
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14: The Effects of Peter's Absence

After a month,

It's been more than Five months since Spiderman has gone. People Finally start to understand the worth of Spiderman.

In these five months crime rate increased by 80%. After they hear the claim of sinister six that they critically injured Spiderman and that he might never come back. All villains who are undergrounded by Spiderman start to make their an appearance. Many criminals like a thief, murderers, or even new criminal gangs start to make their appearance.i t wasn't until the mysterious hero 'Noir' appeared and raided most of these gang members and villians hideouts that the city had some calm.

Up until now, Spiderman single Handley surpassed them. Now that he was gone they resurfaced again. Avengers didn't even come to help them from start. this type of crime is beneath them and villains like sinister six are not so high ranked big villains only street level villains. But After sinister six invaded Avengers tower and Bexter Building for their technology and they couldn't even stop them. Fantastic Four are struggling internally. Reed Richard always stays in the lab. Susan Storm fall indepression she didn't help the man she have a crush on when he asked. Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm also fall into depression when the news of peter being critically injured comes out. X-Men can't even defend themselves when their children are hunted by villains. Spiders come to help but they can't be fullfill the role of real Spiderman.

After investigation Superheroes find out that Peter did Survive that injury. Some see him after that and he looks like completely fine. But the whole month he didn't come back as Spiderman maybe want to have some time for rest. Still, they didn't bother to ask him what is going on after seeing him fine. Suddenly after a month, he decided to take a vacation trip to the Amazon rainforest. But his plane caught up in storm and crashed. after that nobody hear anything from him. And Superheroes tried to find him after seeing an increasing crime rate. But they didn't able to find him. But still, They have hope cause they didn't find his dead body so there's chance he might be still alive out there. When he comes back they decided to apologize to him. But looks like it's too late. To tell the truth thy don't know what is going on with Peter it wasn't until a month that they remembered that Peter Parker is Spider-man and according to Dr. Strange it was done by the man in question itself what did he need?why did he do it?what's going on inside his head? As for the question of him coming back or not they knew he will be Why? You ask because he is

Spider Man nobody absolutely nobody can go toe to toe with the man in terms of responsibility that's the man of character he was but that is if he is alive.But that was about the superheroes only

As For the People of New York started to regret how they used to treat Spiderman and called him a menace. Even JJJ apologizes on live tv.

The Avenger's Tower New York ,

Iron man is searching for his lost tech which is stolen by sinister six and he and the whole Avengers team can't even stop them.

Captain America: Jarvis, Any news of him?

Jarvis: No Captain, I checked every place near that plane crash but I still didn't find him.

Jessica A.K.A. Spider-Woman: But, how his plane crashed in the Caribbean sea. He has to around some of the islands.

Clint A.K.A. Hawkeye: Maybe he can't even manage to get Island.

Tony A.K.A. Iron man: But we still didn't find his body anywhere.

Natasha A.Κ.Α. Black Widow: So, Where he could be?

Carol A.K.A. Captain Marvel: What worst is we didn't even help him when he asked and he never refused to help when we ask. We took him for granted. When we found news of him being critically injured we didn't even bother to ask about his well being now he's one missing we can't even find him.

She said as some tears come from her eyes.

Carol (Thinking): Please Peter come back to me I'm sorry.

As she remembers how she regrets her decision to cheat on him when she came back from space and assume that he moved on and she started a relationship with Rhodes. When she finds out he always stays loyal to him. She falls into the wave of guilt. She still kept the engagement ring he gave to her. she never bring herself to throw the ring which he give it to her. Now, all she wants apologize to him and to go back together with him.

Jessica (Thinking): Peter where are you? Hope you're okay.

She left Peter for Clint even tell him to be like him. But when she finds out He risks his life for her at the phoenix incident and Clint lies to her just to get her in his bed. when she finds out the truth she nearly killed him and wants to apologize to Peter but it's far too late. Only Hope when he comes back he will forgive her. She wants to be with like they used to like work husband and wife.

