beyond your abilities. I can't risk fighting them knowing I have to watch your back" Peter said as the charge in his hands was almost complete "On three…"

"Kill them" Kanto growled as he reached for something in his belt

The gang members raised their weapons and began to charge them up while the war dogs steadily approached the spider duo

"THREE!" Peter yelled before he slammed his hands into the ground and the entire alley was blanketed in red lightning

Peter's eyes narrowed as Kanto narrowly avoided the blasts and threw his knife towards him at triple digit speeds. The spider themed man responded by ducking under the deadly blade and launched himself at Kanto and tackled the man off the building and sent both of them free falling towards the ground below. The Parademons flew after them, intent on helping their master only for multiple web lines and several venom blasts to halt their efforts.

Peter, seeing that Kanto's forces won't be interrupting their fight anytime soon, immediately returned his attention to the recovering assassin who looked like he was about to open up a Boom tube for him to use

'You ain't getting away that easily' Peter mentally hissed as he shot two web lines at Kanto that connected to his chest and pulled the surprised new god towards him and right into his venom coated fist


The force of the several ton blow forced the man's head to the side violently and sent him flying into the ground below. The assassin made a painful landing on a Daily Planet news van and looked like he was about to move when suddenly Peter landed on his chest


"GAH!" Kanto shouted more in rage than pain before he grabbed Peter by the shoulders and brought the man into a head but that sent the wall crawler flying back and allowed the assassin some respite from his onslaught

Peter hissed in pain before he righted himself in the air and landed on the top of a flipped car and shot a web line at the surprised New God and pulled him back and proceeded to rain down a series of powerful punches into Kanto's slightly bruised and burned face





The last blow sent Kanto flying crashing into the sewer system below along with a couple hundred pounds of rocks and a partially melted car. Peter was thinking of pursuing the assassin when suddenly a large tower shot out from the ocean

Peter eyed the structure with a critical eye, nerve seeing something like this before but couldn't help but feel like he's seen it somewhere before

"Bah I probably saw it on Apokolips once and didn't pay it much mind' Peter thought with a shrug as he sent one last glare at the whole that Kanto made before he shot a web line out and quickly swung off towards the docks where he saw Diana go and will Superman was likely

Safe to say he was right as he was approaching the docs and made out both of their forms…and Batman's, Flash's, Green Lantern's and even Aquaman was there!

"Huh, gang's all here" Spider-man thought with a hidden smirk as memories of the Justice League first coming together all those years ago flashed through his mind "Just like old times"

Suddenly he felt his spider-sense flare and flipped midair just as a Boom tube opened and Kanto, injured and mad barreled out and tackled Spider-man to the ground not far from the surprised heroes

Peter's eyes narrowed as he quickly pulled his feet in and kicked Kanto off him and hopped back up in time to catch his knife being thrown at him. Peter smirked at the new god's shocked face

"Yeah I have a tendency to do that" Peter said before he shot a web line at Kanto's chest and yanked the assassin towards him where he delivered a powerful and painful punch to the new god's face before following it up with a series of blurred punches and kicks to his torso before finishing up with a single powerful blast of his venom blasts and sent the new god flying into a nearby car that ignited on impact


Peter grinned at his accomplishment "Heh Spider-man one, evil alien assassin zero!"

Spider-man turned to see the surprised faces of the other's watching him, or at least Flash, Aquaman, Superman and Green Lantern seemed surprised. Batman was busy eyeing him while Dina gave him a smile

"Well met Spider-man" Wonder Woman said as she approached the red and blue themed spider hero

Peter blushed under his mask "Yeah well…I uh learned from some of the best"

"And they must be proud" Dina said with a small smile directed towards him

"Yeah…they are" Peter said with a nod as he returned her gaze for a moment and for a brief second, he felt something just like he did all those years ago when he first saw her and if what he was seeing was real, so was she

Suddenly the sound of Green Lantern coughing loudly interrupted the two's moment and both turned to see the glowing man glaring at them, or more specifically Peter

'Same old Hal…' Peter thought with amusement as he turned his attention towards the tower where dozens of Parademons were either flying around it or taking people into it. He then turned towards the rest "So who's in charge here?"

"I am" Batman said which caused Green Lantern to scoff

"Give me a break" the protector of sector 2814 said with an eye roll

Aquman turned his attention towards the nearby alien tower with a calculating look "Hmm…I've got some experience with leadership. I'm the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis. I am their king"

"Yeah well I'm the mayor of the Emerald City" Green Lantern said sarcastically

Aquman continued on as if he didn't hear Lantern's remark but Peter couldn't help but notice the man's grip tighten on his trident "The demons are taking people to that tower"

"Which means we need to get in there and find out why" Spider-man chimed in as he narrowed his lenses at the flying Parademons "And to do that we need to draw away it's bouncers…"

It was than that Peter's and Aquman's gaze shifted towards Green Lantern

"We'll need a lure" Aquaman said

Lantern seemed a bit confused as to why both the fish man and bug guy were looking at him "Why are you two looking at me?"

