
Sparkle Mystery

A detective must resolve the theft of her inheritance from her grandmother.

Texasjane · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Sparkle Mystery; Chapter 8; Officer Down

"Chief, have you been able to get a lead on where Janie might be? I get nothing on her cell phone. The last time I saw her she was headed to the fire."

"That is a big estate. The fire department did a good job getting all that cleaned up. Janie's mother is so angry. She said she will testify at Marie's trial and have her put away. She did not expect the woman to fight back. In that family. Fighting back started with Janie's grandmother, Irma. Irma passed it to her daughter, Jane who also passed it all down to her daughter, Jane."

"Barney, I am going to head back to the station. Maybe I can retrace Janie's direction from there. Something tells me I should at least start there."

"Not you too Chief."

"No, Barney. I don't think that ring is haunted or that anything else has happened. I just feel that you start at the last place you expect to find someone. You would be surprised how many have gotten caught that way."

"Good. For a minute I thought maybe she had convinced you all that spook stuff was real. I am going to the county records and getting maps of the estate. It should show us the back roads in and out of the place. Maybe give us an idea of where Janie might have driven."

"Great! Get several officers working on this. She has been missing now for twelve hours. Something is wrong. We gotta find her. She has not just dropped off the face of the earth. Someone will know where she is.

Hey, there goes her cousin." I see you; you snake in the grass. I think I will follow you for a bit. You are headed to the station? That is curious. I bet you are going to try and bail out Marie or something just as foolish. He is going down that hall towards the bail bond people. Sure, he is trying to negotiate bail. I am going to sit behind this coat rack. It is so full of coat stuff no one can see me. I almost hear him. "I want a put this ring up for collateral to get my momma out on bail."

"No, Mickey. Not the ring. I want to know how you got that. Better still put it away. Don't show it about. I got the bond taken care of so buss out of here till we can make some plans okay eh?

"But Jane is dead. I shot her. It looks like an accident. No one will find her for a while, if ever. Brian got her mother. I bet we take over the property within the next year". This guy is our attorney. Right? He can't say nothing about what I just told you. Right?"

"I wish I could hear better. There is something about Janie in there. I just know they know about her disappearance. Oh, the door is opening."

"Slam, Bam, Bam. Gotta yah. Catch… "

"The Ring? Hay, good going you are the best Son of a Siberian Sea Cook I ever knew Lewis. So glad you decided to come back as a coat rack. Good on yah. You nailed that idiot just right to send me flying in the air. Good catch, Bruce. You just going to stand there with your mouth open for the flies to get inside?"

"What, you are …."

"Yes, I am Irma, Janie's grandmother. We gotta get to her. She has been shot. Get one of your people to go after Brian and hold onto Mikey here. Thanks again, Lewis. Bruce, stop staring and talk to me. We gotta get to Janie. I know you don't believe in all this but right now I gotta go save Janie."

"I am with you, Irma. Stick me on your little finger. It makes communication a whole lot easier. Now let's head for the estate. We are going to come in from the Waxahachie side, so it is going to get bumpy"Irma, you mind telling me how you got yourself in this situation?"

"Well, at the time I just wanted to leave Janie something special. I had my ashes turned into a diamond. I figured she could use it for loans or to finance anything she ever really wanted to do. She has always wanted to be a private investigator that specialized in rescuing children. I knew she would need some schooling for that. Also, the estate would be a great headquarters for such an adventure. I did not expect to get trapped into spending eternity as a pink pear-shaped diamond."

"What do you think it would take to free you. I am not sure. Love is the only thing that comes to mind. Love can conquer anything. Here we are, Bruce. Slow down. Hold your hand up so I can get a better feel of what is … I hear her… "I hear her…"

"Bruce, please turn right a bit more, over there. Now get out and crawl along that path."

"Lewis, what are you doing here."

"I would follow you any where Irma. There is a lawn chair I used to live in down here. Janie is under that chair. She is hurt. Been shot."

"I found her, I found her. This is Chief Bruce Graham I am requesting emergency helicopter medical pick up at the following coordinates on the Farrar Estate. I will be here waiting. Keep this line open."

"Jane, can you talk?"

"Brrrruuce… I, I but, how did you find me?'

"Your grandmother brought me here."

"How did she know?"

"She asked a coat rack… I am new at this. I am so glad to know you are still with us girl. I don't think I could stand not having you in my life."

"Well, I'll be. Right here in front of everyone. You are kissing a fellow officer."

"The medics are here. I am going to go with Janie, Irma."

"We all are going with Janie, Bruce."