
Bookbinding for Dummies

"This is my Grandfather's suit?" Stahl asked surprised, and Sky immediately nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm actually pretty surprised that he hasn't repaired it yet. Although now that I think about it, he's only been wearing the leather apron and wool pants ever since then…" He muttered, before Stahl looked at him with a frown.

"And why is the suit completely ripped up like this?" Stahl asked curiously, and Sky could only scratch the back of his head.

"Oh, that… Yeah, that was a bit extreme, wasn't it… I don't know if he told you about it yet, but back in Handor there was this Shaman leading some organization, and he threw curses upon curses onto Eisen's arm. To avoid being taken over, Eisen then ripped his arm off…" Sky that with a wry smile, feeling awkward about saying something like that so openly, because it was a seriously crazy thing.