
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 13: The Return of the Spider Or Not...

Unknown location,New York.

Peter Parker had returned to New York, but this time he was different. Clad in a black suit and mask, he moved through the city with a purpose. His personalities and system, Nexus, provided him with a steady stream of advice, support, and power. For the past month and a half, he had been raiding Kingpin's hideouts, dismantling the crime lord's operations one by one.

He stood on a rooftop, overlooking one of Kingpin's largest hideouts. "Are we ready?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Always," Jason Todd's voice answered confidently.

"Let's do this, Peter," Ben Tennyson added, his tone supportive.

"Remember, don't hold back," Garou's voice said. "These guys are scum."

"Don't worry, Peter," Goku's voice chimed in. "We'll handle this together."

Peter nodded, taking a deep breath. He leapt from the rooftop, using his enhanced agility and web-swinging abilities to glide silently to the ground. His spider-sense was sharper than ever, guiding him through the shadows as he approached the entrance.

Two guards stood at the door, oblivious to his presence. With a flick of his wrist, Peter shot webs at their faces, pulling them into the darkness. He moved quickly, using his retractable talons to slash at their weapons, rendering them useless.

Inside, the hideout was bustling with activity. Gangsters moved around, counting money and organizing shipments of illegal goods. Peter's spider-sense tingled, alerting him to the presence of armed men around every corner.

"Time to make our entrance," he whispered.

He leapt into the room, his movements a blur. He landed in the center, crouched low, and unleashed a wave of webbing that disarmed several gangsters at once. They barely had time to react before he was upon them, using his enhanced strength to knock them out with a series of powerful punches and kicks.

"Who's next?" Peter muttered, his eyes scanning the room.

A group of mutants, hired by Kingpin, charged at him. One had the ability to generate electricity, another could manipulate fire, and a third had superhuman strength. Peter grinned beneath his mask. "Let's see what you got."

The electricity mutant sent a bolt of lightning at him, but Peter dodged it effortlessly, his hyper reflexes kicking in. He closed the distance in an instant, delivering a venomous bite that paralyzed the mutant. The fire manipulator tried to engulf him in flames, but Peter's enhanced durability allowed him to withstand the heat as he delivered a series of rapid punches, each blow backed by his spider strength amplification.

The super-strong mutant roared, swinging a fist the size of a small boulder. Peter ducked under the blow, his spider-sense guiding him as he delivered a powerful uppercut, sending the mutant crashing into a wall.

"Nice moves, Parker," Jason's voice remarked.

"Thanks," Peter replied, already moving to the next target.

Throughout the month, Peter had raided thirty-seven of Kingpin's hideouts, each time leaving a trail of unconscious or incapacitated gangsters in his wake. His methods were brutal but non-lethal. He broke bones, dislocated joints, and used his retractable talons to slash weapons and limbs, but he never killed.

At each hideout, he called the police after securing the area, ensuring that the criminals were taken into custody. He also took all the wealth and weapons he could find, using them to fund his own operations and ensure that Kingpin's resources were diminished.

One night, as he was finishing up at yet another hideout, Nexus spoke up.

[Peter, are you sure about this path? You're risking a lot.]

Peter paused, looking around the dimly lit room. "I know, Nexus. But I can't sit idly by while Kingpin destroys this city. Someone has to stop him."

"And that someone is you," Goku's voice said, filled with admiration.

"Exactly," Peter replied. "With all of you by my side, I can do this."

As he moved through the city, raiding hideout after hideout, Peter felt a strange sense of fulfillment. He was no longer the broken hero who had fled to Japan. He was stronger, more determined, and ready to take on whatever challenges came his way.

One particularly tough night, Peter found himself facing a group of highly trained mercenaries, each one equipped with advanced weaponry. They moved in coordinated attacks, trying to outmaneuver him. But Peter's enhanced spider-sense and reflexes allowed him to stay one step ahead.

He used his invisibility to vanish from sight, confusing the mercenaries. He then appeared behind them, using his energy discharge ability to create a shockwave that knocked several of them off their feet. He followed up with precise strikes, breaking weapons and incapacitating his foes.

