
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Fabrication Drones

"Wait Shirei are you?" Both Asami and Kazuma caught on to what he meant and thought about it for a moment. "I mean that might work…" Chief Rugo looked at Shirei in a confused manner, still not having caught on. "Forgive but what are benefactors suggesting?" Shirei looked at him and spoke.

"If you give up rights to use, build and excavate all free Land within the Village then in return we'll stay here and use this place as our HQ. Of course that means we will protect this place in full even from the Fenrier family. We would also like for you to hand peacekeeping and Law management over to us as well." Hearing that, the Chief's eyes widened in surprise and then changed as he went into deep thought.

On the outside, this seemed like a no-brainer. His Village would get free protection as long as they gave their saviors Land that they weren't using. However, the real issue was the danger. If a battle sparked, then the Villagers would be the ones in danger. If their benefactors failed to protect them, they would be seen as traitors to this land's Lord and would most likely be killed.

With that in mind, he hesitated. However, when Shirei saw his hesitation, he went for the kill. "Of course if you don't want to, that's fine. We still have to leave eventually but well do what we can. Though from what I can see it's only a matter of time before all the children in this Village are taken. And when that happens…."

The Chief's face scrunched up as his memory flashed through all fearful faces of his villagers and the images of their future's being taken away forcefully. Compared to that, the hope on the villager's faces when they brought Shirei and their group to him was like night and day. "Well while you think that over we'll be leaving for now."

Shirei stood up, and Asamifi followed with only Kazuma having a confused look on his face. "Where not actually leaving right?" Kazuma whispered to Shirei, only for Shirei to hold up his finger. "Wait for it." As they continued to walk and prepared to step out of the room, the Chief's voice sprang forth.

"Wait! Are… Are you sure you can protect us?" A smile spread across Shirei's face as he turned around. "Yes to the best of our ability. I can at least guarantee that life will be easier from now on." Walking back to the table they were speaking over, Shirei held out his hand. And the next moment, the Chief grabbed his hand and shook it.

When people don't have anywhere to turn to, even the slightest glimmer of hope will be accepted in waves. However, Shirei did want to help these people. He also needed to think about the bigger picture. It was basically the situation of two birds with one stone. After leaving the Chief's house, the news spread about the deal they had made.

And almost the entire Village was excited about it while the others were simply nervous. "This is the place." Due to the Village being in the middle of a forest, a lot of land was cleared out for its construction, but not all of it was used. That aside, there were only two paths into the village, with one being from the north and the other being from the south.

Standing in one of those empty plots of land, Shirei looked over it for a moment. "Ya this'll work." Then, activating his comm's, he began contacting the Androids he left by the ship, directing them to fly over to their coordinates. As he did so, Kazuma looked at the perimeter of the forest and said something that caught Shirei's attention. "We should build a wall."

"What?" Shirei's head snapped onto him as Kazuma looked back at him as well. "I mean they mentioned those things, Danger Beast right? It would keep them out and it would let us protect the village easier." Rei nodded slightly. "Right…" Asami was bewildered by Shirei's reaction as she heard footsteps behind them.

"Oh." The family of three that they had met when they first arrived was walking up to them with smiles. "We finally found you three weve been walking around the village searching ever since we heard about what you did." Bruton spoke up first as Shirei turned around and spotted them as well.

"Oh thing's happened pretty fast, sorry about that." Bruton shook his head as his wife Ela came forward, holding something in her hands. "Of course it's fine you three saved us all and in turn kept our children safe. Plus it's wonderful to know you're willing to stick around and protect us." Asami held up her hand and waved towards Alia, who was still being shy.

"It's a mutual exchange so it's fine." As Shirei said that, he spotted Ela holding what looked like a dish. "In any case, to thank you, my wife gave you three things. Please accept it." It looked like a cake or a pastry of some kind, as Shirei thought to himself. 'Well eating it wouldn't do much good.' Taking the dish, he immediately passed it over to Asami.

"Well in any case we just dropped by for that so well be…." Bruton's voice trailed off as he looked up at the sky behind Shirei. Shirei noticed this as he looked up as well. "Oh they're already good here." Multiple villagers suddenly heard a roar-like sound as a metal object flew through the sky.

