
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Energy And Upgrades (2)

Author Note: I really want to not only make this story about Shirei going to Universe's and hunting people down cause eventually, but it will be more than that. I want to also show unique takes on how different world's look from the outside in so hopefully I can nail that in the next chapter.

Walking over to the N.O.G.B Developer Shirei looked at it from both the left and the right. Unlike the Weapon Fabricator, there were no screens or buttons to press. Not waiting another second he stepped inside the capsule which perfectly suited his body. With his arms to his side, two revolving doors came out from the side of the capsule keeping him in.

Soon after two small compartments opened up in the back of the capsule behind Shirei's head and back. As if communicating between one another remotely, Shirei's body morphed itself so that two port's appeared in the exact places the compartments did. And then without any warning, two cables plugged themselves directly into him.

[Establishing connection with N.O.G.B Unit #1... Collecting Unit Data…]

A bunch of diagnostic statistics flashed across Shirei's vision as multiple checks were scanned and then confirmed. As the final checks were confirmed Shirei was greeted by a menu similar to the ones he had seen before when it came to the hub's Interface Menu.

[N.O.G.B Modifications Menu]

Current Energy Supply: 75% (17321/23000)

Energy Output: -300|D

Status: Structurally Stable (98% Stability)

<Visual Addon's>

<Physical Addon's>

<Structural Modifications>

<Melee Modifications>

<Movement Modifications>

Looking over everything Shirei was surprised to see he had his own energy supply. "I guess that makes sense. I don't know why I thought I ran off Soul power or something. And from the looks of it, that kick actually did do damage even if I didn't see it." Being plugged up like he was now Shirei had the option to recover his energy and stability however he decided no to.

He was like an iPhone but instead of having to replace his entire body when broken he could have it fixed here instead and he could actually take a hit. 'Actually, scratch that iPhone analogy. I'd rather not run out of energy when I'm in the middle of something important.' Browsing through the category's Shirei had to admit the variety was impressive.

Almost everything he could think of was here. The modifications allowed him to modify almost everything. For example, if he had the Energy to spare he could modify his body so that it could blend in with its surroundings like live camouflage. Meanwhile, Addon's on the other hand were stuff that physically added in things that didn't exist before like the installation of a forcefield that could protect him from projectiles.

"Man, not only am I poor in my second life but I'm poor in something not related to money." Though to be fair he was still staring he felt like he had created a new save in a game. Eventually, he would become rich enough to buy all these abilities but right now he had to experience the grind.

Like any reasonable person, Shirei didn't spend too much time worrying about which weapon to pick. In the end, weapons were exchangeable and had the same goal and intention. But when it came to choosing the beginning modifications he had to put some thought into it. He stayed a constant state of yes and no for around fifteen minutes before finally deciding what he wanted.

In that time frame, the Multiverse Shifter was already done being fabricated. Unlinking themselves from Shirei's body the cables returned to their compartments as the capsule doors opened. "I think I chose well but it will really be based on the world I'm sent to." It was a risky gamble that could lead to something bad happening if he wasn't careful.

Double-checking everything he had on him, Shirei left the workshop and made his way back through the hub's corridors. He had spent a lot of time preparing so now it was time for the main event. Walking into the control room he made his way to the Commander's seat and sat down. Being used to the process now he linked himself up with the hub through the armrest.

Letting the holographic screen appear in front of him he navigated his way through the 'Spectral Hub Interface' until he found the 'Multiversal Shifter' listed among the other working functions. Tapping on it the AI immediately issued him a warning.

[The Multiversal Shifter at its current level randomly selects a Universe and safety can not be guaranteed. It is advised not to take any unnecessary risk after arrival.] Listening to the warning Shirei nodded his head in agreement. He was there for one reason and one reason only to gather enough energy so that he can minimize risk to himself.

He would be lying if he said he didn't have a few more questions he wanted to ask especially about his death but for that, he needed the hub at one hundred percent. His survival came first and his survival hinged on this world is within his capability. "Alright let's see if we can roll a jackpot."

Swiping away the warning notification Shirei placed all of his fingers onto the holographic screen and slowly swiped up. The entire hub began to shake slowly getting more and more violent as the lights inside began to flicker. [Multiversal Shifter has been activated. Preparing to Shift in five minutes...]