"You guys just don't learn," he muttered, delivering a spinning kick that sent the last mercenary sprawling.

After securing the area and calling the police, Peter collected the stolen goods. As he stood atop a nearby building, looking out over the city, he felt a sense of satisfaction. Kingpin's empire was crumbling, piece by piece.

"Peter, what's next?" Ben asked.

Peter took a deep breath. "We keep going. There's still a lot of work to do."

As the weeks went by, Peter's raids became legendary. The news was filled with stories of a mysterious vigilante clad in black, taking down Kingpin's operations one by one. The public began to see him as a hero, even if they didn't know his true identity.

One night, as he was preparing for yet another raid, Nexus spoke.

[Peter, you've done amazing work. But remember, you're not alone. We're here to support you, every step of the way.]

Peter smiled beneath his mask. "Thanks, Nexus. I couldn't have done it without you all."

[Also by the way you only Half months remaining before the spell is broken and everyone who knows will remember that Peter Parker is spider man, so do what ever you wanted to fast.]

"Thanks for reminding me I almost forgot about it" Peter said while sracthing his head.

Peter in his abandoned Warehouse,stood in front of piles of weapons he stole from Japan India,South Korea,Russia,China and some other countries which were just high quality pistols,smgs,rifles, then he looked at another pile of weapons that he got from Kingpin's hideouts which were the advance weapons that was used to fight against teams of supes

"So it was really him who helped those six f**king bastards huh"Peter mummered.

"Peter we should just kill him he is too much of an annoying factor"Garou said.

" Nah we can't do "Jason said.

" Why can't we"Garou said.

"No we can't" Jason said

"Why can't we you f**king bastard"garou this time showed extreme rage

" Because he f**king controls the the mob and if we take him out another will appear than take him out than another than him out than another..It will a fucking loop don't think it as easy as killing some monsters. Shit is different in this areas you stupid f**k"Jason retorted with more rage his anger start radiating out of peter's body

"Oh now red boy is angry huh, I say why don't you kill that fucking pig with this rage of your reddy." Garou's aura also started radiating from peter's body.

Before Jason could say anything as response

" Stop It both of you " Suddenly Issei aura which was dominating their aura forming a superiority.

"Thanks Isse" Peter said.

"No probs" Issei replied.

And another aura emitted it was Peter's aura This was a aura of a spider.Every single one personality was shocked.

" Wolfy boy I know you have violent tendencies but I will say No provoking your brothers it will not be good." Garou grumbled but stayed silent.

"Big Bro Jason , it's good you are stopping others to make irrational decision but don't f**king smartass here 'We' are a team 'We' are one and the same person if someone ask you why you say the f**king problem good"Jason just stayed silent.

" No fucking provoking each other"

"No fucking trying to act smart ass"

" 'We' are one and the same person "

" And one more thing you bunch of bastards,


"Ok" Natsu said.

"Got it " Goku also said.

Hearing their ever light tone .Jason and garou 'This bastards do they even paid attention to anything that happened'

"Atta boy I knew you had the 'Dog' in you"Togi said

'This bastard' Jason and garou seriously pissed.

" I have to say that was quite impressive pete"Ben said.

"Agreed" Issei said.

(Of course that's my boy you are taking about good going, son)

"Huh" Peter relaxed after hearing the tones of the light toners.

"Ok where were we right this weapons "

"What are you going to do about them " Ben asked.

" Well let's just sell them "Togi said.

" That will make us on the radars of military and we can't seriously just sell them back to criminals that would be stupid"Jason said.

They were all contemplating on what to do,

Then Garou just said casually,

"Well you can just change them can't you, I mean pete and Ben created and sick things out of nothing now we have materials I guess"

"Garou" Jason suddenly called him out.

"What?? " Garou replied.

" That's the smartest shit that I heard from you"Jason said.

"Thanks... Wait you fucking bastard" Garou.

All the others with Jason started laughing after some time garou join them too. At thier throats on one minute and laughing together on other they were seriously some crazy bastards well they were a man and his alternate personalities of course they were crazy.

