
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 31

The woman in the green steel outfit with a punk hairstyle was hard to not recognize—Olivia Liv Octavius, also known as "Doctor Octopus" or "Octavia" in some versions.

Mark observed Octavia with curiosity. "Doc, I thought you had already escaped."

Liv threw a flirtatious look at Mark. "Liv, call me Liv. That's what my friends call me."

Mark was puzzled. "Are we friends?"

"Of course! I'd love to be friends with you. Don't you want to be friends with me?" Liv took a step closer.

Mark continued to watch her performance.

His Spider-Sense didn't warn him of any danger. Although he wasn't sure why, it was evident that Liv didn't currently hold any hostility towards him. Even if she did, with his current abilities, she couldn't possibly capture him. In fact, he might even be able to defeat her, wait, not might, he can "definitely" defeat her.

"Alright, Liv," Mark said, "We can talk about being friends later. Right now, tell me your purpose for being here. Otherwise, my real friends might come back."

As he spoke, Mark gestured with his thumb towards the lower corner behind him.

Liv did indeed adjust her demeanor, seeming reluctant to meet Miles or let him know about their encounter.

However, her tone still couldn't hide her enthusiasm, and the look in her eyes appeared as if she wants to devour Mark or something.

Liv said, "After I finished my battle with you guys, I was planning to leave. However, before leaving, I went to the data library, thinking of taking all the experiment records with me. But guess what I found?"

"Hmm?" Mark played along.

Liv seemed to enjoy Mark's participation and continued, "I discovered that there were only five parallel universe signals the collider was connected to! However, we ended up with six different versions of the Spider-Man from other worlds! And you, you are the Spider-Man who wasn't originally connected to the collider but still arrived in this world! Am I right?"

"And through comparing the experimental data, I found a huge loophole in this experiment. Although it can use the genetic code to locate counterparts in parallel universes, the counterparts from other universes cannot adapt to this universe's environment because of it. They may last a day, or up to five days, but eventually, they will be crushed and perish in this universe."

"But you." Liv took a few steps closer to Mark, about two meters away, then stopped to maintain a safe distance. She then circled around him slowly, making admiring sounds, "You, however, completely defy my conclusions! You are a miracle! Or, there's another possibility."

Mark's eyes slightly widened in curiosity.

He never expected that Liv could figure this out.

Truly worthy of being a super villain renowned for high intelligence. Mark didn't respond this time, he just looked at Liv, waiting silently for her next words.

Seeing Mark's expression, Liv assumed he had agreed and immediately became excited, saying, "So, you possess the ability to freely travel through parallel universes?"

Mark shrugged, "So what if I do? Do I have an obligation to tell you?"

"No, no, no," Liv waved her hands, "I just want to ask, can you take me with you?"

"Huh?" Mark's face showed a big question mark. He couldn't believe he had the charm to make the Parallel Universe counterpart of Dr. Octopus fall for him or be convinced by him. It was too surreal.

"This is incredible!" Liv said while spreading her arms wide dramatically with a smile on plastered on her face, "I am willing to follow you! I just hope to explore other parallel universes with you and discover the unknown!"

Her eyes revealed boundless enthusiasm for the field known as "Parallel Spacetime."

Honestly, Mark was a bit tempted. Although Liv seemed a bit neurotic, she was the Parallel Universe counterpart of Dr. Octopus! In other words, a female version of Dr. Octopus! And what kind of existence was Dr. Octopus?

He was an outstanding nuclear physicist, specializing in atomic physics. He invented mechanical tentacles that could lift 8 tons with ease. The operation was simple, fully resistant to radiation, and the strength and precision were unparalleled. This allowed him to complete one astonishing experiment after another, write numerous new theories, and make him famous worldwide.

Until one experiment, a pipeline ruptured, causing a radiation leak and a massive explosion.

Otto Octavius survived, but his body fused with the four mechanical tentacles.

He was also influenced by the artificial intelligence within the tentacles, which caused his thoughts to deviate, making him extreme and arrogant, turning him into a super-villain.

In his first appearance, he battled Spider-Man so fiercely that Spider-Man doubted himself and even considered giving up being Spider-Man. It was only thanks to persuasion from the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four that he found the courage to continue challenging Dr. Octopus, and after several battles, finally achieved a victory.

From this, one could see how powerful Dr. Octopus was.

Even after Spider-Man defeated him, he remained one of Spider-Man's most troublesome enemies.

Not only that, in the "Superior Spider-Man" series, Dr. Octopus created a machine that could switch minds with others, successfully transferring his consciousness into Spider-Man's body, becoming the Ultimate Spider-Man. He even established Parker Industries.

In the "Superior Spider-Man" series, he was a doctor specializing in genetic mutation research, responsible for creating genetic serums that turned individuals into Spider-Man, Green Goblin, and Lizard, among others. He even created Scarlet Spider Ben Reilly, the second-coming Green Goblin Harry Osborn, and Spider-Slayer. He even controlled the Avengers of that world, making him a super-duper boss.

In another universe, he joined forces with other evil masterminds like Red Skull, Doctor Doom, and Arnim Zola, facing off against Spider-Man, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Black Cat, Lizard Professor, and the X-Men's Storm.

All of this shows his limitless potential, but at the same time, it highlights the danger he poses.

Mark's mind was in turmoil.

Though the "Lady Octopus" before him was different from the Dr. Octopus he knew, the uniqueness of her gender stood out.

However, Dr. Octopus was still Dr. Octopus.

Her talent, potential, and ambition were top-notch, but so was her danger! Before he had enough power to control her, he shouldn't have too much contact with her, let alone accept her submission!

What if this woman could create a machine like in the "Superior Spider-Man" universe that could switch minds?

He definitely didn't want to undergo a gender change!


A/N: New month! It's a good time to subscribe to our pătreon and of course! To give all your stones to me. Mwuhahahah!

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