A countdown began as the space and gravity around the hub began to invert in on itself. With a flash of electricity crackling around the entire hub as a wearing noise began to build. Shirei saw as slowly all the lights turned red as his view of the star's outside the hub became warped. Reaching the final five seconds of its countdown Electricity began to crackle around the entire hub.





[Zero… Shifting...]

In a brilliant flash of light, the hub let out a violent shockwave before disappearing from its original place in space and in that Universe. For Shirei the transition was almost instant however for a split moment he saw a dark abyss through the hub's front viewing windows. However, before he could get a better look the window flashed white as the shaking stopped and the AI spoke.

[Multiversal Shift was successful... No damage was received during or after the Shift… -60,000 has been used from the hub's current Energy. The remaining energy has been reduced to 47,935] Slowly the lights in the hub turned from red back to their original color has Shirei relaxed. If he was still human he would have for sure thrown up during that.

Looking at the current Hub's energy Shirei had to admit he was cutting it close. If he didn't hurry and finish this within a little more than two days' time he would be in a worse situation energy-wise than when he first arrived. The only difference now was that the hub wasn't falling apart and it managed to repair its basic functions.

"So do we know where the System User is in this Universe or if there is one at all?" Speaking to the AI he heard a series of beeps before it responded.

[Due to the scanner's inefficiency the exact location can not be pinpointed. A widespread scan however has found the expected general area on the planet known as Earth. Sadly no further information on the Planet of this Universe is available due to the External Database being inaccessible.]

"So it's Earth again in this Universe too huh? Maybe it's one I am knowledgeable in." After listening to the AI, Shirei was both content but also slightly worried. Considering the fact the hub has just repaired itself it was good that it was able to find the General Area at all.

'Alright, two days. I guess I shouldn't waste any more time. Getting situated and information, when I land, is a top priority.' Standing up Shirei got up from his seat and left the control room. Making his way back to Dock-2 Shirei had actually learned something interesting. After checking the hub's layout with the interface it turns out the ship he was using was more of a survey ship.

That was the reason it was so easy to deploy but also didn't have types of weapons on it. "If this thing is for surveying I don't think I can imagine what a gunship or whatever would look like." Having the ability to simply fly around and rain fire from above sounded like a dream at this point.

Opening the sealed door connecting the survey ship's rear to the hub Shirei immediately heard the ship power on without the assistance of the AI or any need of a power transfer. "Hold up…" Seeing the dashboard light up with a general map showing on the console screen Sheri's cyborg-like body wasn't able to show his expression but inwardly he was smiling.

Sitting down in the pilot's seat Shirei decided to start off nice and slow. Tapping the console screen and detaching the survey ship from the hub the ship was released as its engines turned themselves on. Looking around the console for a second Shirei spotted what looked to be the thrust. "Alright let's take this nice and slow…"

Grabbing the lever he slowly increased the output of the thrusters while using the steering wheel in the scene of an inverted controller. Feeling he had the hang of it Shirei was surprised how easy it was to fly. "Oh, I got this easily." Feeling slightly confident he pushed the thruster up to its max and the ship disappeared from view as it went light speed.

However, trillions of miles away on Sheri's target planet of earth something interesting has happened. A black-haired boy with piercing red eyes had his attention focused forward. He was in the looks of an abandoned warehouse with his back almost against one of its walls. Remaining calm he stared at the dozens of men standing there looking at him with weapons drawn.

"You know kid I didn't want it to have to turn out this way." Walking through the crowd of people a man in a neat suit with a rounded face and a cigar in his mouth. Taking the cigar out with one hand he let out a puff of smoke. "We had a good deal going on. You deal with the hero's constantly messing up my business and in return, I would keep you off the radar and let you do what you want under me."

The boy remained silent as he slowly cracked his neck and his eyes colder. "But now we've reached an issue. You've killed a person in my upper echelon and I can't allow that type of insubordination to go unabated." Narrowing his eyes the man threw his cigar at the black-haired boy.

In reaction, he took a stance and moved his arm in sweeping movement following the fashion of a dance. Following the exact arc of his hand, a line of fire shot forward and burned the cigar to ash along with causing the warehouse to glow orange for a moment. His eyes only slightly diverged from the group ahead of him when he suddenly got a message in his head.

[Warning: A powerful unknown force is now targeting the Host immediate action is advised.]

Im sure you all can guess what Universe this and if not then you have something to look forward to I guess!

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