
Spider Man: Web of Destiny

On the eve of "Captain America: Civil War", the life of a high school boy, Peter Parker, changed dramatically. Not only was he bitten by a spider, but a special web of fate often appeared in his mind. He found that through this thing, he seemed to be able to travel to different worlds and go on wonderful life journeys! In each world, he has a different title. During the Great Depression, he was called Shadow Spider-Man. On the planet Conte, his name is Super Spider-Man. In the parallel universe, he crawls out of the coffin, but not as a zombie spider. There are also Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man... and he himself has gained the abilities of countless different Spider-Man! (Note: The main plot of this book is only in the live-action movie universe.)

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Chapter 12: The Civil War!

Before the plane landed, Peter had obediently come down from the ceiling and was about to take off the suit and put it back.

At this time, Happy said, "You don't have to take it off. That's Tony's gift to you. Keep wearing it if you like it."

"Uh, it's mine?"


"Really mine?"


"Oh wow!" Peter excitedly waved his hands, realizing this was part of the so-called September Foundation support he had discussed with Iron Man.

However, this Spider-Suit did exceed his expectations, which is why he didn't immediately think of it.

Having grown accustomed to hard times, suddenly receiving a suit worth at least a few hundred million dollars felt a bit surreal.

"The plane is about to land. Are you sure you don't want to fasten your seatbelt?" Happy pointed to a nearby seat.

He was starting to get PTSD from this energetic kid who had been jumping around the plane for six hours and just wanted to finish this job and return to Stark Industries, far away from him.

Kids are such a handful!

Peter obediently returned to his seat.

He knew the noise during the plane's landing would be another torment for his heightened senses.

Fortunately, this time he was mentally prepared, and the design of this suit also thoughtfully helped block out unnecessary external stimuli.

"After landing, we'll go to the hotel first. You can rest there, and then either tonight or tomorrow, whenever Tony summons you, you'll have to set out. Understand?" Happy began explaining Peter's upcoming arrangements.

Peter nodded to show he understood.

He would treat this as a paid vacation.

He had never been abroad in his whole life!

As for the suit, he wouldn't take it off.

He had a good idea.

He would wear the suit like thermal underwear, taking off just the head cover and tucking it into his pocket, while wearing regular clothes on the outside.

This way, when needed, he could simply remove his outer clothes and transform into Spider-Man!

What a brilliant idea!

Peter couldn't help but give himself a pat on the back for his ingenuity.

Under a flyover near Berlin, Captain America had just finished kissing (ahem, you animal) Sharon Carter, the niece of his former girlfriend.

Captain America, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier obtained an inconspicuous car, a plane to go to Siberia, Captain America's shield, Falcon's flight suit, and more from Sharon.

It was practically an equipment giveaway.

Previously, after the Winter Soldier woke up from his brainwashed state, he recalled some things.

The Winter Soldier program didn't just have him; apart from him, they had also trained five other powerful supersoldiers, even stronger than the Winter Soldier!

And that guy posing as a psychologist knew how to activate them!

Earlier, he had infiltrated the facility holding the Winter Soldier and deliberately controlled him under the watchful eyes of the global media, causing him to break free and escape, triggering chaos, and further escalating the conflict between Captain America and Iron Man.

Captain America didn't know what the psychologist's purpose was in doing this, and he didn't have time to think about it carefully now.

He realized that if he let the psychologist activate those five Winter Soldiers, it could lead to an even greater disaster!

So he was preparing to stop him!

It was also for this reason that Agent 13, Sharon Carter, was helping the now-fugitive Captain America and his team.

Not only that, but Captain America had also contacted Hawkeye.

Hawkeye, in turn, took Wanda away from Vision and found Ant-Man Scott.

Now, Captain America's side had assembled six people at the airport.

Just as Captain America was jogging to the helicopter, ready to take off...


An electromagnetic pulse fell from the sky, precisely landing on the helicopter's rotor blades.

The electromagnetic pulse detonated, directly disabling the rotor's starting mechanism.

It was Iron Man!


With Iron Man's appearance, War Machine's black iron body also descended from the sky.

"Didn't expect to run into old acquaintances at the airport. Quite strange, isn't it?" War Machine said.

"Indeed, quite strange," Captain America replied, used to the yin and yang of these two outwardly cold suits but incredibly awkward personalities inside.

"Tony, that psychologist is the real mastermind."


An agile figure jumped down from the second floor of the airport terminal. He was wearing a black metallic-looking suit, his build robust but well-proportioned.

It was T'Challa, the king of Wakanda, the Black Panther.


"Your Majesty."

Black Panther and Captain America greeted each other.

He didn't actually have a grudge against Captain America, but he believed his father was killed by the Winter Soldier, so he had come to take revenge on him.

At this moment, Iron Man spoke up.

"Ross told me to arrest you guys within thirty-six hours. It's been twenty-four hours already. Can't you just cooperate?"

Captain America said seriously, "You've got the wrong guy."

But Iron Man only replied, "You're being judgmental. Your old pal killed innocent people yesterday!"

"But somewhere out there, there are five more just like him," Captain America said. "I can't let the psychologist find them first!"

"Steve, you know what's going to happen next," Black Widow also slowly walked out from the side. "Do you really want to fight your way out?"

Seeing their positions, Captain America realized that his actions had been calculated by these old friends from start to finish.

They had been waiting for him here all along.

Iron Man looked at Captain America's expression and sighed, "Alright, I don't have time to mess around with you... pajama boy!"


A figure jumped out from the side.

It was Peter.

In fact, before Captain America entered the airport, at Iron Man's request, they had already assembled there in advance.

He had been hiding behind a car.

Iron Man's task for him was to take away Captain America's shield as soon as the battle started.

So that's what he did now.


A web line shot out, sticking perfectly to the shield in Captain America's hand.

Immediately, Peter gave it a hard pull.

Captain America instinctively tried to pull it back, but his strength wasn't greater than Peter's, so he had to let go.

Peter caught the shield in his right hand, his body spinning in midair, and even had the leisure to shoot a web pellet at Captain America's hand.


The web pellet hit Captain America's hand, exploding into a small web handcuff, binding him.

"Good job, Pajama Boy," Iron Man praised.

"Thanks, thank you for the praise, but I think I could have looked a bit cooler on that landing," Peter grinned. "Oh, by the way, Mr. Stark, could you not call me Pajama Boy? You see, I'm not wearing pajamas anymore."

"Can we talk about the naming later?"

"Sure," Peter looked at Captain America with excitement, his words jumbling together. "Hello, Captain. It's nice to meet you. I often see you in gym class, but this is the first time meeting you in person. You're my fan, oh no, he's your fan, oh no, that's not right either..."

(End of chapter)