
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

A Criminal's Den

Shirei had successfully made it to Earth though he couldn't say it was the most smooth ride in the world. Moving at such high speeds he had gotten so many alerts of near collisions with planets and stars alike along with the fact he almost rammed the ship into Earth. In the end, when it came to something as delicate as landing he decided to leave it up to automation.

From what he could tell his Target this time around was within a very large city. Having the ship land on its outskirts near some hills to remain hidden he had an issue to address. "While I have human coating enabled I won't be able to use most of my abilities." While Shirei looked human, his body was limited to what it could.

It couldn't use most of its features since it would break the human appearance if it did. "But if I walk around in my normal state I'll attract a lot of attention to myself, especially if I plan on going the stealthy route." The only reason he was considering all this was if he was suddenly attacked without warning he would be at a disadvantage.

"Fuck it Ill just have to be careful. Not worth getting captured or something cause I'm some sentient robot." From what he could tell the city that the AI scanned was different from the ones he was used to and he could confirm that on arrival. Making a short trip from the hills on the outskirts where he parked the ship he made it to the city's outskirts.

However, it was extremely run down. Building's looked as if they were falling apart without maintenance and even the sidewalk and roads were ruined. Walking into the city itself he saw it didn't seem to get any better. 'Ok, where the hell am I. I don't remember ever seeing a city like this in all the shows I've watched.'

Continuing to walk forward Shirei remained on guard as his indicators began scanning everyone in his view range. He was actually happy he decided to come here in his human form because if he didn't he felt he would be taken and stripped for parts.

Glancing around he could definitely tell even with him trying to remain out of the way people had their eyes on him. Even with his coating doing its best he looked like some kind of wanderer with a cloak covering most of his face and body.

'Alright best place to start would be finding a place to gather info. Once I figure out what Universe this place is a part of hope I can also figure out who the System user is as well.' Continuing to walk through the city it took Shirei a bit to finally spot anything of notice until he found something in an alleyway.

From his description of the city, you would expect there to be some kind of issue with the homeless however that wasn't the case. The people walking around the streets didn't seem poor but instead unwelcoming if that's the term. They all looked as if they belonged to some kind of gang or were just the wrong crowd in general.

It was due to the fact that he saw a few people walking on the sidewalk pour into an alleyway once and a while with different people coming out. Making his way through the crowd Shirei went to investigate while of course continuing to scan every person who he passed by. Making his way down the ally he could see the place everyone was going to was actually a door in the alleyway.

There was no one stopping the exit or entry, just people walking in and out. As he moved closer to the entrance he heard the sound of people cheering and music. 'Alright now this has my attention.' Walking past everyone in the ally and through the door, Shirei was shocked by what he saw.

Ignoring the flashing lights this place was completely renovated for what it was now. Just from what he could see on entering there was a large caged arena in the center. This was the place most of the cheering was coming from as a bunch of people watched two men fighting. One of them had giant metal knives for a hand while the other seemed to have his entire body covered in stone like a golem.

The man with the knife-like hands was definitely at a disadvantage already being covered in bruises along with his own blood from being hit. In other place's Shirei could spot people sitting at private tables drinking with one another. 'Looks like the people here do have powers so maybe it's Marvel and they're all mutants?'

He was positive half the stuff he saw in there was illegal without a doubt. And with the fact anime usually kept a very clean appearance with a few exceptions he wanted to rule it out. Feeling gawked enough Shirei began to look around and as he did the more strange things he noticed. People with extra limbs or strange abilities became more obvious now that he was looking for them.

And compared to outside, the place was a lot less tamed and that also meant dangerous. Looking around he spotted an open bar with only one other person sitting at it. 'It's near the back of this place so it should be easy to scan everything from there.' Sitting in an empty seat Shirei glanced over and saw the person he saw sitting there with their head down probably drunk.

[Collecting Data…]

With the AI going through multiple checks like before he simply had to sit there and wait for it to finish and then read what it found. "Hey… Hey, bartender gimme another drink." The drunk Shirei had glanced at before raised their head and to his surprise, it was actually a woman. Her hair was bleached between black, and blue and like he thought her face was flushed from being drunk.

Glancing around the woman realized the bartender was nowhere to be found and frowned. Looking at Shirei who was staring at her she narrowed her eyes trying to see Shirei's face but clearly, she was too drunk for it. "And what the hell are you looking at?" Shirei on the other hand wasn't going to try and deal with her and simply turned his head back to the crowd behind him.

'This place is ridiculous. You would think there would be some sort of police force stopping this.' Still trying to inwardly figure out what this world was Shirei's questions were soon answered. A big brute-like man with dark hair began making his way towards the bar or to be more precise Shirei. Originally he planned on ignoring him however eventually the man's shadow was being entirely cast on Shirei.

Looking down on him with a prideful yet apathetic gaze the man spoke to Shirei who was still trying to ignore him. "Hey… You know this bar is reserved for my boss and his men. How about you get your ass up before I have to do it for ya?" Sighing inwardly Shirei looked at the man as a quick scan began assessing him.


