
Spiderman Dc And Marvel crossover

Its is Written bY HandAssassain Spiderman

Adityak77797349 · Movies
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28 Chs


Peter's eyes suddenly shot open and he was greeted to the night time sky of what looked and sounded like New York City, Manhattan to be precise.

Peter let out a groan of pain as he felt his body protest as he forced himself up into a sitting position and he took a quick look around for any signs of the apocalypse. Seeing that the world wasn't gone and things seem to be normal again, he let out a sigh

"Looks like Barry did it" Peter said as he took in the state of his suit and frowned

Getting the ever-loving piss stomped out of you by a interdimensional demon lord and then picking a fight with his wife that was altered because of Barry's actions, noble as they were or supposed to be, and witnessing the end of the world had really done a number on it.

The chest was covered in blood, tears, burns, and his mask which was next to him had both lenses cracked and the mouth section still torn off.

"Really need to invest in some kind of armor for these suits" Peter mumbled as he forced himself to his feet and looked at his surroundings. Just because Barry seemed to have fixed the main issues that was wrong with the world didn't mean everything returned to normal

Now, for all he knew, Jameson could be Mayor of New York City!

"First make a quick pit stop at my apartment to change and restock on my web shooters, patch myself up and take a trip through the internet and see if everything is still good and see if I'm even still married or not" Peter said as he slipped on his damaged mask and made his way to the edge of the building before leaping across the street and landing on the other side

As he was making his wat across the rooftops his mind drifted back to his sort of dream or vision he had before he woke up on that rooftop


Peter found himself in what could only be described as the abyss with no source of light or anybody else visible. For a brief moment Peter thought that he did actually die or Barry couldn't save the world when suddenly he felt a presence behind him

He looked over his shoulders and frowned at what he saw…

It was an even darker mass of shadows not too far away from him and seemed to be staring down at him with four glowing red eyes…

"Oh it's you…guess you aren't too happy I kept you from coming out huh?" Peter said as he turned to address the figure

It didn't answer as he stared at it for a long time wondering if it was going to talk, a rarity, when suddenly it raised a clawed hand and poked Peter on the forehead and the wall crawler's vision went red

After a few minutes Peter came to a stop and stared at his apartment…or what should have been his apartment. In its place was an even taller and more elaborate building. Peter's eyes narrowed at the sight and had to fight down the panic he was starting to feel building up inside him

'Let's see if the room is still there, it's just the building had for some reason decided to get a makeover' Peter thought as he launched himself at the building and stuck to it's side and crawled towards the floor his and Diana's room was usually located. Eventually he came across the window that would normally be attached to their room but instead he was greeted to the sight of a kitchen and in the doorway, an old Chinese couple discussing something

Peter quickly backed away from the window before they or anyone else could see him and crawled to the top of the building before making his way to the ledge and sitting on it with a worried look on his face

'Okay I may be in trouble here…' Peter thought as he rubbed his temples and let out a sigh and scanned the skyline which he now saw looked a bit different from the one he remembers

Buildings that he remembered being destroyed in the past from either alien invasions, crazed supervillains or jacked up natural disasters. The ones that were there were new or not even there in the first place

'Okay…maybe I'm on an alternate earth somehow' Peter thought as he stood and began to pace on the ledge deep in thought. He racked some ideas around in his brain on what was going on and if he was even on his earth anymore

'Could be an alternate present, maybe Barry missed something or this is a parallel dimension' Peter thought before he felt his spider sense flare and he quickly turned to the source and growled at who he saw

"The hell you doing here!" Peter shouted as he glared at the figure of Mephisto

The demon lord smirked at Peter "Enjoying the fruits of my current endeavor"

Peter responded to that with a venom blast to the devil's face who wasn't even fazed by the blast. He merely chuckled in amusement as he suddenly appeared inches from Peter and grabbed him by the throat and held him up with a sneer

"To be honest I was hoping you would die in that nightmare of a world, but what I did not count on was you and that meddling speedster altering things!" Mephsito snarled before he threw Peter across the rooftop

Peter used his momentum to spring himself back to his feet and shoot several venom blasts at Mephisto who simply brushed them aside. Peter let out a growl of frustration before he suddenly found Mephisto's fist buried in his gut and forcing him to the ground in pain. He spat out a mixture of blood and saliva while Mephsito chuckled and began to pace around Peter

"Now, where was I? Hmm, something bout meddling…Oh right!" Mephisto snapped his finger before looking towards Peter with a grin "Thanks to the actions of the Flash things in this universe have changed. People who should be around are not anymore and those who are different and oh yeah…my children aren't back in my realm or at the very least alive!"

