
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


Walking up to the school, Ace takes in the sight of Western View Junior High, where he would be staying for the next five days of every week.

Ace made his way through the front of the academy. Seeing all the students hustle and bustle into the entrance makes him excited.

Walking inside, Ace went to the office and asked for his schedule before walking to the hall as he placed all his books inside his locker.

Ace then found his class and took a seat near the window. No one else has arrived yet so he simply waits patiently for class to start.

Up until now, everything has led Ace to believe that he is not in a normal Earth. Just like the news a while ago, superheroes exist, they have powers that defy logic same with the supervillains who has psychotic minds.

He had a few options laid out before him of course. Ace planned to collect more information about the world he lives in. He also wants to know if there are other superheroes beside Metroman and more importantly he wants to know if he's living in a universe of a 'cartoon movie' from his previous life.

So far that's all the plans, Ace has set in stone. Everything else is up for debate.

As Ace is thinking of his future plans while looking out the window a student walk in the classroom. He scans the room and immediately walk straight to Ace desk.

"Dude, long time no see" The student sits in front of Ace and turn to look at him and greeted with a smile.

Ace removed his gaze from the window and turned to his classmate. Looking at the teenager in front of him, Ace tried to remember who this guy could possibly be, it was then a word escaped his mouth.

"Johnny... "

Johnny was his childhood friend, they grew up in the same neighborhood. Johnny has fair skin, brown eyes and shaggy ginger hair.

"You okay, Ace?" Johnny asked as he wave his hand in front of Ace face.

Johnny's concerned words quickly snapped him out of stupor.

Ace look at Johnny and said with a shrug. "I'm all good man, what about you? how was your summer?"

"Well its been a hectic one for me, you know that I like traveling so I decided to go to Mt. Apo last summer. I almost lost my trusty backpack in there, good thing gps still works even though I'm in a mountain" Johnny said as he act comically like he climbed the highest mountain.

"You should tag along too sometimes Ace, It will be fun."

"I'll pass for now man, maybe next summer I will tag along."

"Sweet!, I will hold on to what you said Ace." Johnny delightfully replied.

Before they could speak more about it, the class began to fill rapidly and the teacher arrived as well.

Ace scan the room until his eyes landed on a girl, she has a straight black hair with purple highlights which covers the right side of her face, and a bluish-purple eyes. She also has this gloomy atmosphere surrounding her.

'She looks familiar' Ace thought 'Have I seen her on a movie or something?'

'Anyways I'll think about this later.' he threw this matter at the back of his head.

Then he started to listen the lecture being taught.


As Ace went from class to class he discovered many things through some gossips of his classmates like the almost finish Metro Man Museum, Mode's Collection cloth creating competition and some rumors about four monster like shadows in the alleyway.

As the school day came to an end. Ace return to his dorm room in the school dorm.

Heading inside the room, Ace finds his friend, Johnny deeply asleep and snoring.

"This guy.... how can he sleep so early it's only six in the evening." Ace murmured.

'Well nevermind, I should gather some information for now.' Ace thought as he started changing his clothes before laying down on his bunk bed and look through his phone.

Ace then went online and started to look around for some information regarding to his current predicament.

It didn't take long before Ace finds a bunch of of news articles and such. An article about the recent fight of Metro Man and Megamind, the new warden of the Metro City's Prison for criminally gifted people, Edna "E" Mode's comeback...

"Wait! Edna "E" Mode!?" Ace started reading some articles and found many that talked about the 'glory days', 'NSA', 'Supers relocation program'....

He also founds articles on major corporation like Omnidrone, Insuricare, even Devtech whose CEO was Winston Deavor.

"What the hell?! Where in the fucking universe am I" Ace exclaim in shock.


[1] Edna E Mode is a super suit designer on The Incredibles.

Stones ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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