
Sparkle Mystery

A detective must resolve the theft of her inheritance from her grandmother.

Texasjane · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Sparkle Mystery; Chapter 9; The Mystery In the Sparkle

"Grandmother really came through didn't she Bruce. I wish I knew where she was. I know she has been free from the ring for almost a year now. I guess she and Lewis are finally having that romance she wanted years ago. Mother has remarried and I think the Son of a Siberian Sea Cook is an admiral by profession. I can't help but laugh every time I see her introduce her new son-in-law to Irma's voice. She loves to travel. My mother is cruising all over the seas and having the time of her life.

The papers are supposed to come through on the new Agency today. The Graham Detective agency. I wish grandmother were going to be here to see my dream come true."

"You, my dear wife will be taking desk duty until after that little one is born. I am making sure of that. Round the clock watching you. I fell in love with you the first day you told me off. I love you so very much. Now, what are you squirming around for?"

"Oh, I think labor has started. Get the medics…"

"I got everything in the car. Let's go."

"Well, that is fine, 'How do you do'. A body gets all spruced up and finds its way home after a year. There ain't nobody around to say, hay, where you been?"

"Well, she would not expect you to show up looking so fine. I must say we are the best-looking Irish Setters the world has ever seen. Janie will like it. I told her a long time ago I would always have red hair."

"What is that on that sign? The Agency… they got the agency going. Wonder where everyone is. I hate not knowing stuff. Let's get into the house. Follow me, Lewis. The little latch on this backdoor never did catch well. See. Told yah. Okay, look, there is water on the floor. I see some blood. What is going on here?"

"What are you doing in here, you filthy dogs? You get out. Missy Janie won't like you in here when she brings home that new baby."

"A Baby!!"

"Janie, is having a baby?"

Lewis, that means we have come full circle. Janie and I started with me rescuing her. We spent a lifetime rescuing each other. Now, it starts all new. I am in a place, well, you and I are in a place to help Bruce and Janie rescue children and to protect their children. The cycle of life continues.

"We gotta figure out how to let her know we are who we know we are. How do we do that?"

"Here, Irma. Put this on that collar. Not every Irish Setter has a pink pear-shaped diamond on its collar."

"You are right. We will wait in here for the nursery. I can outsmart that maid. Watch this. Oops, the door just latched the other way, and we are on the inside. When we hear them coming, I will just flip it? We will be fine."

"This agency is in for a lot of adventures. When you got two computer-savvy red setters on the job and two first-class detectives on the case."

"They sure took care of all the cousins. No more problems there. Imagine them all going crazy like that at the same time. Right there in court. Had to be hauled away. Claimed something was burning their skin."

"For sure and for certain, the future is a bright one."

This is only the beginning of the Mystery Sparkle Detective Agency. Janie and Bruce do not know they will have communication with the animal world and the human world. We can outsmart and outwit anybody. With my computer skills, remember I can still type with a pencil and you got that touch screen thing going on. While we are waiting for Bruce and Janie to get home with the baby, we best start recruiting our team. Let's head for the squirrels first. I think we will need a couple of cats on our team. Lewis, start a list...."

"How do you know you are going to be the one in charge? Simple, I will convenience Janie it is what Bruce wants. It is the only way to protect them both. I wonder if she is having a boy or a girl?

"Careful, I got Tyler. Who has Jane?"

"I have Jane. Bruce, but I think Irma is still in the stroller with the nurse. We need to head to the nursery. Now. Triplets. Wish my grandmother was here. Won't she be surprised when she finds out we got triplets? Two girls and a boy. We may have to change the name of the agency to the Mystery Sparkle Agency."

"Missy Janie, I gotta apologize. While you been gone a couple of dogs got in here. I tried to get them out but they locked themselves in the nursery."

"Two dogs?"

"Two big red ones."

"Bruce, I think grandmother is here."'

"What am I looking at? Bruce, we are looking at the beginning of the Mystery Sparkle Agency, complete with the K9 unit intact."

"How do you know that, Janie?"

"What do you see dangling from the collar?"

"A fifteen-carat pink diamond."

"That is exactly how this all started.