The last part was said with a growl as Mephisto stalked over and slammed his cloven hooves on Peter's back and forced him into the ground. Peter let out a yelp of pain before he glared up at the demon with his cracked lens

"I'm still not going to say sorry for it!" Peter hissed out in a combination of pain and anger

Mephisto's eyes narrowed before eh suddenly smirked at Peter "Oh you will boy…not now…not tomorrow, but soon"

Mephisto than stood off Peter and began to back away from the slowly recovering vigilante with a dark knowing grin on his face "It may not seem it Peter…but soon everything you love, everything you've come to hold dear…will come crashing down and leave you with nothing…"

Peter watched the demon vanish with narrowed eyes before he felt something shift in his mouth. His eyes narrowed in puzzlement as he spat the unknown object out and was greeted to the sight of a tooth. Peter groaned as he stood back up and quickly left the building's rooftop, he had to find out just what the hell was going all the while keeping what Mephisto said to him in the back of his mind

Several hours later Peter was able to find some clothes that still looked and smelled good recently tossed out in a dumpster and used them to cover his suit and made his way to the nearby library. Once there, he found a nice secluded spot where he quickly went on line and began to see just what was going on

Safe to say he did not like what he found

The Justice League or any of the variants over the years, The Justice Society, Teen Titans, Titans, or Outsiders didn't exist either and many of the heroes who made up the teams over the years either have yet to appear or don't exist at all or were just starting out. Meta humans were either feared or hated, Jameson actually was running for mayor, god help him if he wins, and worse of all…he wasn't married to Diana anymore!

"Of course I wouldn't" Peter said with a tired sigh as he rubbed his eyes in exhaustion "Why should I for once in my life catch a break?"

He leaned back in the chair and continued to read an article that was detailing Batman's exploits with the browser showing he had several other windows opened that showed articles about Superman, Green Lantern, the Flash, whose ass was getting kicked when he gets the chance, and a handful of articles on Diana

Diana from what he could see seemed vastly different compared to how he remembered her, which wasn't all that long ago when one thinks about it. She seemed younger for starters, more brash and seemed a bit prone to fighting first and negotiating afterwards, a far cry from the level headed warrior princess he fell in love with all those years ago and yet he can still see parts of her that show that while she may be younger she's still the woman he's come to love

'Kind of weird that I find that her being a bit more violent attractive especially after what I just saw her do to London…plus I like the new look she has. Never thought I'd see her in red and silver and make it look good…' Peter thought with a tired grin as he cracked his neck to loosen it up from the cramps he was feeling

He took a look at the clock and frowned when he saw that he had only a few hours left until the library closes. He sighed as he quickly began to look up his rouges to see if any of them were still around considering he saw an advertisement for Oscorp earlier

As it turns out only a handful of his enemies were operating in either New York or the world currently but no Goblin be it Green or Hob…yet. He hasn't found any evidence of Otto running around or reports of Venom, Carnage, or even Toxin. Beetle was still a mercenary only this one seemed to be a woman and looked even more deadly and viscous then the first. Mysterio was still working in Hollywood as the owner of a thriving special effects studio and as for the likes of Sandman, Hydro-man and Electro, they have yet to appear

But Shocker, Vulture, Rhino and Scorpion were running around or have just started their less than noble careers of being pain's in society's ass

"Hmm they seem a bit different compared to what I encountered before" Peter thought to himself as he saw the men's descriptions and read up on some of their history, or at least the one's he could find anyway.

Almost an hour passed as Peter read up on some of his villains while keeping track of time until he finally began to type in his name and see what comes up. He also checked for his friends from before both living and dead, his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, his father and mother, and…his sister Teresa. He didn't know why but he could still remember every memory he had of that alternate earth. Like for his seventh birthday he and his parents and sister went to Disney Land or for his sister's graduation from High School he, Teresa, Mary Jane, Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock and Liz Allen went out and celebrated

He hit the search button and waited for the results to appear as he prepared himself for what he might or might not find.

The results were not even close to what he was expecting

"Holy shit…" Peter said with wide eyes as he read what came up in shock

Yeah, what he found was almost on par with the revelation that he was no longer married to Diana in this world…

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