
The First ‘Fabulous’ Day

Orion knocks on the door lightly after putting on his hood. He hears footsteps inside getting closer to the door. The footsteps stop as the door opens. In the doorway is a older man with a upset look on his face.

"I assume you are Orion?" The man asks Orion.

"Y-Ya..." Orion responds quietly.

"Your late for class Orion." The man continues, "I'm not sure you know my punishment for being late, but you will now."

The man- Mr. Dawson- motions for Orion to follow him in so Orion does. The room was somewhat large with his desk towards the back, and a whiteboard at the front with a projector projecting mathematical problems into it.

Mr. Dawson brings Orion to the front of the class, resulting in the other students looking up from their work.

"Orion here is late for class today- on his first day here too." Mr. Dawson says to the class, " how should we punish him?"

The class seems to be somewhat deep in thought before someone in the back speaks up.

"Make him tell us more about himself, you don't ever make any new students do that."

No one else in the room objects to it, so it's what they went with.

"Now to make sure your telling the truth, after class I will pull up your record for the class to see. Any misinformation, and you will have detention." The teacher states.

"o-okay" Orion begins, "I-I am fourteen years old... This is m-my first year here... I enjoy sports... I... umm..."

Orion has never done something like this before, so he doesn't know what the class wants to hear. Luckily the teacher gives Orion a little help.

"Who is your mother?" He asks.

"Jennifer Mathews... she is a police officer..." Orion responds

"Okay, where did you go to school before coming here?"

"I.... I was homeschooled..."

"By your mother?"


"Okay... one last thing before you go sit down, remove your hood," Mr. Dawson tells Orion.

"Please don't make me!" Orion begs in response, "I'll do anything!"

"Orion, you are in a school building, remove your hood... in front of the class since you are so embarrassed to take it off at all."


"Orion, I'm not asking."

Without an option Orion is tempted to just leave, but knew he would be quickly stopped by someone, so in the end he just gives up his fight. { I hate this teacher!} Orion screams silently as he removes his hood revealing his ears. Orion is met by silence, then laughter.

"Why hide a pair of those pretend ears for cosplayers?" Someone says.

The class continues to laugh until the teacher grabs Orion by the ear trying to remove the 'fake' ears resulting in Orion yelping in pain. The silence returns as Orion's ears go back because he feels threatened and is in pain. Orion grabs his ear and runs out of the classroom to find a hiding spot.

After running for a minute, Orion finds a classroom with no class in it and hides inside.

Thirty minutes later, Orion feels a hand on his shoulder and when he looks up, there is no one there. Then he is called to the office through the loud speakers. Orion sits there for a minute before going to the office, putting on his hood before leaving the classroom he was sitting in.

Before he even entered the office, he knew something was up due to the police officers in it.

Orion enters, and is pulled into the small principals office. He is pushed into one of the three chairs.

A officer talks to him for a few minutes before he tells Orion the news.

"Orion... how do I put this... your mom was involved in a drive by shooting... she died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital... I am so sorry Orion..."

Orion didn't believe it- his mom who adopted him, cared for him, and even helped him overcome his fear of the facility was dead? He looked at the serious face on the officers- their grieving faces. Orion couldn't hold it in anymore and broke into tears.

Orion was so caught up in his thoughts and grief that he didn't even feel himself being picked up, carried somewhere and then set down. He doesnt notice the voices, nor would he be bothered to care who's, and then a door shutting. Then Orion falls into a dreamless sleep.

This series will not be updated regularly.

Jacob_Reedcreators' thoughts