Natasha (Thinking): Peter I'm sorry.

She remembers when she lost his memory she fall in love with him. The feeling of being loved she never felt before she was in many relationships but all they want is her body, not her. Time with Peter is the best of her life. Now that he's gone missing now she felt her life become dull.

Clint: what about his family?? They don't know where he is.

Jennifer A.K.A. She - hulk: His aunt disown him cause she thinks he's not responsible enough but she didn't know his superhero life. When she finds out she is feeling guilty assuming that he's not responsible while he's taking more responsibility than he should.

Steve: what about his friends, girlfriends??

Natasha: His friends didn't even contact him for quite a while. Spiders don't know and he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Steve A.K.A. Captain America: keep searching we need him for controlling this situation.

Jarvis: Actually sir, I may have got something.

Tony A.K.A. Iron man:What is it Jarvis?

Jarvis:There is this Parker's Foundation that has been established about about four months from now it has been in hike and has reached to heights that put it Inleagues with, Stark Industries,Oscorp,& Baxter Foundations,this Foundation is also in progress to make deals with military for weapons.

Steve (Angry) :Jarvis we aren't talking about business here, it is the meeting about the disappearce of Peter Parker The Spider man.

Jarvis:Exactly Sir,Spider Man Or Peter Parker

That We know of, The Parker's Foundation established much nearer to the disappearance of this individual Carrying the name of this individual.

Clint:There are many Parkers out there Jarvis how can you know this our one?

Jarvis:That's the problem here sir the information about Parkers foundation is so encrypted that I couldn't get the name of Chairman of this Foundation,Except For this Foundation Money circuit, Clean bank records, and Donation to the victims of the underworlds,Old age homes,orphans, matyrs, widows of soldiers thought many Countries including the USA.And thier ever going clean money making, future projects nothing Can be found apart from this this well structured foundation. And most of all it started in Japan even though it main building would opening here in new York with big players.

Carol: What has Japan has to do with any of this?

Jarvis:Ma'am the day,It is said that Master Parker boardes the plane to Amazon rainforest there was another flight that at the same time was going to Japan, also you know the hero 'Noir' right

All of them: Yes.

Jarvis: This are some videos that I got from some CCTV surveillance at various places where the fights occurred**videos plays**

Natasha:This fighting style it very similar to him but there are certain changes it's much more efficient with little to no blind spots.

Jessica Drew aka spider woman:But that can't be him Peter isn't that much violent he just bruises his enemies not break thier bones and Peter also doesn't have some talons to fight his opponents, this guy *Noir* he is just too different.

Carol:But to similar at same time he body structure is also like Peter except his hieght,also definition on some parts of body.

Jarvis :His body structure can be said to above ideal male body structure which Practically is impossible,as even reaching close to ideal male physique is considered very much difficult.

Tony:But How can He do this, we don't know how he got hands on strange's magic let alone learning it to hieght where he is above strange although it is only one spell but what if he learned all of them.And how can he make such precise system that even Jarvis can't break and how can he start a company in few months. A company that could rival mine which has solid foundation even before the f**king world war.

Jarvis:Because He is Peter Parker Sir,I don't know about magic But The young boy was a genius in various fields including science and business the only thing stopping him was his guardians who wanted him to have a proper teenage life.And then his hero career, now both of them is out of his life what do you think will happen.

X-Men Mansion,

X-Men wondering where things start to went wrong.

Scott: How are we hunted like this?

Logan: At first bub always keeps the street safe now he's gone no one keeps protecting mutants children.

Logan remembers how he betrayed the trust of his best friend by sleeping with his girlfriend. Now he was regretting.

Just mention Spiderman and every person looks down in shame cause when he goes to fight sinister six that he nearly took his life and gets a critical injury. He called them for help. But they decided to ignore it. But even after that When they find him. they didn't even bother to ask him about his well-being.

he's missing after his plane crash. Now results of his absence came back to bite their ass.

