
Spider demon mother in MHA

I don't really know what to write here, all I can say is that I write this fic for myself, and English is not my native tongue. I use Grammarly to correct as many errors as possible but mistakes happen, so if you spot any feel free to comment and correct me. Also, nothing in this story is owned by me, the world is the MHA (my hero academia) world and the MC is inspired by the spider mother in Demon Slayer.

RimuruBlack · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1-The beginning

"No father, I will never marry that arrogant bastard." Screamed a beautiful white haired woman.

"You will do as I say. In one week you will marry the heir of the Toga family, Akari." The cold voice of a fat man, sitting in his leather chair, rang through the air.

A week later the fear of Akari made itself real and she married Nagato Toga.

And on the first night of their marriage, he r*ped her. Of course, she filed a lawsuit against her husband which she won. Nagato was sentenced to two years of prison. But what nobody knew, was that she was now pregnant. And nine months later she gave birth to her firstborn.

She named the child Salem.

Salem was a cute child. White hair like her mother's round face and cute smile. But her white skin with three res dots from her mouth to right under her eye on both sides and another three in a triangle shape on her forehead reminded the mother of her heinous husband.

Two years passed Salem had minimal contact with her mother and when she had encountered her, her mother was always drunk or on drugs and sometimes both.

Soon, the fated day came and Nagato was let out of prison.

The first thing he did was apologize to Akari. In the two years he was in prison he reflected on his actions and when Salem visited him the first time he was shocked. But after the third visit, he was sad that he couldn't see his daughter's first steps or hear her first words.

You could say he came out of prison as a new man. He now only wanted to be a good father to his daughter.

Years passed and Salem awakened her Quirk. It was a nice Quirk, she could create spider webs. The only drawback beeing that she became more and more hungry and most of the time she couldn't get rid of this hunger only when she went to sleep it vanished.

Years pass by and Salem turned seven. Her father came into her completely white/grey room the only color coming from the wooden furniture. He asked her if she wanted to visit her cousin Lilith who turned five two weeks earlier.

Salem agreed and they went to her aunt's house.

Arriving at the house Nagato rang the bell and a few moments later Salems' aunt, Yukiko, opened the door.

"Hi, Nagato how are you doing brother?" "Good, and how is it going on your side, I heard that Lilith awakened her Quirk."

"Yes, though we still don't know what it does. Now come in we have lots to talk about, brother, especially about how Salem came to be. Salem you can go and play with Lilith how does that sound?" Yukiko said to Salem with enthusiasm and when she spoke to her brother she had a voice filled with anger, hostility, and a huge amount of disappointment.

Salem already met Yukiko with her mom before she started to drink and take drugs, which started shortly after their visit. But she never visited with her dad as Yukiko didn't wish to see her brother after what he had done.

"Ok" came a short answer lacking any emotion and excitement a child normally had.

While Salem went to Lilith's room Yukiko lead her brother to the living room, where a tablet with drinks and snacks was already ready.

"So why did you do it," Yukiko asked coldly as soon as they sat down on a brown leather couch. But she received only silence.

"WHY THE F*CK DID YOU R*PE YOUR F*CKING WIFE!" Yukiko was outraged, not only did her brother r*pe but his wife no he also dared not even name a reason for it or try to come up with one.

"I don't know," Nagato said visibly ashamed with himself and his answer.

"WHAT... What do you mean you don't know. You want to say, that you raped your wife and dragged down the name of the Toga family. Do you know how it feels to be asked 'aren't you the sister of that rapist in the news last night?' Or how to explain to your kid that it has no dad like everyone else at the kindergarten. God, I can only imagine what Akari has gone through," Yukiko let her anger roam free, barely managing to not scream so the kids wouldn't notice something.

"Yukiko, I really don't know what has overcome me that night. All I can say is that I deeply regret what I have done and that I try to be a better man and father." Nagato said with regret in his voice.

"And what is with your wife? It may be an arranged marriage but Akari is still your wife." Yukiko asked her anger still as strong as before.

"After what she has done, I am not willing to be a good husband nor am I willing to forgive it," Nagato answered.

Yukiko breathed in deeply. Nagato readied himself for the worst verbal beating of his life. "YOU DARE," stopping her outcry because she remembered Salem and Lilith only two rooms further, "You dare to say that after you r*ped her! If you don't have a good reason I swear I will do everything in my power to make your life as miserable as possible and when your l

pice of sh*t is at the lowest point of your pathetic worthless life I will make it even worse and when you finally die as an unhappy man I will let my dog shit on your grave which is not even marked as nobody would waste money or resources on a worthless piece of shit like you." While Yukiko assaulted her brother verbally she had to stand up. If she didn't stand up she was pretty sure that she would have strangled her brother to death.

"YUKIKO, Yukiko listen. When was the last time you saw my wife?" Nagato wanted to know.

"I think it was right before Salems' second birthday." She responded confusion written all over her face at how that question matters.

"That would explain some things." Nagato sighs. "What would it explain, don't speak in riddles Nagato I'm already holding myself back to not slam your hand against the wall repeatedly or take away your oxygen way," Yukiko asked getting angrier and angrier at Nagato.

"It would explain, why you don't know that my wife is an alcoholic, with bad drug addiction. It would explain how you don't know how Salem was neglected for nearly half a year. I came home and saw my wife lying on the couch on an LSD trip while smoking weed and drinking beer and a half dead Salem trying to cook something eatable with rotten ingredients."

"WHAT," Yukiko was shocked, even though they were no friends Yukiko and Akari knew each other well at least until Akari suddenly stopped all contact with Yukiko.

"That is not everything." Nagato continues and pulls out his phone. "This is a picture of her I took before I bathed her." In the picture was a girl who did not even look like the Salem Yukiko saw today. Her hair was greasy and dirtied, so you could not even recognize her white hair, her body was in the same condition, being very thin and malnourished.

"What the actual f*ck, is my family filled with braindead people?" Yukiko asked.

"That's not even the worst part, the worst part is that Salem will always remember these memories," Nagato added.

"What do you mean with that, Nagato?"

"She has a perfect or photographic memory, she could tell me what she had to eat for the last 2 Years as I asked her and even describe the feeling of being in a womb. So there is no question of her remembering these events. And these events marked her, she rarely shows emotions and when she does, she does it only with her eyes, I have not seen her smile cry, or even scream once in the five years."

"Fuck, that is bad. This is one of the most fucked up stories I heard."

"I know," Nagato sighed.

There was a moment of awkward silence until.

"NOOOOOO," a girl screamed. Yukiko instantly jumped on her feet.

"That was Lilith," she told Nagato before bolting out of the room and down the corridor to a room two doors away. The door had 'Lilith' standing on it with blood red letters. Yukiko nearly yanked the door out of the hinges as she pulled it open.

"Lilith is everything alright?" She asked in a hurry.

"NO, you can't eat it Salem it is too cute to be eaten," Himiko shouted at Salem.

"But Himiko looks how tasty it looks and its smell it smells like the three-star restaurant my father once took me," Salem opposed Himiko. When Yukiko looked at what the two described as 'cute' and 'tasty' she nearly vomited. The thing in Salem's hand was a bloodied bird with a part of its body missing, the part was probably eaten by Salem if the blood on her lips were something to go by.

"What ... the ... fu..."

"Oh, aunt, look what Himiko and I found," Salem interrupted her aunt and showed her the bloodied carcass in her blood covered hands. The stress accumulated through the talk to her brother and this scene let her blackout.