
Spider lily

This is a story about a female writer who got to transmigrate into a body of a princess. finally! WTF! she is cursed by a god to live half a year as a female and other half as a man? U really can't judge book by its cover. What?? Cold beauty is in reality a lazy ass with a personality disorder?? Nope, nope this cuteness overload in T-rex onesie can't be that sadistic lazy ass. Ahh nothing is as it seems!!! ... Check out my other book "Inventors system" find me on Instagram @lazy_wanderer666

lazy_wanderer · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Getting rid of ants 3

One week passed after General Fidelia confessed her crimes. The queen kept her word and did not touch children, but their status was taken, and they were exiled. She also got rid of Marie. As a queen, it was not hard to get rid of one servant. The only reason she lasted so long was to help Dea manipulate the situation.

 'Four down, three more to go.' Thought Dea as she sipped her tea in the private room of a famous teahouse. 

- "So, what do you plan to do next?" - Asked Ivy, who sat opposite her, unable to figure out what her sister was thinking.

- "You should go back to the villa and stay with others. I will finish things here and get back to the rest of you." - Said Dea calmly.

- "No, I want to stay here too, we already talked about this," - Ivy said, a little angry.

- "It's not that."

- "Then what?"

- "There is nothing much to do here, I will finish everything in a few days."

- "How can you deal with everything in a few days, not considering our bitch sister and her bastard of a father, that third prince Noel, how are you going to deal with him?"

- "I am not worried about Noel at all, someone else is going to deal with him for us."

- "…who?"

- "His country is not as stable as it seems."

- "What do you mean?"

- "Well, Scorpio country had 3 princesses and 5 princes in total. First prince and now king Amir, second prince Maat, third prince Noel, fourth prince Net, fifth prince Amsu, first princess Anippe, second princess Ebonee and third princess Gamila. 

 From them, King Amir, Prince Noel, and Princess Ebonee are from the same mother, who was the previous King's favorite concubine Lale. She is also a member of that organization. The second prince Maat and the first princess Anippe are twins, both born from the previous queen, Armen. The queen died while giving birth to them. By rules, Maat should have been the next King, but a year and a half ago, he and his sister were attacked by assassins and disappeared. So, Amir took the throne three months after that when the king died. Prince Noel was sent to us, as for the other two princes and Princess Gamila, all of them are dead, none of them made it to adulthood."

- "…Um…Okay, but everything you said tells me that Scorpio is already under their control, so who is going to deal with Noel?"

- "Didn't I tell you that Prince Maat and Princess Anippe disappeared?"

- "…yeah… don't tell me…"

- "A kind passerby saved them back then and hid them. So, they have been waiting for the right time to take revenge. Not everyone in Scorpio is an idiot, they too have supporters, as well as people who are loyal to the country or this that are just tired of Amir's tyranny."

- "… So … did you save them? "

- "What are you talking about? Did I not tell you that it was an extremely kind, strong, and beautiful passerby? Even if we have a lot in common, it was still a passerby." - Said Dea with a little grin.

- "…" - Ivy did not know what to say as her jaw was drooping from her sister's shamelessness. 'I did not know she had that side' (jaw-dropping is not over >.<)< p>

'… Cough…cough…aah… I accidentally let my personality slip, not cool breath, calm down, you are cool, cool ' Dea's face went back to normal in a second. Luckily she has a naturally cold face, otherwise, if Ivy was to know her thoughts, she might cough up blood from disbelief.

(how is the little taste of Dea's real personality? @.@ >-<)< p>

- "So, how is Maat going to deal with Noel?" - Asked Ivy ' it must have been my imagination. It must have been my imagination…' her face looked normal while she tried to hypnotize herself.

- "Of course, he will take back his throne, and we will generously give him back as a traitor, and two countries will sign a peace treaty."

Ivy was once again speechless.

- "What about our dear sister and her father?"

- "Oh, nothing much to worry about, I will deal with them tomorrow."

- "Just like that?"

