
Spider-Man : New Beginning

An ordinary teen gets an amazing chance that only a few have. Follow him as he leads a great adventure in his new life! ===== Note: Hi there, this is actually my first time ever posting a fanfic on the site so please bear with me. English is not my first language but I am using Grammarly so I hope it won't be too much of a problem. All criticism is appreciated so if you have any ideas on how I can improve or change please let me know! Please enjoy!

Apex21 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The News

The next day I woke up and brushed my teeth then got ready for the day, did my workout, from my past life I knew how to properly build as much muscle as you can while not have any problems in your body.

I went downstairs, greeted my aunt and uncle who was reading newspapers and my aunt who was cooking breakfast. They seemed to have a happy conversation as I heard them laughing.

We had breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon, and toast, after which I helped my uncle with changing a light bulb that was broken in the living room.

After a while of just messing around in the house, we went over to MJ's home to go to the park where we agreed to meet Gwen.

"Hello, miss Anna is MJ home?" I greeted and followed up with a question after knocking.

"Hello there Peter, yes she is in her room. Wait a second I will go get her. Are you ready to go out?" She asked

"We are, just to get you and little MJ and we will go." Said Aunt May as she too greeted miss Anna.

When they greeted each other we were invited in while Anna went to get MJ.

"Hi, Peter!" The little bundle of energy ran up to me giving me a quick hug before greeting my aunt "Hi aunt May!" she waved

"Hello there sweety, are you ready to go?"

"Yep, I just need to get my new camera!" She said while running off somewhere. When she came back she was carrying a small camera around her neck. It wasn't anything expensive because to be fair who would give a good camera to a four-year-old.

"Look, look Peter!" She showed me the camera "Now we can take more pictures and play with Gwen."

"Wow, that's a great camera MJ good for you," I said with a smile. She just puffed up her chest with a proud look on her face.

I just smiled and we got ready then headed to the park.

"Hi Peter, MJ" Shouted a little blonde girl. She was carrying a book of some sort standing beside her father and mother who came with her.

"Hi, Gwen ready to play?" Asked MJ getting a nod we were pulled away while the adults shook their heads and smiled at us.

"So Gwen, how are you doing?" I asked

"I'm okay Peter, little sad that I can't hang out with you two like you can but maybe I can come and visit sometime." She said looking at me.

"So what do you have there?" Asked MJ

"Ahh, this? This is a biology book, we can lead all sorts of stuff about various plants and insects while we play." She replied.

Gwen has always been a curious girl. She was a genius in her own right I admit.

"Ugh, you and Peter are the same always reading books or learning, it's boring!" Exclaimed MJ

"It's not boring MJ, I need to learn so I can be a great scientist in the future!"

"Oh, so you want to be a scientist, really? Why?" I asked with a curious face.

"Well, I love science and I want to help the world so I have to be a scientist like the ones on TV who help create ways to clean the planet of pollution." She replied with a determined expression.

"Hahaha, well you are really smart so I am sure you can do it," I said with a smile.

She returned the smile back and replied "Yeah I'll do my best."

We were playing for some time before going home. We said our goodbyes and went on our way.

When me and Aunt May came home we were stunned. Three black cars were parked near our house while two people in black suits we're at our door.

One was a woman, she had brown hair tied into a bun on her head, she wore a black pencil skirt with a blacktop. She was standing near a man who too wore all black but a thing that stood out was a long scar on his left eye that is covered with an eye patch.

They were talking with my Uncle who looked confused at the whole ordeal. And around the remaining cars, there were four people that looked like guards four men with black suits and black sunglasses.

'Mother trucking Nick Fury came to my house, why the heck is he here?' I questioned myself

When we came closer people turned around and saw us, they stood at attention while intimidating us to not pass, seeing this Nick waved his hand and men let us pass.

Aunt may rush towards the house with me in tow. "What is going on? Who are you?" She questioned

"I don't know May, they just came here and I opened the door just before you came back." Answered Uncle Ben.

"Good day to you Ma'am my name is Nick and this here is my assistant Maria we work for the federal government. We came here to inform you about something that happened. Can we talk inside?" Introduced Nick.

"I want to see you ID," said Uncle Ben, of course, he is going to be suspicious if some guy comes on his doorstep and says he works for the government.

Nick then pulled out his ID and presented it to my uncle who inspected it and then nodded.

"Okay, please come inside. Sorry if I have been rude." Apologized Ben.

We entered the house and sat on the couch, Aunt May offered some drinks but they refused.

"No need to apologize, mister, I don't blame you." Said Nick "Now I need to inform you that your brother and his wife have passed away."

"What?!?!" Screamed Ben "Please tell me that isn't true."

"I am sorry, mister but it is. The plane they were on lost control and they crashed. We searched but we didn't find anything or anyone. My condolences." He said while Maria, his assistant gave her condolences too.

"Why?" Questions Uncle Ben, while letting out few tears hugging Aunt May who burst out crying the moment she heard they died.

And me, I just think it didn't hit me, my parents, the two people I loved the most, who were with me since the beginning we're gone. Never to return again. Realizing this tears started flowing and I started sobbing.

"I truly am sorry. But they left a will behind, all of their balance on their bank account and their house is to be transferred to you until their son is old enough to take it." He said.

They didn't say anything, so Nick left to let us calm down. Not before thinking for a bit 'Sorry kid, you might be able to meet them in the future if the danger passes, for now, this is for your own good.' Thought Nick being sorry for lying to Peter.

But he can't help it, neither can his parents. They were being targeted by a very powerful organization and they had to protect Peter.

Not knowing what went through Nick's head I ran to my room and cried my eyes out like I never did in my entire two lives.

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

So, I got a lot of comments about his parents' death, and as I said in the comments I have plans for them.

And I am gonna use his supposed parent's death like a motivation for him to become stronger, now that he felt the pain of loss he will use it to become stronger so that he doesn't have to feel pain like that again.

Apex21creators' thoughts