Spider-man shrugged "You have a very…bright personality Lantern. Why don't you go over there and say hi to them? Few words from you and they'll be all over you"

Aquaman smirked at Spider-man's words "He's right, you can use that opportunity to lure them away from that tower and give us a shot to infiltrate it"

At that Green Lantern glared and approached the duo, his ring glowing brightly and poked Aquaman's chest "Hey I'm not some fish Aquafresh. Don't order me around like one"

"You are pretty shiny" Flash said as he appeared inbetween the three before any of them, likely Lantern can start something

"You're supposed to be on my side Flash" Green Lantern said in slight disbelief "We've already got one wannabe super-human trying to boss us around" Lantern made a glowing arrow and pointed it at a scowling Batman which caused Spider-man to snicker "We don't' need another or his bug loving friend"

At that Spider-man gave the Lantern a glare of annoyance "Oh for the love- Would you can the attitude Lantern? We have a freakin alien invasion going on right now. So, quit bitching about taking orders from Aquman!"

"I'm not bitching!" Lantern round ed on Spider-man and jabbed a thumb over at Superman "Superman might not say a lot, but he can fly and juggle trucks-"

"And here I thought the name Superman was a stale" Spider-mam said dryly

"Lantern growled at the man as he continued "Yeah well the Flash is the fastest man alive-"

"Would explain why he doesn't have a girlfriend" Spider-man snickered.

Yeah, he ain't forgiving Barry anytime soon for screwing with the time lime and unintentionally getting him stranded in this new reality, he'll get over it…eventually

"And there's the jokes…" Flash said with a sigh, having heard similar jokes about him in the past before about his moniker

"Wonder Woman there, she can slice through an army of these things and me?" Lantern said as he got right in Spider-man's face with his ring glowing, causing Wonder Woman to narrow her eyes at the man and slowly reach for her sword "I can do anything with this ring! So, what can this fish stick do that we can't!?"

Peter was about to answer when suddenly they heard numerous cries of 'For Darkseid' and saw dozens of Parademons flying towards them all. The group of heroes tensed and prepared for the onslaught when Aquman ran ahead of them and held a hand to his head and stared at the water with deep concentration. It took a few seconds for Peter to recognize what the ruler of Atlantis was doing and smirked

'Well Hal, your about to see what Arthur can do…let's just hope it doesn't take a war to show it too' Peter thought as he saw large shadows under the water moving

Then suddenly almost a dozen large great whites erupted from the water and began to tear into the Parademons with a sort of primeval rage. The rest aside from Spider-man and Batman were taken back by the aquatic attack and saw one lone Parademon make it through and continue it's charge…

Only for Aquaman to ram his trident into it's skull and tear off it's head and kick the body back into the water where a large shark quickly devoured it. The aquatic hero silently turned towards Green Lantern with a raised brow

Hal made a noise in the back of his throat and looked away "Never mind…"

Spider-man saw more Parademons coming in and activated his venom blasts "Heads up, we have company!"

The assembled group of heroes quickly engaged the horde of Parademons and used their respective abilities and skills to counter the alien soldiers. During this time Peter saw a Parademon sneaking up behind Diana and quickly sent a venom blast past her and nailed the alien in the eye, causing it to roar in pain before Diana turned and kicked the snarling beast away

She turned back and gave him a nod of thanks as she grabbed another Parademon and snapped it's neck before using it's body as a makeshift shield against another that tried to roast her with it's plasma breath

Peter chuckled as he weaved his way through the Parademons and sent powerful jabs to their joints to cripple them and web them down. Others he sent blast after blast of bioelectricity at them. Things looked to be going their way when Peter heard multiple choppers approaching and his spider-sense began to tingle

'Oh come on, now what?' Peter mentally groaned as he pimped slapped a Parademon away and into another one and narrowly avoided a hail of gunfire erupting from the choppers at the Parademons…and them

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Spider-man shouted as he was forced to weave through the onslaught of bullets and avoid being torn to shreds along with the Flash

Green Lantern erected a shield for him and Batman to take cover behind while Superman let the projectiles slam into his nearly indestructible skin and Wonder Woman took to deflecting the bullets with her bracelets

"We have to shut them down" Superman said as he glared at the military craft

"Shut them down?" Flash said in confusion

"Uh Superman the last time I checked, those were U.S. Soldiers, not a bunch of killer aliens" Spider-man said as he grabbed a Parademon and used it as a makeshift shield