Name: ???

System Type: None

Host Type: Normal Human

Age: 27

Abilities: None (More are possible.)

Universes Travelled: None (More are possible.)

Threat Level: 2 (Based on current information.)

From what he was aware of the System based the biographies not only on what it sees but muscle mass apparent speed etc. This is why once Shirei saw the Threat Level he acted unnerved. The man stood there over Shirei and was surprised when he saw him begin to look around the bar.

"What the hell are you doing?" Seeing Shirei looking for something the man seemed confused and that was when Shirei stopped looking around and spoke to him. "I was looking around at all the other bars in this place you could go to. There's one on the other side of this place you and your boss can go sit over there."

Immediately the man froze in place while staring at Shirei who went back to scanning the crowd. And off to the side, the drunk woman began laughing out loud. "Ahahaha." On the other hand, the man's veins continued to bulge as he glared at the woman. "Laugh it up now just because of them when I'm done with him, your next bitch." Then looking at the chair under Shirei he suddenly snickered.

Moving his leg back he kicked under Shirei with all his might. The chair was immediately sent flying from under Shirei towards the drunk woman.

However, before it hit her she grabbed her drink and leaned back lazily allowing her seat allowing the chair to fly past her smashing against a wall before going back to rest on the counter. On the other hand, Shirei to the man's shock did not fall as he thought. His leg's supported him just fine without the chair as he stood up.

The man was taller than Shirei by at least a foot which would have intimidated a lot of people. However, watching Shirei simply stare at him, the man's muscles began to tense up. "You must think you tough shit if you're seriously challenging me. Better hope there is a quirk that can fix what I'm about to do to you."

Suddenly Shirei came to a realization of listening to the man. 'Quirk? Like a quirk quirk? Like My Hero Academia type of quirk?' Feeling as if a bomb had just hit him, Shirei spaced out in a sense as he compared everything he had seen up to now to what he had seen in MHA. However, to the outside world, Shirei had suddenly gone silent and the man thought he was being ignored again.

"That's it…" Clenching his fist together he had reached his boiling point as his hands began to glow a deep orange like metal. Raising his fist he was aiming directly for Shirei's head as he sent a punch towards him. "Ha!" Being so big he felt his punch was going to hit no issue however to his surprise Shirei wasn't ignoring him he was just thinking.

And the moment he began to attack Shirei was already being alerted multiple times over and that was thanks to one of the addons he had installed. With a slight step to the right, he perfectly avoided the punch as the man hit the bar behind Shirei instead with full force. The loud crash caused the people nearby to finally take notice of what's going on?

"Oh, a fight I was just getting bored too."

"And look, it's Jiro against some boy."

"Damn and he looks pretty handsome too what a shame."

Shirei ignored their comments as he saw Jiro first began to burn through the wooden counter. Along with that punch, his threat level raised itself from two to three. The addon he had installed was a little bit cheap in his honest opinion. It collected visual information of who he was fighting and predicted their next move showing it to him through an after image.

While it wasn't a hundred percent accurate against Jiro who was using brute strength Shirei was able to dodge his attacks easily. And so he did with Jiro glaring at Shirei he continued to launch strike after strike but each one missed. Seeing Shirei dodging each one of Jiro's hits, people began going silent.

"Stop moving around you bastard!" Reeling his fist back for one large swing, Shirei finally took the offensive. Ducking under the swing he sent a punch directly into Jiro's with enough force to cause him to slide back and buckle while coughing. "Pft… Dam you…" Powering through the pain Jiro's first began to glow brighter as he prepared to attack Shirei again.

But before he could even stand a pulsing sound echoed through everyone's ears. Burned through his clothes a hole had through in Jiro's kneecap and even penetrated the ground behind him leaving a smokey trail rising from the hole. "Gah!" Collapsing to the ground Jiro screamed as everyone's gaze switched to Shirei.

In Shirei's hands was a strange-looking pistol with a completely black metal design with strange blue neon lights flowing through it.

"What kind of gun is that?"

"Fuck he shot Jiro straight through his knee he's done."

Shirei placed the gun back onto the holster before sitting down in a different chair not saying a word however inwardly he was thinking to himself. 'Holy shit I didn't expect it to go straight through his knees I thought it would just burn him or something like in a game.' Seeing his indifference, however, the people around backed away from both Jiro and him only whispering between each other.

It was then that Shirei heard the sound of footsteps walking towards him from his left. Looking in that direction he spotted the drunk woman from before coming over to him with a strange look in her eyes. Turning towards her he remained on guard as she suddenly smiled at him before speaking.

"You look a lot better up close I gotta say. Though I'm having a hard time believing you're actually human."

Let me know if you guys would rather have the MC work alone with only his Android's or would you rather see him build a team with the character's from different Universes and OC's?

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts