
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

New Goals

A/N: This is going to be an insanely long Volume, and hopefully, this shine's some light on what Shirei and the rest are up against. Also, while I was hoping to avoid it, the world of Akame Ga Kill isn't very broad due to things focusing around The Capital and Night Raid, so for now, it'll be mostly OC thing's with the Akame Ga Kill background world.

The Empire is split into four separate regions linking to north, south, east, and west. This is because having so much territory and still growing by the day. So to compensate, The Empire distributed its land to those of the upper class and quite generously. Inside of their land, they have full control and answer to almost no one.

This became one of the reasons corruption spread to The Empire. In the southern region of The Empire, a large castle could be seen built on the cliffside next to a massive body of water that extended beyond one's vision. Surrounding the castle was a city that slowly descended down to the bottom of sed hill.

A large smooth stone wall with a singular checkpoint gate was the only way into and out of this large area, excluding the docks located near the water. If one took away the city, this place would look more like a fortress instead of a castle, and it was so grand that it was nearly impossible to miss.

This was Akaloth City, and in the upper echelons of this city, a large mansion was surrounded by a large wall. Guards wearing stainless armor were stationed around the outside of this wall wielding large halberds, and only two guards standing at the mansion's doors. The people walking down the streets near this estate seemed to steer clear.

Deep in their eyes was a sense of fear as they only cast glances towards the building. But even those glances seemed to freeze the moment the guards came into their view. The entire area, no to be more clear, the entire city felt rather suffocating in the atmosphere. On the top floor of this establishment, a man with wavy brown hair and no facial hair was wearing luxurious clothes.

Sitting in his chair, his attention was focused on the man standing in front of him holding an unfolded piece of paper. "From the forty two Squad's of collectors we sent this month out forty-one have returned. All together we have 424 children that are healthy enough to be used in the experiment. However this number is 10% smaller compared to our haul last month."

"Hmm? It's to be expected that if we bring in less children we will simply have to expand our range. Increase the list of Villages on the hit list also… You said forty one meaning a squad hasn't returned?" The assistant nodded. "Yes Lord Fruton, we have not received word from them since they were sent to Highward Village. We considered the cause to be Danger Beast however even that is unlikely due to Combat Instructor Zane being the Commander of that squad."

Hearing Zane's name, Fruton's eyes shifted. "Very well continue to wait for word from them. If they don't return in a week's time, send out scouts to their last known location." Moving on from that topic, Fruton spoke again. "I want to make sure that security remains tight on our movements. The last thing I need is that fat bastard Duke blabbering to the Prime Minister in the capital."

The assistant nodded with a smile. "Of course we are continuing to act as though we are simply collecting the children as slaves and nothing more. So far no one is suspicious despite the number of children being taken."

Futon nodded as he waved his hand. "Alright then you're dismissed." The city of Akaloth was strange in the way it was ruled. It was too big to be ruled by a single noble, and that was, in fact, true. It was actually ruled by three noble families with a duke acting as their leader and their leash.

This kind of alliance gave them power in one another's territory and spread their overall influence. When it came to power in the southern part of The Empire, they were simply unmatched. And Fruton Fenrier was one of those three nobles and also the one responsible for sending collectors to the village Shirei and his group were now inhabiting.

Meanwhile, a few hours before such a meeting took place, things in the village had progressed quite well. In the once empty plot of land, a new building resembled a tower. Compared to the rest of the village, it stood out like a sore thumb. It had a sleek whitish-grey metal exterior with windows on each floor. The only other noticeable thing outside of the building was the familiar-looking tank that connected directly to the building.

Large metal fencing surrounded the property of the building, and the two AAV Units that Shirei had originally guarded them now stood at the gate. "I would like to meet with our benefactor Shirei if that is possible." Standing in front of the gate, Chief Rugo seemed to have eyes filled with disbelief.

The village itself only had shy of a mile wide circumference which is why Shirei could easily have his androids protect it despite their few numbers. That aside, a lot of the buildings were shops and used for business. The overall population was low, and there were tons of unused space.

Shirei and the others had only been in this world for around a month, and in that time, they had mostly been setting themselves up inside the village. Originally Chief Rugo believed they would simply set up a temporary building and was even prepared to request a few of the village's woodsmen and builders to assist them.

But that idea flew from his mind in the first week. Strange flying structures made of metal began seemingly fabricating the building and the fence surrounding it from thin air. He had personal experience, along with all of the villagers watching this occur. Everything Shirei did and brought with him from the Spectral Hub seemed to defy their understanding.

