
Spider-Man: The Judge

MARVEL Universe number-9999999. Spider-Man of this universe died. But no one expected such an outcome, because without Spider-Man this universe could come to an end. Although there are other spiders there. But the One who is above all. I decided that this world needed Spider-Man and summoned the soul of another person. What happened next? Read and find out everything.

AlastorMorningstar · Movies
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< Breaking news today at 16:40 the scientific and technological laboratory of Starkindustries was robbed by the so-called villainous team "Sinister Six".But they were put in it by Spider-Man.Their fight lasted about 30-35 minutes and they somehow ended up on the bridge.At the moment of the fight, a 12-year-old boy, Andrew Graphite, was captured as a hostage.Spider-Man rescuing a child received a serious wound from Craven Hunter.After that, the villains themselves disappeared.And the Spider-Man who wanted to chase them fell from the bridge.Now rescuers are looking for Spider-Man there.While they're looking for him, we can interview the witnesses and victims.

1.-I didn't even understand how it happened...

2-I was sitting in the car when Spider-Man flew right in front of me... 

3-You should have seen what a cut he got from the blade....

4-I'm just surprised how Spider-Man alone restrained six...

- As you all see, we have asked all the witnesses, now we will interview the victim Andrew>

 The camera switches to a child who is sitting next to his mother near the ambulance.All in tears .

< -Andrew, I understand it's hard for you right now, but you can share what you saw and felt.

- I... I... I.. I heard a man with a lion's mane on his shoulders say that his blade was poisoned.Tell me Spider-Man is going to be all right.He's going to die because of me.burst into tears.>

 After these words, the reporter looked at the camera and said.

<- This is urgent news again, and after hearing from the victim, we can understand that Spider-Man may be poisoned.< p>

 At that moment, rescuers came out of the water.

-Rescuers say that they did not find the body of Spider-Man and because of this, we can assume either he himself was able to get out of the oxen and return to his lair, or as a bad option, he died and his corpse was carried away by the current...>

 At that moment, somewhere through the window, a man in a red suit with a wound on his chest came into the apartment and this man was Spider-Man himself.He walked unsteadily and constantly held on to his wound from which he was bleeding.He took off his mask and you could see a golden-haired blond man with blue eyes that were empty now.

- Eh.. eh...eh.After all, my gut told me that everything could go badly if you go out alone.

 He sat down at a table on which there were laboratory supplies and something on it began to be chemical.He started making an antidote.Sometimes he stopped because of the unbearable pain from the poison.It took about 15 minutes and he prepared everything.And when he wanted to take the flask, at the last moment an unbearable pain went through his whole body and he fell to the floor holding on to his wound.The pain was so unbearable that he was ready to tear himself to pieces.

 After a while, the pain went away, but his body became so weak that he couldn't even move his finger.

- Ha ha ha so that's how I'm going to die.Ha-ha.Well, that's how it ends.After all, what keeps me in this world.Aunt?Aunt May died two years ago.A girl? Definitely not, after all, I could not find the love of my life so many times I fell in love and the result is always the same I am abandoned.Friends? What friends I have, because no one came to my aid.But if you think about it, it's always been that way.If the world needs help, I'm always ready, but when I need help, the whole world turns away from me.

After these words, he grinned and began....

- Haha haha haha.The whole world is a comedy and I'm the biggest fool in this comedy.

Yes, this universe put so much pressure on Spider-Man that he broke down and went crazy before he died.

- Aunt May forgive me if I... I... you...you... disappointed.

So the Spider-Man of this universe died alone, without family, without friends and without love, having lost his mind.

(From the author:PJ leave your feedback and rate.)

 Somewhere in the heart of the Multiverse 

 A shining silhouette sat on the throne and his name was the One Who is the highest God of Marvel.He opened his eyes and said.

- This shouldn't have happened.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AlastorMorningstarcreators' thoughts