
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 32

"Liv," Mark looked at Octavia with sincerity after understanding her intentions, "I understand what you mean. To be honest, I also hope to figure out what's happening with my own abilities. I have a strong interest in researching the relationships between parallel universes. However, I'm afraid I can't take you with me right now."

This wasn't entirely a lie.

While the brief encounter in the super collider allowed Mark to grasp some aspects of his special abilities, enabling him to quantumize and return to his world, it didn't mean he could apply this method to others.

After all, others didn't possess his super-genetic ability to quantumize.

Who knows, once she traveled to his world, she might face the same fate as the Spider-Men who came to this world - quantum collapse and annihilation.

Using the power to travel between parallel universes consumed Mark's own energy, and without a particle collider to replenish his power on the other side, anyone he brought along might be stuck there permanently.

The result would be fatal.

The risk was too great.

So, before bringing anyone with him, Mark had better experiment with a few useless villains first.

Although Octavia was a villain, she had her uses, and therefore, couldn't be used for such experiments.

"So, that's how it is," Octavia seemed disappointed.

In that instant, Mark's Spider-Sense tingled.

His muscles tensed in response.

Sure enough, she had the typical villainous style!

Without any hesitation, she'd want to take you down!

However, her hostile intent gradually weakened and disappeared entirely.

Octavia said, "It's alright, I can prepare in this world for now. I hope one day you can come again and take me with you. Trust me, I'll be able to assist you!"

As if worried that Mark wouldn't believe her, she threw something over to him.

Mark reached out and caught it, realizing it was a transparent test tube about thirty centimeters long and as thick as a palm. Inside the tube floated some metal particles, but they were extremely tiny.

"This is a type of renewable metal nanomaterial I've developed. My mechanical arms are made from it," Octavia explained, "You can place it on your suit, and it will record the current appearance of your suit, breaking it down into nanoscale and allowing for quick restoration when needed."

As she spoke, she extended her four mechanical arms behind her. One of them had been "dimensionally compressed" by Spider-Pig with a hammer and turned into a thin sheet that she hadn't yet repaired.

This was the best proof.

Her several-meter-long mechanical arms wouldn't be concealed on her back if not for this special nanomaterial.

This was indeed a valuable asset!

However, Mark didn't immediately believe his words. Who knows if there might be some hidden agenda?

One should always be cautious.

Especially when dealing with a villainous character like Octavia, who's full of potential blackmail material.

However, Mark wouldn't show any suspicion on the surface.

"Great." Mark nodded solemnly, "I promise."

Mark's assurance sounded generous.

After all, there was no specific time agreed upon.

"One day?" Who knew which day that would be.

He wouldn't come until he had absolute confidence in controlling Octavia.

But if that day ever came, and he possessed the certainty to control Octavia, he would definitely come.

After all, Octavia was indeed very useful.

Take the renewable metal nanomaterial, for example. It not only significantly enhanced the protective ability of his suit, but also greatly improved its portability and concealment.

Before, he was still pondering whether to wear the suit like Peter Parker did, as a thermal undergarment, or take it off and hide it somewhere.

Now, with this nanomaterial, he could easily solve that dilemma once he confirmed its reliability.

At this moment, both of them noticed the young Spider-Man below had finished talking with his father and was bidding farewell.

It seemed that the conversation between the "Second Generation Spider-Man" and the "Sheriff" was quite successful.

Octavia slowly retreated into the shadows not far behind, saying, "I'll rebuild a research institute and wait for your arrival. Please believe in my determination."

Mark waved his hand.


Miles leaped up from below and skillfully landed beside Mark.

"Huh, were you saying goodbye to someone?" Miles asked curiously.

Mark chuckled, "Yes, I was preparing to say goodbye to you."

"Huh?" Miles exclaimed, "Didn't you promise to come to my house tomorrow?"

Mark shook his head, "Of course, I will come. But right now, I need to visit Aunt May. You should also go back home to check on things, alright? You've been skipping classes and running away from your home these past few days. Though you just talked to your dad, don't worry your mom too much."

After being reminded by Mark, Miles felt a sense of urgency.

He could almost imagine how worried his mom must be right now!

"Um, yeah..." Miles said, feeling a bit embarrassed as he nervously rubbed his hands.

Mark chuckled as he tapped the little spidey's shoulder, "Go on, hurry back. I'll be heading out too."

"Yeah, yeah, you have to come tomorrow." Miles gave Mark a quick hug.

Mark gently hugged him back while patting his back.

After parting ways, they each released their webs, one heading towards his own home, and the other towards Aunt May's.

Speaking of Mark's side.

From Brooklyn to Queens, it wasn't too far, mainly separated by a river.

Mark didn't rush, swinging all the way across.

However, this attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, oh my gosh, it's Spider-Man!"

"Mom, look, it's Spider-Man! He's back from the dead! The hero is back!"

"Hey, Spider-Man!"

Seeing Mark, people greeted him and cheered.

This made Mark deeply understand just how beloved Peter Parker was in this world.

But Peter's popularity wasn't just handed to him; it was earned through his years of protecting people's lives, and in the end, even sacrificing his life for it!

He deserved all the love and admiration.

Mark began to realize that accepting this gift also meant carrying a heavy responsibility.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Some call it the Spider-Man curse.

But Mark believed it was the driving force behind Spider-Man's countless efforts to rise from adversity and seek hope in times of despair.

It wasn't a curse; it was the second "superpower" that existed within Spider-Man, apart from his supergenes!

Though he hadn't met this world's Peter Parker, at this moment, Mark felt like that guy had become his mentor, guiding him on a path that suited him.

Mark's movements became even more agile.

Now, he truly felt like he was embodying the essence of Spider-Man.

And it felt good.


A/N: Just a few chapters and we will see Mark going back to his universe and then travel again to another. Stay tuned! Also, give your stones, I almost forgot.

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