Storm: I never realized the worth of Spiderman's work up until now.

Scott: None of us.

Xavier: we need to find him.

At Corner

Phoenix shouted in Jean's mind that they angered Anansi.

Every mutant kid who had admiration on Peter wants him to come back he used play with help them seriously even thier own parents didn't try to understand them thier insecurities as mutant but he was there even though he protected a whole city but he came to be there for them he saved them he was thier big brother that they needed he was treen that not only protected them from the harsh sunlight of the world and soothed them. They want him back they want thier big brother back.

Scott: We will. Once he came back. We can apologize to him for not being able to help.

Emma: Wow, Scott I never took you type of man who apologize to someone.

Scott: I am not. But after realizing he always keeps protecting mutants' children without asking anything and how much this world needs Spiderman.

Scott: I might be an Asshole. But even I starts to respect him.

Emma: Yeah, hope he came back.

Emma (thinking):Please come back we need you.

Laura(thinking ): Where are you Peter? come back we need you


The Baxter Building.

Susan is crying cause it's been six months since Peter was gone Missing and there was also a chance that he might not be alive because they already check an every island near the plane crash. When They heard the news of Peter being critically injured and even after that they didn't even bother to check on him. But now he's gone missing she wants to apologize to him but maybe it's too late.

Reed always stays in the lab without bothering by anything. Not even little bit of caring for his family,that bastard even though he is kids were kidnapped he wasn't there to console them. Johnny stopped going to parties and usually stay at home. Same thing one could say for Ben.The adults were a mess but kids they were hopeful.

Valeria Richards:Brother Uncle Peter Will return right?

Franklin Richards:Of cource Val, he will he is Uncle Peter after all, And then he will teach that batard Doom a lesson.

Valeria : Brother why didn't you use your power to attack of course you could defeat him right?

Franklin:Why didn't you use your powers?

Valeria: Cause Uncle Peter said not to use them irresponsibly or recklessly until we are mature and have complete control on them.

Franklin: Same here I wanted to do the same.

Valeria: But when I asked him what if I was in danger he said he would come protect me and if wouldn't mom and dad will. ( tears strats from her eyes falling)

Franklin:Val don't cry uncle will return he will I believe him you too right, it's just that when uncle needed help dad didn't help which led to uncle being injured.

Valeria: I believe in Uncle. You,Uncle Peter, Mom, Uncle Johnny, Uncle Ben I believe in all of you.

Franklin: What about dad??

Valeria Richards: I hate him,Him and his stupid research.I wish Uncle Peter was our Dad instead.

Franklin:True, he and his stupid research that at the end only brings trouble. And uncle Peter as our dad not a bad idea Val,we love mom and uncle too much,but still don't think it's enough, also mom deserve better no she deserves best and Uncle is the best.Uncle also deserve better his previous girlfriends(Franklin made a disgusted face and decided not tell his sister about such women)

{A/N: For all those who is thinking how a kid knows then go read about him a little, this kid can make galaxies in his bedroom he and beyonder are celestials in flesh as for why he doesn't use his powers cause uncle pete and his mom said so, why did he pry on his uncle's private life,Curiousity kills the cat.}

, yeah Uncle deserve best Mom is the best.we should try make them together.

Franklin eye started glowing with strange colours but Valeria karate chopped him on the head.

Valeria( strictly):Uncle & mom said no use of powers to make people do what you want.

Franklin: Uncle's and mom's favorite girl

Valeria(proud):Yes I am.But brother seriously we can't do this not with our powers we can make mom comfortable to make this choice apart from that we can't do anything.

Franklin: Ok let's wait for uncle,shall we watch the T. V maybe he will appear.

Valeria :Ok

Hey guys,

We are nearing the end of all this hiding charade after the next chapter Peter will return.

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