
Spartan In marvel

His name is Jackson 118 of the Spartans 2 program. He will be forced into a world not his own. Must use his spartan training to overcome obstacles that he will face. um I dont own halo or marvel I like to think the spartan is my own creation but like it's more like a creation of the people so I hes publicly available for use any one can use him please do and give me a shout out I'd love to hear about other stories https://discord.gg/uVvkXwy that should still be available contact me I may respond I prefer snap but oh well

Melanthias · Others
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14 Chs

Let’s keep this story alive to hell with education JK

"Sir is there any thing I can do for you." 118 responded to Tony after stepping down into the garage after Tony called for him.

"Yeah I need you to take me to the avengers Tower I have something I have to do." Tony explained to 118, while preparing his new portable iron man suit.

"Alright sir if you would step back I'll have our ride prepared." The Spartan commanded with his cold tone making Tony unconsciously stepped back and not a second later a giant vehicle materialized in mid air.

The vehicle was of course a warthog that was stored along with many other things in a separate space within the spartan.

While a powerful ability it still isn't the gift that was given to him.

The gift has already been acquired in the form of a DNA Sample that was randomly collected durning one of the many encounters Jackson 118 had with the mutants at exaviers institute.

( hmm how about a teaser remember the kid who could clone himself, yep he tried to pick up this big super soldier durning the small interaction the Spartans gift automatically activated giving him a ability similar to the mutant. )


Tony let out a whistle of being impressed although he did want to know how the heck this beast of a vehicle appeared he refrained from asking so soon.

TONY- "So what do you call this 'THE PUMA' it Looks the part at least" Tony thoughtfully expressed with his free hand gently pulling his facial hair to stimulate his mind.

Jackson118 simply stared at him and said "WARTHOG" then he hoped in and the beast roared to life looking over at Tony he magnetically said "GET IN" and with the tone of his voice he managed to get Tony into the beast.

After sitting inside Tony felt small there was plenty of space for his suitcase and more.

After everything was ready the spartan drove off drifting out of the underground garage and once on the road he decided to take a short cut to avoid wasing time with a sharp turn the warthog flew off the road and went off road as it was meant to. Tony was in the passenger seat clutching his suit case for dear life.

Driving through some foliage and mud the spartan expertly used his radar to avoid objects as he drifted from side to side down the mountain.

During a particular nasty bump sending the vehicle soaring through the air Tony let out a yelp from the jerk of motion and unconsciously had to gasp for air at the speed they were moving.

during the whole ordeal our main man 118 was as cool as ice simply controlling the vehicle so as to not flip or crash unintentionally.

Once the tires touched down Tony was surprised that they were already on an asphalt road heading for the avengers tower at the speed limit for once.

"could you drop a hint before you go all Fast and Furious on me damn!" Tony couldn't help but say indignantly.




Once finally at the tower the spartan simply unmaterialized his vehicle and followed Tony who looked at him as if wanting to ask him how instead he turned away and walked to the front doors opening them, welcomed in by a receptionist who was a young beautiful woman who was blushing up a storm seeing Tony until that is she saw Jackson in all his 8 feet 6 glory she felt terrified but she was curious about the man underneath the armor.

Tony seeing the situation decided to walk past the receptionist and to the elevator grumbling under his breath, once in the elevator he turned to realize the spartan waiting outside the elevator.

"What's wrong now come on get in" Tony impatiently said.

Deciding to just walk in 118 was surprised that the metal only groaned a bit before settling down and closing the elevator door.

Tony realizing why he stopped turned and looked him up and down " hey I know you way a Ton but the hulk probably ways more than you and I created this in case the hulk decides to take the elevator On accident so it wouldn't immediately brake."

Tony explained while pressing the button for their designated floor.

( would it be a button or would it be a touch screen interface no a voice command feature with Jarvis yesssss.)

"Jarvis top floor and call the other avengers we have a new member who may or may not be joining the team."

After saying that Jarvis simply closed the elevator doors and responded with a British accent.

"Certainly sir right away "

The spartan simply said. "What's that supposed to mean"

Tony turned around And gave his self praising speech "I'm giving you a promotion ya I know I'm just way too nice, anyway I'm sure you'll pay me back later.

(Tony shamelessly said without thinking about how it was his life that was saved by the spartan in the beginning.)

Alright so I've had this chapter for a while I went over it and fixed a few parts here and there.

Um I'm actually trying to improve my grades they are simply atrocious.

a friend of mine has recently been kicked from the school because of his grades and I'm trying to avoid that.

Thankfully a very nice Girl has entered my life and provided me with the support I've needed to continue with my education and not just enlist in the military like several other friends of mine.

Bottom line is that my creative Juices have been harnessed and drained and been put to use making essays for my english class and lab reports for my college Bio class.

I'm on a slippery slope, I either stay on the ball and pass or I lose way more than just a high school degree.

I'm sorry I wont abandon my works it's just that currently they are all on Hiatus.

Lol what a weird word any way I'll keep trying to introduce other works so that hopefully I can inspire some one else to write.

Shit ya things are looking up next up in homework is College Algebra bye yall have a blessed day reading and or writing.