The ship flew directly into the village and only began to slow down as it approached the empty plot of land. Slowly it began to descend and come in for a landing as the engine's caused tons of dust to be kicked up. As soon as the landing was complete, the ship began to power down as the back opened up and figures began rushing out.

All of the Android's he had left to guard the ship was nowhere in their human forms. As they came out of the ship they got information in front of Shirei. "Sir, we are all here under your orders." Shirei nodded as he spoke. "Good from now on this Village is under our direct supervision and all processes will be carried out under Spectral Order guidelines."

"Yes, Sir!" They all responded as Shirei continued. "Alright then for now I want two GCR's guarding both the north and south roads leading into the Village. As for the other three I want you to patrol the edge of the forest at all times and be ready to report and react to all threats. SAI's you will continue surveillance and recon like before until further notice."

Taking in Shirei's orders, all of them nodded. "Right away!" Soon they began moving to their designated positions, once again, leaving Shirei and his group along with the family who had watched the entire encounter in shock. After remaining like that for a few moments, they finally began to leave, still in a state of shock.

Shirei didn't mind that for now as he turned around. "Alright for the next few days Im going to be going back and forth alot so Asami keep an eye on things here and make sure Kazuma dosent do anything stupid." Asami nodded. "Alright It'll be nice sleeping on an actual planet for once instead of in space."

Shirei gave off a fake laugh as he orders the AAVs to guard Kazuma and Asami. And just like he said, for the next few days, Shirei was all over the place. He would go to the Spectral Hub for longer periods and then fly back down to the planet and drop things off. He brought back all kinds of things and used a lot of energy doing it as well.

Every day villagers would stop by and witness this, and each time they were surprised. They had never seen anything like it before, after all. And luckily enough, they still hadn't been bothered by the Fenrier Family, meaning the word hadn't gotten back that their men were dead or they simply didn't notice. But still, it was only a matter of time that caused people to be on edge.

On the fifth day of Shirei going at it, he was back on the planet of Akame Ga Kill and was dragging what seemed to be a large pipe as wide as a person's head behind him. Both Kazuma and Asami had just woken up for the day. The village Chief happily let them live in his house temporarily, so they casually walked through the village when they saw him.

"Jeez just because he doesn't need to sleep doesn't mean he needs to work himself so hard." Asami nodded in agreement when they heard Shirei's voice. "I heard that your comms are still on. Anyway get over here it's finally done." The two of them yawned as they walked over to Shirei and spotted two strange devices.

Standing over twenty meters in height, it had support beams surrounding it, keeping it up straight. It resembled a gas tank, but it was almost entirely black and had a neon light stretching up its side glowing a light blue. The pipe Shirei was dragging was attached to the base of this tank, where it had a few more slots to attach more things to it.

"So what are we looking at?" Both Asami and Kazuma were at a loss as Shirei shook his head and continued to drag the long pipe to the second device. This one was easier to recognize as it was a computer with a keyboard attached to its base and a large widescreen. "This is what's going to allow us to set our foothold down here."

Finally, making it all the way over, he attached the pipe to the side of the computer and twisted it to lock it in. As soon as he did so, the sound of energy being transferred echoed out, and the computer screen lit up. "This is the same kind of machine that lets the Spectral Hub fabricate things."

The two of them looked surprised as Shirei began inputting information onto the keyboard. "Here we go." Pushing one final key, the screen changed from blank to a top-down 3D image of the Village. "Uh…" Both Asami and Kazuma didn't know if they were supposed to be impressed as Shirei rolled his eyes.

"Have you two ever played SimCity?" They thought for a moment before shaking their heads. "Uh what about Cities: Skylines?" Once again, they shook their heads as Shirei stared at them in disbelief. "Ok what about Age of Empires everyone has played that!" Asami spoke up first. "Ok you know for a fact I wasn't able to play video games growing up."

Hearing that, Kazuma nodded. "Ya and our worlds are different. Besides, I only played classic Otaku games." Shirei's face just showed a look of disappointment as he sighed. "Ok whatever just watch." He began transferring data from his body's memory to the computer, and a notification popped up.