- "Yeah. They are not someone worth worrying about from the start. Anyway, just go back to the villa, and I will also go back after I wrap everything up. General was the most tricky, she was very influential within people."

- "…okay I will listen to you and go back tomorrow." - Said Ivy. She was still a little reluctant but still decided to believe in Dea.

Only if she knew that everything was not as easy as Dea described. Only if they knew that they were not the only ones plotting right now.


Meanwhile, in the palace,

 The breaking of different objects could be heard in the whole palace where Princess Anita lived.

- "Bitch, I will kill that bitch once and for all! How dare she humiliate us like this."

- "Calm down, darling. She is not worthy of you getting so worked up, moreover, I have already readied her return gift. " - Hearing her father's voice Anita calmed down a bit.

- "Really? What are you planning?"

- "You don't have to worry about that, anyway when I am done with her, she will be wishing she was dead."

Like this, two sides were scheming against each other, not knowing that the real threat was coming on their way.

The next morning,

 After recent shocking events, city residents never thought they would get another shock in such a short time. Yesterday, the Royal court got the news that the borders were invaded by the Scorpio's army.

Citizens were a little nervous.

Everyone was waiting for the queen's decision.

 Libra has been in peace for years now, and everyone got used to this kind of lifestyle.

 Scorpio was not a weak country, even if it was weaker than Libra, the difference was not much. After all, it was not just for appearances sake that this country had a strength-based hierarchy, and since they appreciate strength so much, many people with lower backgrounds but talent started to migrate there.

 The Queen called ministers last night for court, Dea was also there. They have been arguing and discussing for hours how to deal with this problem and who to send as the head of the army.

 Forth General Fidelia was executed not long ago, and all the other three generals were guarding the borders. Other than the right person, they have not even decided whether or not to attack back and engage in a full war with the Scorpio country.

 Some said that they should avoid this conflict, but others said that this offense can't be forgiven and they need to answer with full war, otherwise, Libra will be looked down on by other countries.

 Dea sat quietly all this time. Lazily leaning on her hand, her eyes were amused as if looking at a good show, and did not bother to put her thoughts out there.

At this moment a voice came from her right.

- "Imperial mother, this princess has an idea, don't know if the queen likes to hear it??" - It was Anita's voice.

After the queen nodded for her to speak, she continued.

- "I think the most appropriate candidate to send would be sister Ivy. We can't call other generals from the border, and the sister's heroic acts are well known to everyone. She would be the perfect candidate to bring the country the victory."

Hearing this, some of the ministers immediately followed,

- "Yes, your majesty, princess is right. Princess Ivy is indeed the best choice for this."

 Hearing all this, Dea's brows rose a bit in amusement as she thought, 

'Ah. How many palace scenes and schemes have I not written, these newbies are wishing for death, trying to scheme against my sister. Well, I guess as a senior, I have to teach them a lesson.' Dea sighs as she finally opens her mouth to speak, but before she says anything, the queen speaks herself first.

- "Yes, indeed, Princess Ivy is a good candidate for this, but she is still too young to deal with a war by herself."

As the queen says this, she looks at Dea with a meaningful glance, and Dea understands right away what the queen wanted to do.

'Well, you reap what you saw.' thought Dea as she spoke.

- "Indeed, your Majesty, imperial sister is very talented and suitable for this job, but she is still only 17, and giving such an important role to her alone is not going to be right. I have a solution if you would like to hear?"

Queen nodded again, satisfied that Dea understood what she was trying to do.

- "We shall send sister together with one of the four generals, while someone else goes to the border."

- "Hmm? This is indeed a good solution, but do you have anyone in mind to send to the border?"

- "I think imperial sister Anita is the best choice for this, after all, Ivy is not the only one who is known for her heroic deeds," - said Dea with a smile.

 Hearing her, loyal ministers immediately understood what was happening and followed suit in praising Anita. Hearing all this Anita's face became darker and darker. She was planning to get rid of that annoying Ivy using this war, but now she herself was getting sent to the border for god knows how long.

In the end, it was decided that Ivy, with 2nd general Joanna, will go into the war while Anita will be sent to the border.

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