"Their men who are shooting at us" Superman stated

"They're only doing their jobs" Flash said with a hard look

"Yeah be glad they didn't decide to nuke this place instead, because I guarantee that option is being tossed around and considered at this moment" Spider-man said before he let out a hiss as a stray bullet hit him in the shoulder

"You two seem like people who want to do the right thing" Superman said as he began to rise into the air and head for the choppers "But the same can't always be said for everyone in positions of authority"

The man of steel than shot off towards the military aircraft

"Yeah a guy like that with that kind of thinking…that's gonna make every government in the world feel oh so safe" Peter said with a snort as he looked towards Flash "Go and make sure he doesn't do anything too extreme will ya?"

"Oh man…" Flash said as he rubbed his head in frustration "The army is gonna be so mad at me"

"Actually, their Marines" Spider-man said as he saw the scarlet speedster shoot off towards the choppers

He let out a small sigh of relief as the hail of gun fire ended and Peter tossed his mostly destroyed dead Parademon shield away and quickly hopped over towards Wonder Woman who was watching Flash and Superman attack the choppers

"We need to get those men out of the helicopters and somewhere safe" Wonder Woman said with a frown, not entirely on board with attacking the people who are in their own way trying to help

Green Lantern landed next to her as he shot a beam at another Parademon "I'll get them out of the choppers and to safety"

"Wow Lantern that's pretty good of you" Spider-man gave the man a nod of respect 'There might be hope for this Hal yet'

"Not to be a good guy like Flash but because I want to impress you. Most of what I do is about impressing people" Green Lantern said and completely destroyed any new found respect Spider-man had for him

'On second thought, you're a lost cause' Peter mentally face palmed as he shot a venom blast at several Parademons

Wonder Woman gave the man a blank look as she saw where the man's hand was "Your touching my lasso…"

"So what?" Lantern said as he shot another Parademon away

"It makes you tell the truth" she said in a deadpanned tone

Spider-man saw this and couldn't help but start to laugh as he kicked away a Parademon, and he swore he heard a chuckle from Batman. The green hero quickly sent a glare towards both heroes

"Seriously, are you two laughing in a time like this?" Green Lantern shouted in embarrassment and anger

"I am!" Spider-man said as he hopped over a Parademon and sent a series of blurred punches to it's back before he kicked in in the back of the knee. He then grabbed it by the head and threw the alien towards another Parademon and fried both of them with his venom blasts


Spider-man nodded at his handwork and saw another few Parademons approaching and was about to deal with them when a Boom tube opened up in between them and a large metallic figure came out that he recognized almost instantly

'That's Cyborg!' Peter thought as he punched a Parademon that tried to sneak up behind him without looking

"I got this one!" Green Lantern shouted as he grabbed Cyborg with a hand shaped construct and lifted him in the air

"Hold your fire Lantern. It's not one of them!" Batman said as he saw that it wasn't another one of the aliens they've been fighting

"What are you talking about?" Lantern gave the dark knight a look of confusion while he slowly lowered the metal man

When Cyborg was released from Lantern's construct he fell to the ground in a huff. Aquaman was at his side in an instant to check him over

"It's just a kid wearing armor" the ruler of Atlantis said

"Correction Aquaman, he is the armor" Spider-man said as he approached the young hero along with Wonder Woman

"Who are you? Do you need help?" Wonder Woman asked as she knelt beside the large cybernetic individual

Cyborg looked up at them and weakly said "They go world to world…He's coming…right here…"

'Oh shit…' Peter thought with his lenses widening

"Who is?" Batman questioned the man with a sense of dread building in his stomach


The sudden sound of a Boom tube about to open caught the heroes' attention along with a returning Flash and Superman. Peter felt his spider-sense begin to tingle to nearly painful levels and for a brief moment…felt it beginning to finally stir…

'This is gonna suck soooooo much!' Peter thought as sweat built on his brow and a Boom tube finally opened before the eight heroes and caused them all to tense as a large figure made their way through

Peter felt his heart skip a beat as he took in the form or the ruler of Apokolips, the self-proclaimed and rightly named god of evil…

Lantern eyed the being before them "I'm guessing that's the bad guy"

"Good guess" Batman said as he analyzed their new foe

The large figure stared at them all for a moment before he sent out a sort of pulse from his body that sent them all flying back. Peter quickly grabbed Diana and shielded her from some of the shrapnel and rocks that instead made their mark on his back which earned a low growl of pain from him

"Spider-man!" Diana shouted in worry at seeing her new friend hurt

The dark god observed his handiwork and let a dark and sinister smirk form on his face

"I am Darkseid"

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