
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 33

Mark made his way to Aunt May's house in Queens.

Aunt May was both surprised and puzzled by Mark's return. Naturally, Mark shared with her the events that had transpired, as there was no need to keep anything hidden from her.

And Aunt May's lips were indeed sealed tight; otherwise, Peter's secret identity would have been exposed long ago.

Mark came here for a couple of reasons. Firstly, he wanted to visit and thank Aunt May for taking care of Gwen and the others who had left.

Secondly, he needed to borrow this world's Peter Parker's underground base. Within this underground facility, Peter had stored a plethora of advanced technological instruments, including detection devices.

Mark planned to utilize one of these devices to examine the nanomaterial given to him by Octavia.

If everything turned out fine, he intended to use it before returning to his own world.

After explaining his purpose to Aunt May, she handed him the keys and allowed him to descend into the underground facility.

Before leaving, she even asked Mark what he wanted for a late-night snack, heading to the kitchen to prepare the meal.

This gentle warmth felt like a pair of comforting hands gently embracing Mark's heart, soothing the frustration and anger that had accumulated during the battle.

Mark's lips curved into a smile unconsciously as he hummed a tune, making his way to the underground base.

Over the past few days, Mark had spent time here, familiarizing himself with the different machines and their functions. Perhaps it was due to the spider-genes, which granted him enhanced memory and cognitive abilities, but he had quickly grasped the basics of how these machines operated and their specific uses.

Mark soon arrived in front of a particular machine.

This machine was used by Spider-Man to create his battle suits.

One end of the machine resembled a sewing machine, while the other end was connected to a computer.

Using the computer, one could determine the style of the battle suit, and the corresponding materials would be filled into the "sewing machine," which would then produce the suit based on the design.

The choice of materials for the battle suit could also be determined at this stage.

Moreover, this "sewing machine" was equipped with an analysis and self-checking system, primarily used to verify whether the current materials met the requirements of the design.

For instance, when Spider-Man created an insulated suit specifically to counter Electro, it had to ensure there were no conductive materials in the suit.

However, at this moment, Mark would use this machine to detect whether there was anything hidden in the nanometal particles given to him by Octavia.

After setting up the self-checking program, the computer informed Mark that the results would take half an hour to generate.

He decided to return to the surface for the time being.

By the time Mark went back up, Aunt May had already set out some cookies, pastries, and milk on the table.

Looking out from this side, they could still see a large hole in the living room window. Despite their efforts to avoid it, Aunt May's house had suffered some damage.

Seeing this, Mark felt a sense of remorse. If it weren't for them being here, Kingpin and his lackeys wouldn't have come knocking, and Aunt May's house wouldn't have been damaged.

Hearing Mark's footsteps, Aunt May called out, "Come over here, child. These are Peter's favorite cookies and pastries!"

"Sure thing!" Mark replied loudly, quickly making his way to the living room.

The cookies tasted delicious; they were likely homemade by Aunt May. Crispy and flavorful with a rich milky taste, it was no wonder even this world's Peter loved them.

While eating, Mark inquired about the house. They couldn't leave such a large hole there forever.

Fortunately, Aunt May told him that the insurance company had already been there, and this damage was covered. They would soon send someone to repair it for free.

Hearing this, Mark felt reassured.

After finishing their meal, Mark helped Aunt May clear the table. The time was about right, so he descended back into the underground base.

Soon enough, he received the test results from the computer.

No issues!

Mark was delighted.

He picked up the vial containing the nano particles.

Following Octavia's instructions, he undressed completely, leaving only the Spider-Man suit. Then, he opened the vial and poured its contents onto his hand.

The next moment, a magical scene unfolded before him.

The nanometal particles flowed slowly out of the vial, seemingly coming to life. They extended along the Spider-Man suit, quickly covering Mark's arms, then his torso.

Soon, they enveloped his entire body.

After the transformation of the nanometal battle suit was complete, Mark stood in front of the mirror, carefully examining his new appearance. He was quite satisfied with the result.

In just a few minutes, his external appearance seemed the same as before, but upon closer inspection, his suit now had a metallic sheen. Under the light, it displayed subtle mirror-like reflections.

The only regret was that for better breathing, the mask on the head couldn't be integrated into the metallic parts. So, the headpiece remained the original high-polymer fiber material.

After all, he only transformed the suit into a metallic form and didn't possess high-tech aids like the Iron Spider suit had with artificial intelligence.

If he had also converted the mask into metal, as soon as he wore the suit, the mask would reappear, and he wouldn't be able to take it off while wearing the rest of the suit.

Haven't you noticed that each Spider-Man's headgear is distinct from the other parts?

But it wasn't a big issue.

The head was the smallest target, and with his Spider-Sense, it was also the least vulnerable area.


A voice of surprise came from behind.

Aunt May had somehow come down to the underground base without Mark noticing. He had been too focused on the changes in the suit.

Turning around, Mark saw Aunt May's teary eyes. Looking at Mark's face, which was completely different from her Peter's, she couldn't help but sob.

Mark quickly walked over and gently embraced Aunt May.

She hugged him back, as if her own Peter had returned.

In truth, the old woman was feeling quite miserable.

First, she lost her husband, and then she had to endure the tragedy of losing her beloved nephew, whom she had raised as if he were her own son.

For an elderly person, it was the greatest tragedy imaginable.

After crying for a while, Aunt May regained her composure and apologized, "I'm sorry, child. I just remembered Peter, and for a moment, I couldn't control myself."

"Aunt May, there's no need to apologize. Peter wouldn't want to see you so sad," Mark didn't know how to comfort the elderly lady well, feeling a bit awkward. He could only force some words together, "I'll come to visit you when I have the chance."

"Are you leaving too?"

"Yes," Mark fell silent for a moment, "I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Then rest up now. Peter's room is the second one on the left upstairs."


A/N: I'll release an extra chap after 500 stones. So keep it coming.

Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon!

Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.