[Schematic named 'Spectral Hub HQ v1' has been received. Do you wish to fabricate this?] Shirei selected the confirmation option as another prompt appeared. [Where would you like to begin fabrication?] Shirei selected their current location, and soon the process began. The lower half of the computer opened up slowly, revealing dispensers.

Flying out of these dispensers were drone-like machines with a strange camera attached to their front. Over a dozen of these machines began flying around to different corners of the land they were standing on before one shot out a widespread beam from its front. As the beam moved extremely slowly, both Asami and Kazuma's eyes widened.

The energy from the beam was being turned physically and forming a floor foundation. Soon the rest began to do the same and working together, and their speed increased drastically. "Are they?" Asami looked at Shirei questioningly. "Yup, they're capable of being remotely controlled by this computer and fabricating things just like the Spectral Hub. They require a lot of energy though."

Suddenly Kazuma's gaze fell on the large tank Shirei had dragged the pipe from. "Oh I see that thing is powering the computer which in turn powers the drones." Shirei nodded as they all watched the drone's work for a moment. Once again, a crowd was forming as people looked at the drone's creating foundations from seemingly thin air.

"Woah look at that."

"Ever since they came here they've been doing weird stuff."

"Ya I saw the one in the middle fight and he had this weird device that shot out light."

"I saw that too. You think I can buy one of them?"

"Of course not, it's probably worth more than your house.I wouldn't even have the nerve to ask."

"I'm more interested in that weird flying cart thing."

The villagers continued to talk to one another as Shirei kept his eye on the tank. 'I borrowed a lot of energy from the Hub to fill up that tank but it's draining faster than I thought.' The bright blue light neon bar on the side of the tank was slowly dimming as the drone's built. "Shirei." Hearing an old voice call his name Shirei spotted Chief Rugo walking over to them.

"Chief Rugo, I was just about to come looking for you." Chief Rugo expressed a look of interest as he replied. "Oh? What is it?" Shirei thought about how he wanted to word what he was trying to say. "From your knowledge are you aware of any Danger Beast that might have a core of some kind? Something that produces light or electricity, anything like that?"

His knowledge when it came to Danger Beast was severely lacking. However, he did know some things. For example, in this world, Esdeath got her abilities from drinking the Demon's Extract, which was over-glorified Danger Beast blood. After that, she could control Ice and freeze things, including time. 'That still doesn't make much sense.'

But in any case, he didn't doubt there was a Danger Beast that fit his categorization. Chief Rugo put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment. "As far as I'm aware there are no Danger Beasts like that in our area. The ones that lurk in the wood's are dangerous but even then we never took the time to get a good look at them."

Hearing that, Shirei sucked his teeth, showing a look of dejection. Seeing that, Chief Rugo suddenly remembered something. "Well… While I don't know if it's true or not we have heard passing rumors. Far south of here there is a mountain range. Apparently near the center of that range is an active Volcano where a strange Danger Beast capable of producing Magma lives."

Shirei's eyes lit up. "Really? Just south of here?" Chief Rugo nodded. "Well that's just a rumor I heard even if it is true that the Mountain Range is far beyond walking distance and the volcanic ash makes it extremely hard to navigate." Shirei nodded passively as he smiled. "Alright, I appreciate it Chief Rugo, this should help me out alot."

As Shirei's mind began to delve deeper into the idea, there was a boy around the age of eighteen sitting on his bed in a hotel room. In Front of him was a menu that had a large spinning wheel being displayed. "Come on! Come on! Give me something good!" As the wheel spun faster and faster, it eventually began to slow down before coming to a stop

[You rolled a Common Ability! Quirk Tape has been obtained! Do you wish to keep it?]

The boy's face blanked as he screamed. "Are you kidding me! Fuck this Gaccha System!" He plopped down on the bed and cried to himself. "I spent all the money I earned today while working in the Imperial Guard and I got trash!" Sitting back up, he got rid of the System Menu in his face.

"Guess I'm going to have to keep trying to rank pp in the Military. If I can reach the rank of General like Esdeath then money won't be a problem and I can spin Gaccha's all day long. Although speaking of Esdeath I wonder if I replace Tatsumi in that tournament will she fall in love with me? Having a Yandere Ice Queen protecting me doesn't sound too bad…."