"Ok so all I have to do is search the aliens on watch click them together right???" Peter who had the ultimate Biometrix on his hands asked

" Yep as simple as that."Ben said

"You sure??"

"Yes "


"Yes "

" 100℅ sure"

" Just use the damn watch we don't have all day"Garou said in annoyance.

" All right,'Uprigg' " Peter used the Biometrix.

And turned into alien that looked like an goblin but had tech green stucture all over it self it had the symol of omnitrix on top of his head. This is Uprigg is the combination of Upgrade and Juryrigg's DNA.

Uprigg started to laugh maniacally and started dismantling and reassmble the the guns in front of him.


Inside the Kamar Taj,

"I knew something was up but didn't quite get it so this is what happened huh. " Dr strange said.

"This looks like work of quite powerful mage Strange" A bald man near him said.

"Yeah you are right Wong,but who could it be who would want to put shade on spider man's Identity who can do it that too with such precision of such a difficult spell with little effect it can have caused."Strange contemplated.

" Well what if it was the man in question himself "Wong suggested

"No,although he did have potential it can't be him this is done by someone who has reached limits of such difficult spell a like mad man and last thing I know about the was that he was fun going/gentle not a mad man"strange said softly on the last part.

" Well,what happened to him can make anyone a mad man, the fact he survived is a miracle itself"Wong said.

Strange this time hearing Wong became quite sad the boy was always there if he needed his help he was gentle boy who was bright any where he goes.'Those idiots what had gotten into them,He was the boy that was always there for them no matter what he helped even though the opponent was far above his league he was there . And He Made a 'difference' and that makes you win battle. '

"Steven,what are you thinking" Wong asked

"Just about the boy Wong just about the boy he was young boy that shouldn't have happened we should have told him to ask for help just like we kept door open for the others we should have done for him too.And I am not

talking sympathetically he deserves it he deserved to be helped he deserved to be thought by us we failed Wong we failed,"

" No we didn't don't blame yourself now that we know of the spell let's break it we the two of us we can even though it's quite difficult to do so but we can and we may be able to find the boy stark can search for do him when this spell is broken"Wong said

"...Ok let's do this " Strange said.

And then they started breaking the spell and a huge explusion occured but strange and Wong protected them selves in time and they got to know the identity of the caster and spider man.

" It was him, he did it,but how? , when? , why?"

" Well now we atleast did know who did it "

"Call stark now we need to get him"


Inside warehouse ,

Peter changed back from Uprigg,

"Well that was strange, but it was awesome" Peter said .

"Right, it feels strange at first but you start to get hold of it" Ben said.

Just as the two of them were discussing,

"Peter the spell has been broken"Natsu said

"So He did find out huh , he was quite late then I expected but what can they even find out"Peter said shrugging his shoulders.

" Yeah you were quite cautious with your move" Ben said.

"Well I did anticipate it and fate was in my favour" Peter said

Recalling that when they had removed his name from plane that was going to Japan there was another flight taking of which got crashed inside the Carribean Sea. Most of the survivors didn't survive although there were speculation that they could have swam towards the island nearby but nothing could reach that region to confirm anything so it was all good for him. He made himself the passenger of that flight instead .

"Well now for the world you are either dead or missing" Issei said.

" What about our foundation that we established under your name," Jason said.

" Don't worry about that cuzz..."

[ I have taken care even the most advance technology of this world wouldn't know it until and unless you want it, Peter]

"Thanks Nexus, now let's proceed I know just he right guy who we could sell these weapons to but we have to prepare quite a lot for that to happen, it would take a month probably"

"So what about the heroes and sinister six? ? " Togi asked

" We took care of kingpin's henchmen haven't we,we didd help the heroes now let them suffer more it's not like I care" Peter said

" What about the incident that happen to those kids"Garou asked hinting to what happened to Susan stroms and Reed richards kids Franklin and valeria richards also some mutant kids that he saved but were happened to harassed by members of brotherhooe

" They have to pay nobody touches kids and get away with it, No holding back, No waiting for people to change, if violence is what this world wants violence is what they will get"Peter said with a dangerous Glint