It was beyond stuff like magic or tricks, and it left him feeling a lot more humbled and also slightly worried. As one of the AAV Units looked towards the Chief, they spoke in a friendly manner. "Of course, General Shirei said Chief Rugo is always welcome to visit. Please go in." The gate they were guarding seemed to slide open mechanically on command, and the Chief nervously bowed and thanked them.

Walking towards the large building, the Chief walked up to the glass doors. His hurt jumped as he saw them slide open, giving him the chance to walk into the first floor. "I swear this is going to give me a headache." Shirei could be seen sitting on a nearby circular couch surrounding a glass table in the center of the room.

Everything was shining with a gloss Chief Rugo couldn't explain. The floors were stone yet could reflect even the slightest light, and the glass was uncluttered and clear. Everything on the first floor just seemed hospitable, and that was the point. Shirei personally designed this place for greeting guests after seeing how well the Spectral Hub made the cafeteria and their Personal Living Quarters.

Hearing the front doors slide open , Shirei looked over and spotted Chief Rugo and smiled. "Oh sorry I didn't notice you come in." Shirei stood up and walked over to the Chief, who was still marveling at this seemingly otherworldly place. "No, no of course not. I'm sorry for disturbing you like this."

Shirei shook his head as he gestured for the Chief to sit down opposite to him. The Chief didn't refuse and sat down and sighed in relaxation. "I still can't believe you managed to create this in only a month's time. Your ways are truly mysterious." Chief Rugo shook his head in disbelief, and Shirei glanced up.

'He has no idea… I had to keep transporting energy from the Hub to this place via the ship, not including anything extra I needed to bring with me.' Overall this place, including the machine's inside and the wall took over 340,000 of the total energy generated over their time here to make.

"Well it was well worth it. So what's wrong?" Getting to the heart of the matter, Chief Rugo straightened up as well. "Thanks to the protection of your men the Danger Beast incidents that have occured at night and in the forest have fallen to almost none. However everyone is also beginning to notice the Danger Beast is getting more active every night."

"I see." Of course, Shirei already knew this. Every time a GCR-1 Unit on patrol killed a Danger Beast, it would send information to the Spectral Hub's database, and he was alerted. While it only started off as a four or five a night, it had increased, and now they were facing off against dozens, and the spottings from SAI's are saying that their numbers are growing.

Though it still hasn't reached the point Shirei was worried about it, he could see how it would affect the villagers. "Dont worry too much about it. I actually plan on dealing with the Dange Beast soon. I just have some preparations I need to make." Shirei's words seemed to lighten the stress on Chief's face as he politely lowered his head.

"Thank you, that eases this old man's mind." Shirei gave off another smile as he watched the Chief leave the building. "Alright then…" Standing up, Shirei made his way to the elevator on the right-most side of the building. After entering it, he went directly to the top floor, where the windows were one way and tinted.

Compared to the first floor, this floor was reserved specifically for handling things related to the Spectral Order. The fabrication machine was moved to this floor along with a bunch of other devices Shirei had built-in. Already on this floor were both Kazuma and Asami, who were sitting around a large holographic table.

"So what are we doing now?" So far, they have been pretty idle, so when Shirei called them here, they could guess it was because it was time to start doing something. "Of course. You probably knew this already but not everyone is going to be like this village. While I'm sure there are alot of people in this world who would like to be under Spectral Order jurisdiction, we simply don't have the manpower."

Shirei walked up to the holographic table and made it display a 3D rendition of the map he was given earlier mixed with the geography taken from the Spectral Hub scans. This map was limited to a section of the southern region of The Empire. "Right now expanding in every way possible is the most important thing. And for that we have a few goals."

"One is too find a more straightforward way of obtaining energy. Simply relying on the daily amount generated by the Spectral Hub won't cut it. That's why I was pleasantly surprised when Chief Rugo mentioned the Danger Beast living near the volcano south of here. If that's what I'm expecting then our energy issues will be solved at least for a while."

Asami tilted her head and said something. "So what are you planning to use it for? I mean more android's will definitely be useful but I doubt that's it." Shirei nodded when she said that. "No, a majority of the energy we obtain even if it's not through the volcanic Danger Beast will be used for one thing and one thing only. Upgrading the Spectral Hub in its entirety."

Both Kazuma and Asami looked surprised as Kazuma raised his hand. "Hold up, what do you mean upgrading?" Shirei began to explain in a simplified manner. "The Spectral Hub is nowhere near what it used to be. Compared to its current size it's like the earth being compared to the sun. As such there are certain things it just can't handle with how it is. One of those things is the Docking Bay which requires more energy than the Spectral Hub can currently hold."

"And the one I'm personally interested in is the Teleporter Room that'll let us transport almost anything from the Spectral Hub directly to this planet."